Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

Someone super serious will poison your dog or just shoot or stab it, but it will keep the punks out. If you shoot or stab my dog Im pretty sure you mean bussines and I'll meet ya outside with my Mossberg. lol
you need more than dogs. they can feed your dogs a sleep aid they would be out in 20. dogs are a way to start so you can atleast hear them when they bark the first time. more than one dog would be better like 3 dogs good chance that one or 2 dogs would eat all the food they thro over. id put up 2 flood lights and a camera that you can see from inside your house. and if it was my garden i would give someone a couple units to sleep in the garden or do it myself.
I might do that and sleep in a tent. I am going tomorrow to get those security motion sensors. Maybe line my yard with fishing line and bells tied to them like a trip wire.
id put some bait out. id put a plant out in the open and watch it all night no fense no nothin. then i would draw down on them make them lay down tie them up take thier wallets if they had it take there ids if not id threaten to torture them tell they snitched on eachother... thats just me tho im a extremist
Where I live its pretty ghetto man! lol They were like 19 year olds. Funny you mentioned Harbor Frieght, I was there today and I saw them for 50% off with a coupon in there paper at the door. I am going to get them, I thought about pitching a tent outside too, with a lantern in there burning all night.

I thought about going to there front door and knocking saying I dont appreciate your kids taking pictures of my yard from the roof. But I dont want neighborhood drama and attention.

@TWS they are the neighbors directly behind me, the other ones were on the back left of my yard.

Yes I am legal! But that dont mean shit when dealing with thieves!

It's a tough spot to be in. Once my babies start stinking, my worry is that the tweaker down the street will follow his nose and decide to help himself. I'm kind of a night owl anyway fortunately, and spend a lot of my summer nights outside enjoying a cigar or three. :lol: I'll have to start inviting my friend Mr. Louisville Slugger.
id put some bait out. id put a plant out in the open and watch it all night no fense no nothin. then i would draw down on them make them lay down tie them up take thier wallets if they had it take there ids if not id threaten to torture them tell they snitched on eachother... thats just me tho im a extremist
I retired from the military after 20 years of service, I like your way of thinking bro!

I think after seeing the yard that some sort of cage as previously mentioned is a good idea and I'd grease the shit out of that roof and finally motion sensor alarms that would pierce the ears of a deaf guy:)
id put some bait out. id put a plant out in the open and watch it all night no fense no nothin. then i would draw down on them make them lay down tie them up take thier wallets if they had it take there ids if not id threaten to torture them tell they snitched on eachother... thats just me tho im a extremist

like most towns I suppose, but this one is fucked. If you get a hold of some of the Fing gang bangers and fuck with them and let them go it might not be a good Idea, if ya know what I mean. There's 15 yr old kids shot out here almost every month.
[video=youtube;4dGOfFbzvq4][/video] Here ya go just play this blasting it,them fuckin theifs wont know what to think! hahahahahahaha
like most towns I suppose, but this one is fucked. If you get a hold of some of the Fing gang bangers and fuck with them and let them go it might not be a good Idea, if ya know what I mean. There's 15 yr old kids shot out here almost every month.
yeah true that. i have one of my grow houses in a area that is really bad as well.. no side walks people burning down houses if they dont like you. geuss there is really no way around that only way is not to grow outdoor. or to be awake with a partner one up one down.... cause i sure wouldnt want to be waken up in my garden by some south siders
Maybe I will cruise by tomorrow if your not busy after 3pm?
I got a truck. you wanna frame that bitch in ! no more than 10 2x4's 2 rolls of 100 ft hog wire , 2 boxes of fence post fasteners and a box of screws. We can frame up a 16 x 20 !
get one of those night vision cameras that takes a picture of any movement my buddy caught some rippers cause once they came in his garden it took a picture and sent it to his phone, he was able to catch em red handed very useful thing for sure
The thing about MJ is people are always gonna be curious about it, some might just want to look but lazy kids who will never have a job will see it as quick cash and free weed.
Personally I'd also be worried that after the chop when they see no weed in the yard they might think there's cash in the house but I'm sure you know your neighbourhood well and are aware.
La woman/Master kush with part of my amnisea

sprry for the sideways picture!