

New Member
I always wanted to grow an try some opium but I don't know the right kind of opium seed, or wether or not it's legal. An than If I do grow a whole plant I dont wanna get addicted I wanna sell some an not smoke it all to myself but idk what the prices are for it an I dont want to get the whole neiborhood hooked


I always wanted to grow an try some opium but I don't know the right kind of opium seed, or wether or not it's legal. An than If I do grow a whole plant I dont wanna get addicted I wanna sell some an not smoke it all to myself but idk what the prices are for it an I dont want to get the whole neiborhood hooked
it would take way to many poppies to achive anything you stated (getting addicted,dealing)

i was interested in growing some poppies cause opium kicks ass.... got to doing some research and found some dea reports on the poppy fields in afghanistan which gave avg. yield per hectacre.... after some simple conversions and division; i reached the figure of a yield of anywher from 0.25-0.35grams of actual opium resin yield (assuming you scored the pods at just the right depth) per sq. ft. of planting area....not worth it in america. you would need a rather large area to produce anything worthwhile... but in theory; a 10x10 area could produce you up to 3.5g; which, when mixed in small quantities with weed, could last you a decent amount of time.... could possibly be worth it... keep in mind that the afghans plant really close together, so a 10x10 area would still be a rather large quantity of plants.


Well-Known Member
I always wanted to grow an try some opium but I don't know the right kind of opium seed, or wether or not it's legal. An than If I do grow a whole plant I dont wanna get addicted I wanna sell some an not smoke it all to myself but idk what the prices are for it an I dont want to get the whole neiborhood hooked
All i know is that opium is not addictive. I don't get what the big hype is about. At least i will say that it is not addictive to me.

Anyways, i found from my experiences is that if you can roll a good cigarillo, throw about a half gram turd in the center of it. Best way to go!!

or if you are at work, throw a little underneath your tongue for a wonderful head buzz!!!


Well-Known Member
1. I wish I was your best friend.
2. You are not human.
3. I hope you know how lucky you are.
4. I'm jealous.
5. This list probably got annoying after #2....


Well-Known Member
i was interested in growing some poppies cause opium kicks ass.... got to doing some research and found some dea reports on the poppy fields in afghanistan which gave avg. yield per hectacre.... after some simple conversions and division; i reached the figure of a yield of anywher from 0.25-0.35grams of actual opium resin yield (assuming you scored the pods at just the right depth) per sq. ft. of planting area....not worth it in america. you would need a rather large area to produce anything worthwhile... but in theory; a 10x10 area could produce you up to 3.5g; which, when mixed in small quantities with weed, could last you a decent amount of time.... could possibly be worth it... keep in mind that the afghans plant really close together, so a 10x10 area would still be a rather large quantity of plants.
When you plant them 2 feet apart you can maximize flower/seed pod production. My friend grew some plants with 8-12 heads on them. Spacing out makes for better root development.


Well-Known Member
any clue what his avg. yeild per plant was???
No, he always puts the O into 1 bottle of Everclear during harvesting, and makes tea with the spent pods, 20 plants will last a person like him a very long time. He also doesn't try to make a living by selling Opium so sees no need in figuring out quantity. One would have to grow quite a few to make a living, then spend a few more in years locked in a prison.:peace:

Deff. worth it!! Spacing them out and not trying to make a living off it, that is.
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Well-Known Member
Man smack is fucked up and so is everyone in this thread promoting it you guys must not have a clue of what it can do to you. there are loads of smackheads in my town and its just fucking disgusting man


Well-Known Member
Man smack is fucked up and so is everyone in this thread promoting it you guys must not have a clue of what it can do to you. there are loads of smackheads in my town and its just fucking disgusting man
Who's talking about heroin??? The thread said OPium and people are already saying you should use caution in a more polite manner.:peace:


Well-Known Member
well whats heroin apart from opium? and its not a case of being careful just dont do the shit man my bro has been a smackhead for 3 years and the pain it causes to the people around him, politeness doesnt come into it when talking about gear its fucking sick man.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people react different to drugs(brain chemistry and personalities). Opium is a good pain medication when you use it in moderation. If you have an addictive personality or you are ignorant to the facts about the drugs you consume then they have a chance of taking hold. Enjoying the opium one harvests from several plants is not wrong and could never support an addiction. The user could move on to other opiates, but that is why I use the word moderation. Not everyone here is trying to get "fucked up" all the time. Besides, opium is around 10% morphine by weight and then you NEED to convert PURE morphine into heroin with acetyl acid. Do you know where to get any?:peace:
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Well-Known Member
use in moderation, like fuck man do you think addicts set out to be the way they are? they all thought they could use in moderation too.
Opiates are evil and you're a fucking bastard for promoting them, you can try and argue against this point as much as you like wont change my view.

Scum innit


Well-Known Member
all of you...go get laid!!!

or you can keep smokin your yummy black latex. when you smoke it do you lay on your side in the fetal position? w00t!