One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

It's getting so fat, I can't wait to see it flower, I have no idea what's going to happen.
This is by far the most horizontal, perfectly wide scrog grow I've ever seen, good job.
When are you planning to 12/12?
It's getting so fat, I can't wait to see it flower, I have no idea what's going to happen.
This is by far the most horizontal, perfectly wide scrog grow I've ever seen, good job.
When are you planning to 12/12?

Yeh i know me neither, gettin kinda anxious. Had to remove half a column on the right as i dont want the plant flowering into the ducting. This space will be used to squeeze in one of these fans to give some air circulation under the canopy. U'll see what i mean nearer the time. Had a look at her yesterday, again lots of growth, again she's lookin real bushy. Think today i'm gona do quite a serious trim and tie down, so she'll take a while to recover again. Thinking 2 weeks today could be a good time to stick her in to 12/12. Depends how long she takes to recover from todays cleanup really.

holy crap. she sure appreciates the love my brother, no doubt about that. so what exactly is this double screen?

Yeh, she just doesn't like me stripping her. I'll try and roughly show u what ive got in mind for the double screen in todays update so stay tuned
I would definately recommend that you don't stop LST'ing her, but maybe stop pruning for a couple weeks until 12/12.
Don't just let her grow out of control to recover, keep her tied down.
New update on mi thread pal..think ull like it..or signature pal..

That threads too active man! I need a page number

I would definately recommend that you don't stop LST'ing her, but maybe stop pruning for a couple weeks until 12/12.
Don't just let her grow out of control to recover, keep her tied down.

I'm gona do a major prune tonight, and then hopefully leave her alone until i flip her. I want to let her grow for at least a week completely naturally before i flip to 12/12. I'm always gona have to tie her down i think, at least until after the stretch. Paid a visit to homebase and grabbed some serious LST tools.
  • Took like 4hrs to sort her out properly today, now she looks pretty bare but the green will grow back! Her mad branching will have to do meanwhile. She's not quite exactly how i'd like her to be, some branches still need folding down, but i'll do that tomorrow, ive given up for today.

  • The amount of leaf i removed was kinda scary, but there were so many nodes in complete shade. I'm hoping by removing all the leaf i did, branch sites will get light now and branches will begin to grow! Either way she's gona take a good few days to recover.

  • She seems to be drinking a lot more than usual these days, not sure if its because of her size or the hot weather but i'm watering every 3 days or so, and pretty much full strength nutes each time, must be cos they're organic.

  • Will give here a foilar spray with Halo tomorrow in an attempt to kick start some new branching/bud sites.

  • I'll try and illustrate that 2nd screen sometime this week for those wondering what the plan is.




Holy Ganja that's a very ingenious idea friend, I can NOT wait to see what your gonna do with that double screen idea, I have a feeling this grow will be a canon for others to follow. Subbed and +rep !
This is by far the most interesting grow I have ever seen, I hope someday I am good enough to duplicate it...........Very Cool !!!!!!!!!!!
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6415477 said:
thats one fat plant :)

Only gona get fatter!

man i cant wait to have a screen going on. you are a talented fellow

Screens are hard work, but add a new challenge to growing, definitely worth trying even if you're not trying to maximise your yield. It's not talent its luck believe me, knowing which leaves to cut off has been a complete guess so far, ive never done pruning of this sort before, or LST'ing for that matter. My environment makes growing a hell of a lot easier, so many times i see people who's plants are struggling and i think if only you stuck that plant in a proper growing environment she'd bounce back without the grower having to do much work. Read my first grow journal and see just how anal i used to be when i started. After my first grow i realised the only way to be a good grower is to learn to read the plants, and that just comes from experience really. Either way, thanks for the kind words!

Lovin it mate, real real nice cant wait to c the end product ;-)

Appreciate u stoppin by! Had a peek at ur journal, never seen a 6 week finisher before. Shame about the rot, i've been there with my SLH, not nice. Other than that, good job man, lookin foward to ur next one!

lovely mate....rep given...

Cheers Kev, still waitin on that page number! Might as well wait till ur next update now.

Holy Ganja that's a very ingenious idea friend, I can NOT wait to see what your gonna do with that double screen idea, I have a feeling this grow will be a canon for others to follow. Subbed and +rep !

I can't be the only person on here to do a grow like this, surely... Cheers anyway! I have a feeling this double screen is gona be a huge hassle... still tryin to figure out how i'm gona secure the screen in place ect. Hopefully its a success and people do emulate it, I wouldn't recommend this for everyone though, takes some serious dedication!

This is by far the most interesting grow I have ever seen, I hope someday I am good enough to duplicate it...........Very Cool !!!!!!!!!!!

Again appreciate the kind words, never thought this journal would get that much love and attention! This is only my 3rd grow, first one was 2 super lemon haze's completely untrained, left to grow naturally just so i could get an idea of how these plants grow, 2nd grow was Blue cheese and sour diesel to give my hand at topping and LST'ing, and in this one ive just taken it one step further! U can duplicate it now! What ive done isn't hard, just very time consuming. Had a quick look at ur journal, everything looks spot on, for a first grow ur doing a hell of a lot better than i did! Keep it up, i'm sub'd. Anyway thanks for stopping by
soz bro thread moves fast u can always hit my signature at bottom of post and it will take pics on today so ill leave u a link mate
Ah yes, experience. The gift you can only purchase with time. Well you seem to have gained some of this "experience" you speak of lol.

Indeed i have, be it limited, however i'm still learning new things on a daily basis!

soz bro thread moves fast u can always hit my signature at bottom of post and it will take pics on today so ill leave u a link mate

Nice 1 kev
  • She's recovered well! Slowly creating a nice canopy again. Already there's a lot of branching that needs to be tied down.

  • Been in a RTA over the weekend and as a result can't walk for the next 2 months, which is gona make taking care of this one a mission and a half! Don't exactly know what i'm gona do yet, need nutes/bulbs/sticky traps from shop, need 15L of water at a time from the floor above for watering...tying her down is gona me EVEN more of a mission now....

  • Based on how well she reacted to my last clean up, i think i'll hit her with one more big one before i leave her for a week and switch to 12/12, still need these smaller branches to grow vertically a little (see pics).

  • I turned the whole plant around 180 degrees as i felt the near side of the cupboard was somehow getting more light than the back, probably due to the angle of the reflector. Hopefully this week the front will get the most light and catch up again. She'll be put back the way she was for flowering.





dude ur shit is a zoo
ahhaha i clicked on ur page like oooo yyaaaaa the dude with the knex aha

i wanna see ur buds on that thing lol

thanks for rep too brrruuuuu givin in return

how far in veg are you?
we may be head to head here
A zoo eh? I see..

Eeeeeveryone but anyone laughs at the fact i'm using a kids toy for such a purpose, but as i keep sayin, its PERFECT for what i'm trying to do! Cant wait to see these cola's grow... If i fuck up its down to me cutting too much off, overcrowding, or mould. Truth be told i dont remember exactly when i planted her, but i'm sure she's around 11-12 weeks veg. She'd be a lot bigger if it wasn't for my weekly deforestation i hit her with, always takes her a while to recover and start growing again. The way we've grown ours are completely different though, will be interesting to see how each turn out. I'm flipping mine in roughly 2 weeks too, so we should be neck and neck, hopefully she fills my screen by then. Highly highly doubt i'll get anywhere near a pound off her though. I'm only lookin at a cheeky 10oz!