Only 2 seeds i need real help


Active Member
use rock wool cubes. ya drench the cube place your seed in tear off a small part and place over the hole. keep spraying it withy water place a floresent light over it run it 24hr rember keep it moist the roots grow right through the cube.. can place in hydro or soil right in cube. takes 4 days to sprout.


Well-Known Member
Call me old school but I always germinate mine in the growing medium(sewing the seeds). I have never had a problem doing it this way. Good luck on your situation and your grow.


Well-Known Member
I have had almost 100% success using filthyfletch's method with a twist.

That is taking a wet paper towel and folding it into a cd case- he throws it in a drawer after this... I wrap the cd case in a hand towel(to block light) and then tuck the whole thing under my cable modem for heat.... it almost always pops within 24 hours and I have a 1 inch taproot within 48 hours.



Well-Known Member
yea wet paper towel dark spot and heat there is no real secret to it but when you put them in the soil keep the light close so when they break the surface they dont stretch out and fall down


Well-Known Member
okay so here i got....3 layers of paper towl 2 seeds 3 more layers not gonna wet both sides then put it into a double ziplock bag and blow one hot breath on it put it in a shoe box then in the closet..sound right?


Well-Known Member
yea just make sure the towels are moist not soaked you dont want them to be saturated with water just damp then leave them alone for 36 hours dont even open the box


Well-Known Member
just wrap it up and put it under your cable modem/router/any other electronic device... Wrapping it up will keep it dark... putting it under electronic device will keep it warm. You'll see them start to pop within 24 hours.
