Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Active Member
open this mornings
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its windy and shit too darnit, but it dont bother me too much, ive been in it for years. the neighbors darn cottonwood tree is snowing all over theplacethough. I seemed to also have gotten some unknown pollen flying around that landed on a nug. im gonna watch and see if it hermies out now.!:hump: Maybe I will have a cotton/cannabis hybrid...........


Well-Known Member
little update. Transplanted Kens GDP and Cherry 3.14 into 45 gallon tan smart pots. They absolutely love the transplant and are praying to the sun god.

Cherry 3.14 clones rooted nicely. Its been about a year since i last took clones, so i guess its like riding a bike. On on the the pics your can even see roots coming out the top of the rockwool lol.
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Active Member
i was talkin bout the wind. FUCK! it just bent the shit out of 2 branches on the la cheese. they are in tact though. maybe just leave em on.


Well-Known Member
Dang Fumble ! You kicked butt ! I like your Scrog. Im glad I got to see the scrog pics. lol I was thinking about doing one . A 12 plant one, 16 x 12 , but then all these dumb questions pooped up in my head Like how the heck am I gonna get to work around them or reach all of them. lol. I like the Idea, yours is cool. I still might, been thinking about the watering system all ready. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I agree! the wind has blown my lil ladies pretty good but only added to the stalks strength! many kudos to ya fumbles! they look like they received great love and care. Xub420: lookin nice there. u must spend a lot of indivual attention to ur plants too for u to notice the one pod growing a baby. :) TWS a 12 plant scrog is ideal if u keep the bottoms cleaned out but one or two plants LSTd or topped a hundred times seems to work much easier. kevdogg: looks like u sure got the cloning down. :blsmoke: I don't have anything to contribute to the show n tell yet tho.. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys :) That was my WhiteFire in the scrog Tws. The one in front was a Bubba. The 7 footer with pink flowers was PLP. that WF was scrogged, topped, lst'd, and trained sideways on the bamboo. She gave me almost 2lbs :) The Bubba, to me anyway, has such an incredible taste and smell, but not the punch to back it up. The WF reigns supreme!


Well-Known Member
2013-05-02_10-39-50_740.jpg all the ladies are a few days to a few weeks from harvest and no yellowing og leaves. Feel like I might be learning something here from the masters!kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Here they are, males and females to be determined.Couple weeks from going out.Hopefully most of them will sex soon.The seedlings were started April first. Just picked these the other day. The green house is empty .:mrgreen: