One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Niiiiiiiiiiice, looks fuckin PRIME. And huge, must know what ur doin! One day i too will have a room like that just u watch. How long does it take u to maintain that each time? Thats sort of a similar idea to what ive got in mind for my next screen, although i dont think i'll hang it. It'll be supported from underneath, and throughout the stretch i'll keep moving it up little by little until the stretch is over, then once i know the final size of each branch i'll tie them all down to get them the same height in each of their squares, and hopefully from my second screen up will be cola's! Sound about right?
Vegging under HPS will lead to slower and more lanky growth. Plus you will be burning out your expensive, really nice HPS bulbs. (I veg with a combination of Mh bulbs, none of them over $20 each. My cheap ass sylvania 400 watt (driven with 600) actually does a better job of vegging than the $70 600 watt digilux Mh.

My 2 cents.

I agree with legally, didn't realize the 600 was hps, mh is the only way to veg. I would use floros over hps any day.
Thanks for the compliment. I used to support a PVC pipe screen from the bottom but dealing with the legs was kind of a pain in the ass and I would kick them all the time on accident. But then again my room is crammed with plants so you may not have that problem. I like the hanging screen (4 wires on each screen) cause I can just swing it out of the way when I'm done so I can clean and what not.

I spend about 15 minutes a day in there once they hit the screen. Honestly I don't know if two screens is worth it; or at least not on a larger scale. It takes allot of time to tie shit, even worse, after harvest you have to UNTIE everything which is really a drag. Again it's a scale thing. With one or two plants no big deal, but with 66 square feet of screen...ughh.

All I basically do to train is pull the center stalks out to the side while pulling the outer stalks towards the middle and up through the screen. This is done to get the outer stalks (which are typically lower), higher than the central growing shoots. This will cause them to become the dominant shoots (by virtue of auxin distribution) and grow slightly faster. It also bulks the outer stems up a bit. The only marathon training comes in during the stretch.

Towards the end of the stretch I move the branches around so that all the apical (growing tips on the end of each branch) are positioned directly under the lights. For instance: a middle stalk is trained towards the edge of the screen. Once side shoots are big enough and passing through the screen the branch and shoot tip are trained back towards the middle. When the stretch is pretty much over I take one very long session to ensure each bud site has it's own square then I don't fuck with it again.

You'll get the hang of it. As you get better and re-invest in your room I can't over emphasize the value of a proper co2 system. The plants grow so much faster and bigger, it's almost comical.

Thanks for the compliment. I used to support a PVC pipe screen from the bottom but dealing with the legs was kind of a pain in the ass and I would kick them all the time on accident. But then again my room is crammed with plants so you may not have that problem. I like the hanging screen (4 wires on each screen) cause I can just swing it out of the way when I'm done so I can clean and what not.

I spend about 15 minutes a day in there once they hit the screen. Honestly I don't know if two screens is worth it; or at least not on a larger scale. It takes allot of time to tie shit, even worse, after harvest you have to UNTIE everything which is really a drag. Again it's a scale thing. With one or two plants no big deal, but with 66 square feet of screen...ughh.

All I basically do to train is pull the center stalks out to the side while pulling the outer stalks towards the middle and up through the screen. This is done to get the outer stalks (which are typically lower), higher than the central growing shoots. This will cause them to become the dominant shoots (by virtue of auxin distribution) and grow slightly faster. It also bulks the outer stems up a bit. The only marathon training comes in during the stretch.

Towards the end of the stretch I move the branches around so that all the apical (growing tips on the end of each branch) are positioned directly under the lights. For instance: a middle stalk is trained towards the edge of the screen. Once side shoots are big enough and passing through the screen the branch and shoot tip are trained back towards the middle. When the stretch is pretty much over I take one very long session to ensure each bud site has it's own square then I don't fuck with it again.

You'll get the hang of it. As you get better and re-invest in your room I can't over emphasize the value of a proper co2 system. The plants grow so much faster and bigger, it's almost comical.


No worries man, wouldn't compliment ur grow if u didn't deserve it. Yeh i see what u mean, i would DEFINITELY not do a grow like this if i had any more than 1 plant. I'm not growin this one for money or maximum yield, just purely for fun as an experiment to get some crazy looking plant, and some killer smoke on the side!

Hanging a screen does definitely make more sense generally speaking, but i wana K'nex this shit! And with K'nex is a piece of cake to move the screen up. Got a rough plan i'll run by you before jumping into anything. Screen 2 will have 4 legs that attach to screen 1. Time is not a limiting factor in this grow, and ive put so much effort into it already that i might as well put all the effort in required to make it as good as possible now, so i'm still gona make a second screen, plus it'll help perfectly space all branching out.

Seems like ive got a lot more branching than required, in fact i could flip her today and she'd still fill up the second screen easy, but i'm going for a particular look so im gona train her to the edge of this screen. I dont know how to pick which branches to keep and which to cut other than size obviously. If all are at the same height, are there better ones to keep i.e. branches that come from lower parts of the main stalk (will use less energy suckin nutes around the plant due to shorter distance from roots).

My plan to handle the stretch is exactly as u've stated above, by pulling the taller stalks out to the sides and letting the shorter ones grow straight up. I'm hoping though that i wont have to do much of this, ideally i dont want to pull any branches out, again due to the look i'm going for, but its no big ting if i hav to. Only marathon training comes during stretch?! Not if u train a plant like me! I spent 3 1/2 hours today on her tying down the branches trying to make the plant as flat as possible and expose as many branches. Check the update in a bit.

Its funny u mention CO2, i was literally looking up prices of a proper CO2 system. However if i were to implement such a system i'd have to make drastic changes to this set up i think, and its not worth it, as i'm only gona get one more grow out of this cab before i gotta move out. Something ive definitely got my eye on for the future though. Thanks for all the info man, very very useful, and very reassuring to know that my plan to handle the stretch is the way to do it properly and not just an experiment of mine that could go wrong! I did a lot of research on scrogs and flicked though loads of journals before starting mine, so ive always had a rough idea of what to expect and how to manage things, probably why things are still running smoothly and not out of control.... yet... however, as i stated before, experience plays a much bigger part than research in such a hobby.
Aint much else for me to do these days other than to attend to my lady so i thought i'd take her out today and tie her down... properly, no leaves trimmed, all tucked. I dont understand how this shit takes so long, but what u see is 3hrs+ worth of work.... And no i wasn't horribly buzzing when i did it, got a cold, no puff for me till i'm all better! Gona smash records with this break.

Thinking maybe a week today, she dusn't need to reach the edge of the screen, only the middle of the outter holes. I'm hoping a week, but knowing this stupid plant and its slow growth probably 2 weeks. U should see the size of its stalk.... about as thick as my thumb, its the biggest stalk ive grown by far. Wont be able to take a pict of it until like 3 weeks into flower.
I couldn't agree with u more, but i can only do that if i find a carer for them. I'm already going to have to leave the last couple weeks of this grow in someone else's hands, last time i did that (different person in mind this time), they did a decent job but not really up to my own standards! They semi-followed my instructions and i got back to find the plant had pretty much completely dried up, didn't even need to hang upside down, buds went straight into jars. Yellow leaves EVERYWHERE. Basically i dont want to leave clones AND this badboy in someone else's hands, cos i doubt they'll take care of this one correctly let alone the clones as well, which will need a different nute mix, lighting schedule ect ect.

Its a shame though, ive got a fully functioning veg cab, same footprint as the flowering cab, and its sitting empty :(

Hopefully i can find someone and clone all excess branching, they can take a few for themselves, and i'll grab the rest when im back in town
I couldn't agree with u more, but i can only do that if i find a carer for them. I'm already going to have to leave the last couple weeks of this grow in someone else's hands, last time i did that (different person in mind this time), they did a decent job but not really up to my own standards! They semi-followed my instructions and i got back to find the plant had pretty much completely dried up, didn't even need to hang upside down, buds went straight into jars. Yellow leaves EVERYWHERE. Basically i dont want to leave clones AND this badboy in someone else's hands, cos i doubt they'll take care of this one correctly let alone the clones as well, which will need a different nute mix, lighting schedule ect ect.

Its a shame though, ive got a fully functioning veg cab, same footprint as the flowering cab, and its sitting empty :(

Thanks for all the pics, I love having multiple angles to really see whats going on.

How long do you need to be away from your setup? If you start working with a timed drip feeder now you can get it to a point it will last you a week or 2. Clones can do quite well in an aero cloner for weeks as well. I have a very simple design (maybe 20-30 dollars worth of parts) for a 5 gal bucket cloner that i have left clones in unattended for a month at a time.
I would rather leave my flowering plants and clones in someone else's care than just the flowering plant, worst case they don't know how to take care of the big lady but its hard to mess up cuttings that have taken root then at least you have those to fall back on as opposed to starting again from seed with nothing to show for your work.
I'll take more multi angle shots in the future, gives u a much better idea as to what im looking at when i do my maintenance. Maybe ur right, but im telling you now, nothing is gona happen to my mistress. If i gotta train this person up a few weeks before hand then so be it, ive put far too much time and effort into this for it not to come out nearly perfect. For my last grow for most the grow i only checked up on my plants once a week, and i used drippers and a 7 day digital timer, worked pretty well actually, but those nutes weren't organic. I asked about whether i could use the same system for organic nutes and was advised against it, due to the thickness of the organic nutes, its like syrup, he said it would be too thick to be pumped through the hosing. However once diluted up its fine.... so im not reeeeally too sure what he meant by that....

Even if i were to set up a dripper system, this plant drinks so much so quickly, and its only gona get worse. I dont have a reservoir big enough to hold 2-3 weeks worth of nutes, and dont want to buy one cos i aint got any space for it and will only need it once in a blue moon. At the moment i just mix up 15L fresh every time i feed.

Ive never given my hand at cloning but have read up quite a lot on it. Gona look into this aero cloner, sounds ideal though. If i take clones and give them out i can always take them back off those growers when i'm back. I'd rather leave it in an experienced persons hands. Also that way, the person takin care of my chunky monkey can focus all their attention on that one plant! I duno man i gotta think about this one... definately want to clone her though, its just a case of when, how, who
This is the kind of growing plan that I was trying to start all summer. Finally I have started my SCROG grow, but I am only on the beginning of the road. This is miracle that I came up to this amazing SCROG grow. I will learn a lot from you. In smaller scales of course. Definitely subscribed.
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6442474 said:
why cant you care for her all the way through?

Nairobi awaits my arrival

This is the kind of growing plan that I was trying to start all summer. Finally I have started my SCROG grow, but I am only on the beginning of the road. This is miracle that I came up to this amazing SCROG grow. I will learn a lot from you. In smaller scales of course. Definitely subscribed.

Glad to have you aboard! This is my first real (upside down) scrog attempt, i'm only one grow ahead of u in our growing careers! We all gotta start somewhere, wish i had a time lapse of this plants growth from seed, wud look insane! Doing a scrog like this is very hard and lots and lots of work, so if u choose to go down this route be warned. Otherwise just do a normal scrog! Much easier and quicker turnover!
sorry its 59 lol..but its on page 1700 anyway updates be on tomoz aswell pal if u want wait till then..upto u..ill send u a link tomoz anyway...