One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Ok so you dry for a week or two do you cure? I've been drying my stuff for about 3days longer then you I'm ready to cure so how do i do that this is a first for me!
i think you want to jar them for a week try snapping a bud if it bends n doesnt snap they need more dry time. but if your 3 days ahead of him more then likely there ready for jars. kyle kushman says he jars for a week then cracks the jar if you smell ammonia theyr not dry enough if you smell sweet bud you did your job. I think you can also use turkey bags if you have a large harvest. again this is my .02 n how i plan on doing so when i harvest some else may chime in with diff ideas?...
if the stem slightly bends then breaks its good then put in a jar and open the jar everyday pouring it out and lettig it sit for 10 min. do that everyday for 2 weeks then only once a week
  • Last night (Friday) i jarred all the bud tryin to draw out the moisture evenly through the bud (sweating it).
  • Turns out the seals on my jars aren't as tight as they used to be so they weren't completely air tight. To try and get round this i made cling film squares to act as seals.
  • For the first 12hrs in the jars no jar has a cling film seal on it. For that reason the buds didn't sweat as much as they should have, but some did.
  • The ones that did were hung up to dry after 12hrs, and at the same time i stuck cling film seals on the rest of the jars.
  • By evening the ones that were hung up turned crispy again, so i jarred them up, again using these make shift seals.
  • About 5 hours later i checked on them to find all the bud in all the jars slightly moist and squidgy again, so instead of hanging them up to dry and them drying quickly, i've left all the bud in the jars and the jars open, in a well ventilated cool place. Hopefully this'll slow down the drying time a bit. Hopefully nothing will mold, that would be killer. Will leave it like this overnight and inspect all jars tomorrow morning

So Im all new to this site but my buddie devils love showed me this sight and your amazing green thumb lol i just had one ?........i noticed in the earlier pics you had just a simple indoor house plant(its looked like a spider plant) beside your there and signifence behind it??? cause im clueless

tip[ for lillidian take sum of the buds out of the jar mate they look to compact pal and keep stirring the jars daily mate

I was thinking that but im a noob lol. from what ive read if its too packed you run the risk of getting mould.

Well done on the grow! did you notice any benefits from running the uvb light?
Couple questions... why would soil cool down faster than heat up? I thought it was a matter of the thermal capacity of the soil. Given a specific thermal capacity..the heating and cooling rates would be the same. takes a lot of heat to warm water, but it stays warmer longer than say a rock... which heats and cools quickly.

A simply (and very beneficial) source of heat is a dehumidifier. I have two large ones running in my room at night. to stabilize temperatures.

I will say that night time temperatures are pretty critical though. I got alot of stretch in my last grow as my wife didn't empty the dehu and it wasn't cooling at night during the first week of flower while I was out of town... yes, I was pissed but it happens.

You don't have to be concerned about negative pressure, or the lack of it. I doubt there is much negative pressure in there anyways unless it is completely sealed super tight. Even then the negative pressure would be negligible.

I know this is a bit late but what are your ideal temps? ive read everything from 60 to 95! everyone saying different but none really with proof
anything between 80-85 is perfect mate higher if co2 is introduced mate

Thanks for that. Im going as low as 61 when the lights off. From the article i read it made sense because it was simulating night time temps. Its a nice 80-85 when the lights on tho. Thats why by buds are no where near as big as littleindians and ive only got 3 weeks left so thats something for my next attempt. Its my first go tho and i maxed out my budget so as long as i get a smoke im happy and its all a good learning experience.
the best way to do it is keep the temps within 10-15 degrees when lights are off to when they are on and get the lights as close as poss then theres less strech and denser buds imo