opinions on guard dog for my next outdoor grow, (im going to keep it after as a pet)


Well-Known Member
I dont like your chances of getting the crop thru as you have just shown hundreds of people the exact spot where your growing on google earth.


Active Member
I dont like your chances of getting the crop thru as you have just shown hundreds of people the exact spot where your growing on google earth.
yeah but no location , try to find that lol,and after you do that good luck to anyone getting there :) thats why i took all the locations off


Well-Known Member
I don't why you want a dog that far in the woods by themselfs, might get shot as a stray. Big dog means closer to home. IMO good luck

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I've read only the first page...

My opinion is this:

1. You just posted a general location of your grow, terrible idea.
2. You leave that dog out there, it's getting shot. If someone stumbles across it and your grow, and comes back...they are coming back armed, and if they want to rob you, they will take no regard for that dogs life. Sorry but...it's true. Specially if that dog attacks them, is aggressive, or hinders them robbing you.


Active Member
I've read only the first page...

My opinion is this:

1. You just posted a general location of your grow, terrible idea.
2. You leave that dog out there, it's getting shot. If someone stumbles across it and your grow, and comes back...they are coming back armed, and if they want to rob you, they will take no regard for that dogs life. Sorry but...it's true. Specially if that dog attacks them, is aggressive, or hinders them robbing you.
i thought of this, but if the dog eats there ass , then mission accomplished right? idk

oh and i dealeated the pic and stuff can you still see it?


Active Member
Reading all this not one of you lot as said what happens when the dog eats the grow??

As for bread man you fuckers can get shit like
in America thats wat i would have any day that shit chase you you dead.


Well-Known Member
When I get a house with more property, I'd love to own a Spanish Mastiff or an Alaskan Malamute. You don't see them often and when you do it's like wow, that's a big intimidating dog.

What are you calling a spanish mastiff ? a presa canario? or a fila de brasila?


Well-Known Member
Cane corso..great breed..I own 2 ..have never locked my doors..never had anything stolen plants/tools whatever...very loyal..they are bred to be estate guardians..they don't wander if you have no fenced in property..extremely intelligent and loyal..most people are intimidated as fuck when they see them.


Well-Known Member
OH fuck that ..if you are gong to treat it like shit and leave it alone..get some roosters or geese.


Active Member
OH fuck that ..if you are gong to treat it like shit and leave it alone..get some roosters or geese.
i just said im going to be out there every day, lets not blow this out of proportion, its going to be a guard dog after all, and only at the very end of flower, lets just understand that,


Well-Known Member
nah man...not a good idea..if someone wants your plants bad enough ..they will poison the dog...buy a tent and sleep out there with the dog


Active Member
yeah , ill prob do that to but i also have a baby on the way so idk if i can really spend nights out there you know, but i want the dog to be able to just kill on sight lol, idk


Well-Known Member
I don't think leaving a dog at ur grow site will deter any real rippers from not taking ur plants, any real rippers r gonna show up with guns and u'll just have a dead pet and no plants. At the same time u'd be screwed if sum kids wandered into ur grow and ended being attacked by ur dog, I know its not likely but it is possible. Also ur dog isn't the only predator out there in the glades like wild cats panthers or jaguars, snakes too, might end up with a dead dog even if no rippers find ur grow.