one of four has hay smell, same batch


Well-Known Member
Just a cure question. My normal harvest goes, wet trim, dry 5- 7 days in dark cool cabinet. Then into jars with burping procedures. Have 4 mason jars from same plants. There about 3 weeks into the jars. ONE of the jars has a pungent hay smell. Others all are nicely aeromatic. Anyone else have this happen? Any tricks to ridding the hay smell after a 3week cure already? Or do i need to donate this jar to the personal batch?
Would a paper bag help here?

I've heard paper bags work. I tend to slow cure my buds (4 week minimum). So for me the dump out jar let sit, replace works great. Just a lot of work when you have 100+ jars.

Paper will work, just likely to dry faster, or if you keep the buds on one another, less likely to offgas from the center of the mound as well as the rest.

For me it's about exposing as much surface area to fresh air as possible, then rejarring to sweat
Hay smell mainly is chlorophyll not breaking down properly. Mostly caused by an early chop or drying too fast. Fast dry does not allow the time needed for the chloropyl to break down properly.
Why I have ONE hay smell jar still baffels me though. Same plants, same strain, grown exactly the same. All buds were mixed together while chopping and not like i have a single plant alone in each jar. All plants are spread throughout all the jars. The smell is very potent and aeromatic on the other jars. Just one of the mysteries of the world.
Hay smell does not affect the high so much. These might not smell right but, you still get baked as hell. I made the mistake of enjoying a morning bowl... Forgetting This is my couchlock indica, grown for sleep management. Its going to be a v long day lol!
I did dump the jar before i left onto a screen and through it in a cabinet. Almost a month into cure im not expecting a change but we will see.