Old School gaming

I think I have just about every NES title on emulator to go back and play whenever. NES shit the bin a few years back =(
What happened? I've fixed several, it might be a simple fix.

It was doing a few things, needed a cleaning for sure, but then it just wouldn't turn on. Its long gone now tho. I do still have all the games for it.. god a fucking box full man.. over 400 games easy. Ill find a new NES some day lol.
It was doing a few things, needed a cleaning for sure, but then it just wouldn't turn on. Its long gone now tho. I do still have all the games for it.. god a fucking box full man.. over 400 games easy. Ill find a new NES some day lol.

As long as you don't want the oldschool model, you can get the combo one at Thinkgeek.. it does both NES & SNES, 2 controllers.. and will play most of the Japanese original versions of both systems as well. 49.99
I never put much time into a boy and his blob, was a funny game tho. Not sure about that rumor.

Festers Quest was another one I liked to play for some reason.

I looked it up, apparently the trick is to toss some other flavor then quickly toss the ketchup one...which makes him turn into a useless brick wall.
That is impressive still!

I know there is a lot of money there in games but I'm just never going to get rid of them. They represent my childhood growing up lol. Each game has a story behind it.
Haven't seen the box they are in for a while now tho, I should try to find it and dig it out soon.
I looked it up, apparently the trick is to toss some other flavor then quickly toss the ketchup one...which makes him turn into a useless brick wall.

i'm ashamed to admit how many times i tried to do that and never pulled it off. then i would get pissed at the blob and throw a bean off a cliff and laugh maniacally as he jumped over edge after it. fussy little shit making frowny faces at the ketchup bean pissed me off.
some people actually like to support companies that put that out there, same with music, you like an album best thing to do is buy it to support to artist. I almost never pirate my games nor use emulators because i like the company, and i want their products to support them i buy their products so they can continue making something i like....kids these days jeesh

if u buy a NES off the internet i am sure none of that money goes back to nintendo. i buy indie albums all the time never going to give a dime of my money to major labels though. i have boxes in my garage with 5-600 cds from along time before iTunes.
i support artists i like by going to shows when they come to town and smoking them out with some cali meds. i DL all my video games fuck paying 60 dollars for a game that 90% of the time i will not be playing in a month. if i really like a title i will buy it brand new cuz fuck gamestop. i dont think my choice to not pay for the latest game is going to cause anyone to lose thr job.

I love my NES emulator playing games from my childhood on my 60" beats the crappy TV we had growing up also i put the 360 away when my niece and nephew come over they have to play 8 bit with me...kids these days and thr damn cell phone games