Old School gaming


Top comment: And this is why shooters shouldn't be played on a console.
Yeah I have a copy of double dragon stashed away too. Awesome game.

I lost my super smash bros game for N64.. But just bought a new one :)
did any of you play that Unreal Championship 2 on xbox? i think thats what it was called. you could melee or shoot and there were different range weapons grouped by ammo or whatever. and it had those coup de gras moves if you could do them properly. i loved that game.
Super Smash bros is F'n sweet. even an anti nintendo gamer couldnt say that game sucks, its just too fun. im having a hard time thinking of a better N64 game. the controls/movement on mario64 drove me nuts... but it was a good release regardless of my opinion. maybe zelda? hmm...
i was just trying to play BT vs DD on the emulator the other day. i cant even hardly get past the first damn stage. ugh! i used to love that game, curse getting old!
i cant get those damn Dragon Ball Z fighting game moves off anymore either. madden is a bit more my speed these days... i just crank up one of the old ones like 94 and run like hell with barry sanders :)
Huge Double Dragon fan. That game is hard though. I set my mind to conquering it but never quite did. There's actually a twist to the story I was unaware of. I thought I had it beat and little did I know - my own brother was waiting to take me down. Talk about deflating.

I've been playing this today, just got it in the mail with a few other games I ordered. I had never played it before, the soundtrack rocks.
I beat Demon Sword today on the NES, the ending sucked. At least I checked off another game on my backlog of unfinished NES games.
Will you take care of twin cobra, bayou billy, and metroid for me? I'm callin' in the heavy hitter lol

I don't have twin cobra and I've actually finished Metroid and Bayou Billy. The key to bayou billy is the jump kick, once you get that down the hardest part is the shooting and driving stages.
I don't have twin cobra and I've actually finished Metroid and Bayou Billy. The key to bayou billy is the jump kick, once you get that down the hardest part is the shooting and driving stages.

The driving is the PITA. Or later in the game when the enemies have guns... that's pretty ruthless.

I have twin cobra still, maybe I'll fire up the NES and beat that one of these days. Then after that you can have the game if you want.
I've recently started up a new game of ff9. Not as old school, but still a classic.
Ive been working my way up from 7 again, I'll skip 11 and 10-2 because fuck that shit, and keep going.
Has anyone ever played City Connection (NES)? All you did was drive around in a car (side scroller style) and paint the road. Cops chased you and every once in a while Cats would come flying across the screen. That game made no sense. It kind of makes me wish I was a programmer in the '80s just to see what was happening in the discussion room when that project got greenlit. Despite the sarcastic tone of my description, I always kind of enjoyed it.
Has anyone ever played City Connection (NES)? All you did was drive around in a car (side scroller style) and paint the road. Cops chased you and every once in a while Cats would come flying across the screen. That game made no sense. It kind of makes me wish I was a programmer in the '80s just to see what was happening in the discussion room when that project got greenlit. Despite the sarcastic tone of my description, I always kind of enjoyed it.

Yeah I've got that game in my collection, Paris Dakar Rally Special is a racing game that will really make you go WTF, I'm going to have to get it one of these days.

I have a few famicom games that I play on my adapter I made, mostly weird crap like that.

There was a game I used to really like on NES. Can't think of the name of it.

You cruised on roller blades, it was 2 player, and you beat the crap outta enemies.