One Seed, One Disire

Student, it isn't necessarily the nutes but very well could be.

Plants grow in spurts, expecially at the beginning. Most likely the plant was slowly creating foliage while the roots expanded.

Once they expanded then a grow spurt comes.
Student, it isn't necessarily the nutes but very well could be.

Plants grow in spurts, expecially at the beginning. Most likely the plant was slowly creating foliage while the roots expanded.

Once they expanded then a grow spurt comes.

thats cool as hell, does it create the foliage to help the roots grow or is it just apart of the process , cause an intresting theory would be to cover all around the soil with the stem sticking up out of w/e matteral ill say tin foil cause it reflects light back up and it will help the roots grow / wither be less light, humidity, who knows helping the roots grow , a down side would be mold ? or root rot ? cuase the humidity would go up ? or need for oxygen ?
Just from personal observation I always see my roots expand and surely enough a few days later, growth pics up a lot.

Its just about different stages of growth. Usually depends on the strain but the plant will start picking up around week 3.
I FIMMED TODAY !!!!then watered lol

im not sure if i did correctly i just chopped off 2/3 the new leafs that were growing up , im not sure if i was only supposed to do the smallest two im the middle but i did it lol , ill post some pics tomorrow :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
ok so i kinda fixed the adult nat problem by putting garlic in the bottom tray i put under the box to get thoughs damn anoying nats to fly away .... but then i got a horrible smell that pretty much stained my garage so i had to get rid of it .... then to keep the fuckers from breeding i put a piece of paper over the soil

i also have pictures of my fim so ! yeah im not in the best of moods but hea .... it will all be worth it when i see the sweet trichromes of the sticky stanky female flower of the notorious Marry Jane

also i see a mutated leaf ? ! does any one else see it on one of the pictures ? it has its pares then its like one small one .... its quite intresting
lookin good man, i wouldnt leave that paper towel on there too long will give ya a mold prob. About to post a few pics of my babys but they are lookin a lil gimp atm.
Student, it isn't necessarily the nutes but very well could be.

Plants grow in spurts, expecially at the beginning. Most likely the plant was slowly creating foliage while the roots expanded.

Once they expanded then a grow spurt comes.

I dunno......

There sure have been a lot of these coincidences occurring shortly after an application of this stuff.....

Not trying to hype it up, BUT

You are welcome to try a sample and see for yourself...
thats cool as hell, does it create the foliage to help the roots grow or is it just apart of the process , cause an intresting theory would be to cover all around the soil with the stem sticking up out of w/e matteral ill say tin foil cause it reflects light back up and it will help the roots grow / wither be less light, humidity, who knows helping the roots grow , a down side would be mold ? or root rot ? cuase the humidity would go up ? or need for oxygen ?

Well, adding a good mix of Nitrogen, a little phosphorus, loads of Potassium, and a good amount of MG will produce a fair amount of greenery quickly.

And the more foliage you grow during the vegetative cycle, the more energy the plant will have to do things.

Producing roots is one of these things.

It's a chicken or the egg kinda question. The reality is, if the plants aren't photosynthesizing, the plants aren't going to have the energy to produce roots.

It allll starts with the foliage. Big, juicy, cabbage-like foliage always (i can safely say) translates into taking the plants to their fullest potential. The biggest yields, consistently.

Hope this helps!
lookin good man, i wouldnt leave that paper towel on there too long will give ya a mold prob. About to post a few pics of my babys but they are lookin a lil gimp atm.

its actually a peice of computer paper, i plan on checking it every day since i do anyways , and change it out every water, i would literaly die if i couldnt save my plant and i found out it was female. its my spawn :O !

I dunno......

There sure have been a lot of these coincidences occurring shortly after an application of this stuff.....

Not trying to hype it up, BUT

You are welcome to try a sample and see for yourself...

yeah that shits amazing , i just FIMed today and watered the normal recomended dose of the nutes no water dilution and i already see a possible 3-4 tops already , im not exsactly sure what im seeing is the new tops cause this is somewhat my first grow but it looks good to me :]
nice...i just fimmed for the first time too and wasnt sure, but it somehow just works out can see photos of the progress in my sig :)
You could always get a venus fly trap for the gnats. probably the coolest way to get rid of them, or control them i guess

idk never tried it but my mom always kept one around her garden
You could always get a venus fly trap for the gnats. probably the coolest way to get rid of them, or control them i guess

idk never tried it but my mom always kept one around her garden

i think iv rid of the fuckers for now , only time will tell i guess ... they attract to the light so its kinda hard
i think iv rid of the fuckers for now , only time will tell i guess ... they attract to the light so its kinda hard

Hey student-

I may be a little late entering the discussion about fungus gnats.....

But there are two surefire ways to get rid if them for good if they are to return:

One way is to buy those mosquito dunks they sell at any hardware store, mix per instructions, and apply to the soil during your next plain watering feeding. I have used these several times in soil and hydro rez's, works 100%, no side effects, although I'm not sure about the long term effects of using such. *twitch* *twitch*

Another way is to apply any pyrethrum-based insecticide. It has a half life of only 15 mins, so you can apply this stuff on the regs up til the day you harvest. It kills any undesirable visitor on contact, although it lacks the staying power mosquito dunks have. Another drawback is that it lacks the ability to penetrate the soil to kill the larvae.


Neem oil. That's another way. Good and safe. I'm not editing this.

There. Now you have a few ways to manage those buggers.
fur sure , i pretty much fixed the problem with the garlic thing lol it stained the box of the smell hahaha ew , they never had larva in the soil due too they were all super babys , and i killed then all as fast as i could

Hey student-

I may be a little late entering the discussion about fungus gnats.....

But there are two surefire ways to get rid if them for good if they are to return:

One way is to buy those mosquito dunks they sell at any hardware store, mix per instructions, and apply to the soil during your next plain watering feeding. I have used these several times in soil and hydro rez's, works 100%, no side effects, although I'm not sure about the long term effects of using such. *twitch* *twitch*

Another way is to apply any pyrethrum-based insecticide. It has a half life of only 15 mins, so you can apply this stuff on the regs up til the day you harvest. It kills any undesirable visitor on contact, although it lacks the staying power mosquito dunks have. Another drawback is that it lacks the ability to penetrate the soil to kill the larvae.


Neem oil. That's another way. Good and safe. I'm not editing this.

There. Now you have a few ways to manage those buggers.
i know huh . :shock: smells horible , and i might actualy need to get some kind of organic bug spray , thats what i plan on , in the mean time im taking advantage of the rainy day and collecting rain water ! , has nice ph lvl's i check with fish tank ph strips , im doing to use the smoke and grow poutches with the rain water so im going to have good nutes !
sounds like a good idea, i got some damn gnats in my greenhouse too. I was gonna try the garlic but im scared it might attract more bugs. So i got yellow sticky traps to try first. I think the garlic might last longer so im interested to know if it wears off for ya and how soon.
student i recently topped my plants, i saw how you FIM'ed. wasnt it nerve-racking? i know it was for me snipping it off and hoping for the best