opinions on guard dog for my next outdoor grow, (im going to keep it after as a pet)


Active Member
I don't think leaving a dog at ur grow site will deter any real rippers from not taking ur plants, any real rippers r gonna show up with guns and u'll just have a dead pet and no plants. At the same time u'd be screwed if sum kids wandered into ur grow and ended being attacked by ur dog, I know its not likely but it is possible.
ugh i get talked out of so much shit on here, but trust me no kids are coming out there in that swamp that deep in the woods


Active Member
It looked close enough to water. I'm wondering if canoe access would be good. cn
yeah that was my plan, it shouldn't be marshy more then 10 ft from that riverbank though, goin to disguise everything with fishing trips, i have a dock right off the back there less than a mile away

thump easy

Well-Known Member
the guys from og genetics i met one in real life hahahaha ow shit hahaha he had a fucken gator at his ware house and got poped about five years back they moved to colorado i hear their doing fucken great breeding their hearts out. i love my guard dog he saved my life they are loyal and they will protect good luck they have their own personalities for realz lolz


Well-Known Member
Don't leave your dog in the woods. It's not humane. This shouldn't even have to be said. Just don't do it. Your risking more jail time. The dog can be tied back to you, especially if the rescue chips them or forwards your info to your city/county for dog licensing.

Plus the dog is going to be barking and crying like crazy at nothing all the while being terrified and alone. It can attract predators and hikers who will hear the dog crying none stop. If a person was to walk up near the dog, it's not going to defend your crop. Its going to be happy, wagging it's tail, while hoping it will be fed and given a new home. You can hear a dog crying for miles. Plus it can also get ticks, fleas, heart worm, and so many other illnesses. It's also very likely to attack your weed plants. If it eats to much it can get really sick, dehydrate, or even have a seizure. Dogs aren't people. We can handle being high. Dogs can't.

Even if you visit it for an hour a day, every day, that's really nothing. The dog won't build a strong enough bond with you and won't make a good pet. And it's even more dangerous if you have kids. You don't want a dog that one day bites your kids simply because it wasn't taught proper bite inhibition, socialization, and good puppy manners.

Most trainers and vets don't really like owners keeping their dogs in their backyards 24/7. These dogs are far more likely to develop behavior problems and fear aggression.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ow no man don leave him out side like that.. get cameras, and if your that worried about it get a person to stay their hook up cable x box and the munchies im shure you got a relative that aint doing shit stick his ass in thier or her.. make shure they hermits and youll be okay


Active Member
ahh, i understand, yeah not a very good idea, i think that just the end of the buding season wouldnt be that bad, but like im pretty sure the dog has a chip, ugh idk ill figure something out, probly just camp out there, thanks guys for talking me out of it


Active Member
my dad just happens to be a boat machanic, lol idk how i would hook a camera up to it though, think i could just jet some like sensor that if the cross it it would alert me?


Ursus marijanus
my dad just happens to be a boat machanic, lol idk how i would hook a camera up to it though, think i could just jet some like sensor that if the cross it it would alert me?
I've never done it, so i can't give you a step-by-step. My grows have been indoor, under the watchful Mark One eyeball and Mark Two Ruger. cn


Well-Known Member
If I had access to a swamp..I would make a raft..sheet of 3/4 inch plywood and 2 empty kegs... six 25 gallon pots ..wicked to the swamp ..never have to water them really.