One sad site....


Well-Known Member
You're allready hinting toward growing thier next year
Maybe you haven't learned anything.....
I caught that as well. To the OP, think about stuff bit more BEFORE you take action. I did feel bad for ya, but it seems like your asking for it.
Good luck


mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Soil is for guerilla grow next year which will not be planted on my property.

Also will be planting autoflowers because they stay small.

Bud Hawk

Yea its bad when the police come and take you girls.I live in the states and do it outdoors also they fly helicopters all over for about a month looking for it.They are actually really good at it.I see truck loads going by all the time.Their worse than those young highschool kids that walk the woods looking for it.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Talked to a laywer today, laughed when I told him what I got busted for. Should get out ok, just gotta be more careful in the future, FTP(fuck the police, free the plants).



Well-Known Member
im sorry man.. i had my shit ripped in 2007.. nearly killed me. i cried for weeks. i had some bomb skunk plants. bagseed, buds shipped from arizona... feel for ya.. but for real, you gotta resist that urge to tell people because of how excited you are. mine are known by a few people, but no one has ever really seen them so i could be lying for all they know.. nobody around here grows crop like i'm growing.. if anything, shitty plants from bagseeds that look terrible.


mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thanks guy. Its so hard to look at the pictures of my girl, she was so beautiful. Smelt like coffee, but if you sqeezed on one of her buds she smelt really fruity.

Just thought id post these pics, was looking through them today... brings tears to my eyes...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Was walking around my backyard for a couple of hours today, brought back alot of memories. Its been sunny weather for the last 2 weeks, and is going to be sunny and high twenties for awhile. Perfect weather to finish up my girl, she was so close..

I miss her so much, I was digging threw the soil finiding worms and other shit and digging in the compost pile. Mosquitoes were really bad today, and biting me all over, I didnt brush them off though I just let them bite me, reminded me of growing so much.

Laywer called today, said we are probably going to have to go to court 2-3 times. Each time costing $900. Guess my plant is somewhere right now getting tested for THC content.
$900 a pop!! You need to ask your lawyer where this is heading. If he is just going to plead you out, I would hope he has clout to validate his price tag. By clout, I mean he has played golf with the prosecuting attorney and is able to leverage a better deal than a court appointed attorney. That's how it works down here anyway.


Well-Known Member
I remember when i got in trouble, based on what i was doing every lawyer wanted 10-15 thousand to help me. Finally i got a lawyer to plea me out a deal for 2500.00
He turned out to really take my money because i never got the deal i wanted till i had to fire him.

Choosing a lawyer carefully is a art.