oops - fatal? Paper towel method for germ, dried out :-(

Using paper towel method to crack seeds - have had 90% success in the past, but last night I forgot to rewet them before I went to bed, slept in, woke up to a VERY dry paper towel and 7/10 had cracked, the little roots were dry as well - they looked pretty thin, but still white. I immediately rewet them with distilled water with just a tiny bit of big bloom in it. I let them rehydrate for a while, and went ahead and put them in my Ocean Forest/vermiculite mix (4:3 mixture), thoroughly dampened. I feel like such an idiot!! I'll know in a couple of days if they are dead or not, but what do you guys think - did I already kill them?



All you can really do is give them water and see what happens... plants are pretty persistent though wouldn't give up yet


Well-Known Member
I agree with Osiris8605. I would wet the paper towel and try again.

I've had the same thing happen to me and wasn't able to revive the seeds.


Well-Known Member
i had that happen once and have since put the paper towel in a slightly open plastic sandwich bag and have never had to add water again after the first time. note where i live, too.