Well-Known Member
One of the best things to do while high,

Seeing just how many times I can get the wife's eyes to roll back in her head from a severe tongue lashing before my bottom jaw falls off. :P

Next is running my bass boat down the creek at 74mph :)

Peace and Lick it Up


PS: Not sure why I am feeling a bit evil tonight o_O


Well-Known Member
I wasn't too hard on the show. Yeah, I called it bad. It is not very bad. But it is not National Geographic quality in the traditional sense. The plot is totally canned though. I like the fish. Wow. Great fish. Paul's the goofy former guy?
Yeah I'm just messing around, it's obviously not that great of a show, it's reality, how good could it be?

Lately they've been showing more bullshit scenes and drama crap between the boats but the actual fishing is badass. Paul is the dude who's laugh is hysterical. He's with the kid from Pinwheel this season on the north vs South one.

Part of the reason I like it is because it's pretty much plotless, and mindless and I grew up fishing off the cape and have done a lot of shark fishing out in the Stellwater Gap, which is where they go to when they leave Gloucester. Plus the boston accents remind me of all my friends from home- always worth a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
|I looked up what ramen noodles were cause im ignorant and i was shown this piece of work. You feel me?

omg at 2:18 he puts some butter on the pan and claims: this is the sound of the hood.
I think it is originally a prison thing. Ramen gets sold in the commissary and it's prep has been raised to an art form. It's a ghetto thing now but only because of prison. It was an awesome quote and the producers knew it, so it got repeated a few times. This guy is a real specimen. He has a very narrow perspective - for example: he was hovering over the one guy with the phone who was making an order to the grocery store and every item the guy ordered that wasn't a box of 32 ramen noodles drove him crazy. But he really lost it when radishes were ordered. He starts ranting: "Radishes! We don't need no pickled radishes! What do we need pickled horse radishes for?!, So there are very few points of information and understanding in him. He has heard of pickled horseradish though. Dunno how. And he is determined to wrestle each disparate piece of information into his woefully sparse matrix-of-understanding.

According to the laughably elvish worst-host-I-have-ever-seen, they vote out one member each month and bring in a new one. I figure this fact exposes the lie that is their "live" web ap. no way they will run a live feed that would expose who got removed in episodes that have not aired yet. They all lie. We practically force them to.

This may be my guilty pleasure of the year. I loved the now defunct show called "the Colony". Same concept but the producers hired motorcycle gangs to dress like they were from Mad Max and they would periodically attack. Good fun. Amazing how immersive they seemed to get when defending their supply of food.

I kept telling my wife that I would solve Utopia's secesstion problem with two bullets in the back of their heads (or a shovel -I'm easy). But that would only be in the case of a zombiepocalypse. Short of that I would respect our democratic traditions.

BTW. Back in the 1950s during an earlier dark period of editors, National Geographic suffered through their "red shirt" period. They had just adopted color photography after resisting it for a while as 'sensationalistic'. But suddenly they would not publish a photo unless it fully expressed the spectrum of colors that color film offered. So every single photographer carried with them a huge trunk of red articles. Red shirts, scarves, skirts, socks, blankets, etc.. Before taking a photograph they would festoon their subjects with various red items. They felt super bad about it eventually.

If it were only that bad today.

I don't think I have ever heard a member of the Commonwealth's opinion on Mel Brookes. Do you have one?


Well-Known Member
YOU FEEL ME? oh god
Google "fox utopia". Once you do that it seems to be impossible to not see the current episode. I am inferring that Fox thinks highly of it from this. The wizards at FOXco but be giving each other hand jobs to celebrate their success - but it will be Pyrrhic. All of them will be sucking Sea Monkeys out of a hose before long. All of them.


Well-Known Member
|I looked up what ramen noodles were cause im ignorant and i was shown this piece of work. You feel me?

omg at 2:18 he puts some butter on the pan and claims: this is the sound of the hood.
Oh, I forgot. His use of the word butter is a metaphor for 100%-chemical butter analog. That shit is Country Crock. No butter there you feel me?


Well-Known Member
One of the best things we do when getting stoned would be building a DEN in our living room using the couch / sofa, our bed mattress and bed sheets.

Me and my house mates will often build these DENs (Given we are 22 years old its still fun). We'll chuck in a lot of duvets and pillows and then usually have my surround sound system inside with my TV.

If you manage to cover all holes in the DEN, then you can also HOT BOX this shit out of the thing.

Best of all when you are stoned and watching TV inside a smokey dark but very comfortable area you will often go through tripping moments where you may think your inside a space ship, or even inside the TV.

Some times, I've even believed I was giant; sat inside a tiny cinema.

Watching gravity or motion simulator movies whilst inside the DEN whilst blazing is also very surreal experience.

What other things do other stoners do to increase their pleasure and experience when blazing.
i did this as a child,with all the cushions off the sofas usually at my grandparents..fond childhood memories...


Well-Known Member
or example: he was hovering over the one guy with the phone who was making an order to the grocery store and every item the guy ordered that wasn't a box of 32 ramen noodles drove him crazy. But he really lost it when radishes were ordered. He starts ranting: "Radishes! We don't need no pickled radishes! What do we need pickled horse radishes for?!
AHAHAHAHAHA you described that so well i imagined im pissing meself. I wanna give you a jar full of weed man


Well-Known Member
Id just ike to leave on the record that OP is being shitty as fuck. You cant start a thread like this and not come back to it again, people wanna see you take it. Obama...


Id just ike to leave on the record that OP is being shitty as fuck. You cant start a thread like this and not come back to it again, people wanna see you take it. Obama...
Sorry dude, I have been busy building my forts. Love the fact that this has got so much hype;

I can take all the banter, I welcome it; Although it seems to have gone off topic a little bit talking about ramen noodles.


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, I have been busy building my forts. Love the fact that this has got so much hype;

I can take all the banter, I welcome it; Although it seems to have gone off topic a little bit talking about ramen noodles.
Come on great food for the eerie!


AHAHAHHA i crap my tits every time i re read this epicness. OP rules guys! Ive never heard such infantile stoning activities so proudly and elequently put. i wish the Bigsby his fucking self stopped being a little pussy and came tear this guy a new one.

HAHAHAH You build a little makeshift ramshackle domicile in your gaff and lure your mates with weed into it to watch the tele, i cant get over it man. I just hope you keep the age of participants equal to yours, substances consumed and activities partaken the same in the future to come.

You sound like a my little pony fan? Is that one of the best things to watch when high?
