One Seed, One Disire

sounds like a good idea, i got some damn gnats in my greenhouse too. I was gonna try the garlic but im scared it might attract more bugs. So i got yellow sticky traps to try first. I think the garlic might last longer so im interested to know if it wears off for ya and how soon.

i took out the garlic so it doesnt smell anymore but trust me , the smell deffinatly last haha its super strong .... i saw more little bugs flying around so i put a shit load of duck tape strips in the box , all around the plant ... checked on it just 30 mins ago and !!! N0 BUGS FLYING !!!!! WOOOO IM excited !

i looked at the stips and they all got stuck lol its a super cheep way to rid of the fuckers i guess if you have a small area

i also tapped up all ventilation points of entry so im thinking that helped stop entry

student i recently topped my plants, i saw how you FIM'ed. wasnt it nerve-racking? i know it was for me snipping it off and hoping for the best

yeah it kinda made nervous like if it didnt work and i ended having it stunned or something or hermie,

not sure if my fim worked , tell me what you think

ill also be taking some clones in about a weeks time ..

The rain has been pooring so iv taken the oppertunity and started collecting it :D ... so far i have a little over 4 gallons haha keep it commin!

That baby is looking healthy and stacked!

I agree with CD little too early to tell but from the looks of pic one it looks like you got it.
I agree-- too early to tell----

But I will say that the plant looks like it has tripled in size over the last week....
Yeah its growing pretty fast, its kinda over whelming, iv been expecting the growth to go alot slower, the part i fimmed was growing so i opened her up and snipped the smallest leafs coming up, and very soon ill be able to take a clone or two !!!!!!!!
hey student, one thing, i would wait on the clones till you find out if its a male or female and after you switch the lights to 12/12, you dont want a bunch of male clones. heres some pics of what to watch for after you go to 12/12.
hey student, one thing, i would wait on the clones till you find out if its a male or female and after you switch the lights to 12/12, you dont want a bunch of male clones. heres some pics of what to watch for after you go to 12/12.

Nice point, Concord.

Males are worthless. Ask my ex girlfriend, she'll say the same.
I think he was saying wait till is show sex, so hes NOT cloning a male. And nice work student, still got about a week b4 we can tell on the fim
Nice point, Concord.
Males are worthless. Ask my ex girlfriend, she'll say the same.
yeah, i know, same here, LoL.
I think he was saying wait till is show sex, so hes NOT cloning a male. And nice work student, still got about a week b4 we can tell on the fim
yes, i was, i really hope he does have a female, if not, he has learned a lot about growing on his first plant. good job student!!
Subbed, Along for the ride. Very nice Save. Few times reading thru this journal i thought your plant was a goner but shes a trooper!
:joint::hump: lol

so !!!! update ! i took a clone yesterday ! i only have one box to grow in so i wanted to take a clone and the figure out the sex of the cone some how or vise versa


im thinking to crazy ... im going to do this simple ....

i didnt see the harm of taking a clone so im testing my skills :D

also its the same pot i tryed reviving my friends plants in .... but i looked at my clone andin the pot on the other side a root half of wich was green was sticking up, im not sure what it is but i decided to grow and let grow ... unless its not a pot plant

it even looks like it some how made a leaf when i checked it earlyer .... the first time i looked at it , it was just a stick ..... hmmm , what a trip it would be if it was a pot root from the other plant that i failed to bring back ....... crazy shit that would be

ill be uploading pictures after i take em on my cig break

be back soon :p
I forgot to mention ..... MORE LIGHTS !!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

and you can see from the pictures from the first time i fimmed how it grew up and now has the leafs looking like that lol >,<

OK! Now that the plant has grown up a bit (thanks in part to these mystery nutes...) I can see that you didn't fim correctly.

See the top leaves? How it looks like you trimmed the tips off?

Well, that's basically what you did-- you gave it a haircut, so to speak.

Not to worry-- I've done the same thing too, before...

So-- next time to wanna fim, scrape a little more off the top! It's a gamble, even when done the correct way. Basically, Student, you want to leave as little as possible behind-- pinch back 98% of the growth shoot, leaving only a tiny, tiny, tiny bit left. Actually, you only need to leave a few cells left on that apical tip. You'd be surprised how resilient and responsive your plant can be after that takes place.

Hope this helps, for future reference. Well, hey- you can practice it again on that clone you just took-male or female. Practice!

The guinea pig is looking good, by the way:)
thanks for all your guys encouragement and support ! i think its been getting a little to hot in my box so ill probly have to change the out take fan into an intake fan to intake the cold garage air into the box, instead of venting hot air out ill vent cool air in :D i had it that way before but it was getting to cold
Update on NUTRIENTS: PISS?!, Iv been thinking about what im going to do for the nutes and iv found organic nutes for P and k but pretty soon im going to need some kind of nitrogen nutrient and its not like i have a car nor money to go out and buy some stuff sooo ... that being said .... i have made the dessision to get piss for my nutes ... IT WILL BE DIELUTED .. WITH UN-DISTILED water or i think it is distiled

ANYWAYS .... im going to see what goes down ... i have alot of amphetimines in my piss so its a potentialy very very bad idea , but im going to add my piss plus some fish juice and rice boiled water and mollasses and possibly even esperiguss juice too 1 or 2 gallons of water and use that for my organic nutrients untill i give it up to adoption to my brother .... Maybee

Info: im not going to start the nutes untill anouther week or two

:D ill be keeping you posted

UPDATE: +rep for badzad , i didnt know coffee grounds had nitrogen in them SO I WILL NOT BE USING URINE. idk if i could have gone through with it in the end hahah imaging

Me (high) -dude ..... i used piss to water this dank ass budd..
buddy (high)- *cracks up laughing*

I have used piss before diluted. Honestly It works pretty good IMO. Only drawback is it stinks and needs to set a few days before use to allow ammonia breakdown. Miracle grow is $5 so I use that instead. Some hate miracle grow but I get some big dank plants. Another option is Bat guano which is $6 a box that will make a ton of bat guano tea.