

Well-Known Member
I know I don't know you...but to brag on the drugs you've sampled? For one amyl nitrate isn't the shit you huff and gets you fucked up thats amyl NITRITE, its spelled subutex, salvia is garbage, most of the others you pulled outta mommy's cabinet. To quote a legendary band 'drugs are good' but dude your list has no value other than self indulgence.


Well-Known Member
I know I don't know you...but to brag on the drugs you've sampled? For one amyl nitrate isn't the shit you huff and gets you fucked up thats amyl NITRITE, its spelled subutex, salvia is garbage, most of the others you pulled outta mommy's cabinet. To quote a legendary band 'drugs are good' but dude your list has no value other than self indulgence.
Who's bragging? i never once said 'look how good i am ive taken all these'. as for spelling mistakes mate i honestly couldnt give two fucks if ive spelled one or two things wrong and ive never stolen medication from anyone.
I think you may have some kind of issue with yourself, why else would you try and attack me/cause a pointess arguement over a web forum?


Well-Known Member
so my question to the rollitup fam is how many ways can you think of taking your opium???

i have a vaporizer, one hitter, chillum, bong, nail and cardboard, paper clip it, eat it, suck on it like candy. my favorite way is in a blunt!
Back to the question, anyone ever tried using hot coals in a hookah?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well, maybe a sub topic, but what can I do with these hydrocodone, besides orally taking them?
Hypothetically, that is...


Well, maybe a sub topic, but what can I do with these hydrocodone, besides orally taking them?
Hypothetically, that is...
sell em.... you could snort them:spew:.... but that is junkie habits there. just eat them; or preferably, sell/trade them for weed, which wont blow out your liver, kidneys, and stomach lining....


Well-Known Member
Yep, ate too much... Felt super sick (and mightily fucked up). Hopefully I can sell them... Thanks for the input.


Active Member
assrabi is right i hope you don't take offense to this and i really don't think you will but if drugs weren't illegal i think you could have gotten help faster for your addiction and the aids stuff and other diseses could really be helped if we treated drugs like resposible human beings.


Well-Known Member
true that ts, the fact that drug addicts are demonized makes its harder to seek out help, it becomes a matter or shame rather than a matter of health. and thats not right. with the hydrocodones you can eat em or shove em up yer ass, you'll get higher quicker when you keister em because your rectum is just a big sponge filled with capillaries and because it is absorbed almost directly into the rectum you don't lost an amount as you would with forcing the medicine through your digestive system. I have no hang ups on hydrocodone, that is purely a medicine that benefits those with pain. Losers who get a vicodin (h-codone) addiction are popping 50+ high mg pills DAILY, those pills are mainly tylenol so again if your abusing them your a fool and a loser...50 pills a day..I dont know how someone would go about obtaining that many pills a day. Thats why a few vicodin can be had by an opiate niave user and be no problem. OCs and heroin are a different story, these can have you down the expressway to opiate addiction, truely no joke. Tylenol 3, and vicodin are kiddy stuff though. and as with shoving stuff up your butt, lots of people do it, butt rockets when you take coke or speed mix it with water and squirt it up your butt with a needlelss syringe, crazy rush, if you take a pill (subutex,vicodin,oc) wet it wrap it lightly in toilet paper and wet the paper then shove in up your ASS, you start to feel intense warm sensations rush from your lower back all over you body and before you know it your drooling half dead on the sidewalk.

I hope none of you will ever do this now. Peace!


Well-Known Member
I think it is hilarious when potheads whine about being judged for the drug they use, then they judge people who use a different drug. They want their drug legalized, but they want everyone else's drug to be kept illegal. In reality, they should live and let live. The government should not be in the business of protecting a man from himself. Period, whether it is cocaine or weed.

I believe the key to using opium would be to use it in moderation. In fact, that is the key to using any drug. I personally stay away from all man-made drugs, but that is just my practice. Besides, opium (unlike heroin), is not man-made (that is, it is not derived from chemical processes instituted by man).

People who are so hating on opium and people who use it, I hope you hate alcohol even more and abuse/insult any of your friends and family members who drink... because more people are probably addicted to alcohol then to opium.

Remember, opium is not heroin, it is much weaker then heroin. I do not use opium, but if I did use it once I would not be worried about addiction. The key is moderation... you don't want to use that shit every day... or probably even more then once a week at the very most. And if you ever feel like you can't go without it, stop immediately.

Yes, people getting addicted to opium is a sad thing. But so is people getting addicted to alcohol... or, yes, even cannabis. There *are* people who are addicted to cannabis. It's not as harmful an addiction as other drugs, but if you can't stand going a day without smoking weed because you get irate and you can't enjoy life as a sober person... you have a problem. I have friends who spend every dime they have on weed and smoke all day every day... they never save any money and can't even afford to go to the dentist and basic shit like that. That is a problem.

I personally don't use any drug that isn't natural, and even at that I always use in moderation (never every day). If man-made chemical processes are used, I stay away totally. I stick to the stuff God made. I find that gives me much less chance of chemical addiction or death by overdose.

Therefore I would never use cocaine (which is coca that has been refined with man-made chemicals), but I might chew on a cacao leaf if I ever got the chance (the rush is similar to a strong cup of coffee). I would never do heroin, but if I had a chance to do some opium I might try a little once.
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The Martian

Active Member
Hi All
Wow JSN9333, I was ravin, working through the thread, (almost speed readin), to get to the end and kick off, and the last post kicks me in the head and steals my point, ha ha , nice one.
But a cannabis "habit" is different from a drug "addiction", although in my oppinion, there really are only two really badly physically addictive dugs in my oppinion, Heroin and Alcohol, and some prescribed shit can be bad too.
I dont even rate Speed, (although I've never had meth amphet), coke or crack as being that physically addictive, more of a mentally addictive thing, want as opposed to need, anyone whoever found themselves NEEDing those first two would I'm sure aggree with me. And poeple dont ussually start taking alcohol or heroin intending to get addicted, not that I've ever met. also its all "natural" and God made none of the shit, he doesn't exist, fuckin fairy stories. and you only drink alcohol fron fruit thats gone rank and fermented naturally, but still smoke some opium, or chew some chocolate plant leaves HHHMMmmmm. BUT you'd take "unatural drugs" if someone else told you, I see.
Cocao is the chocolate plant, I think you meant Coca leaves.
And Assrabbi, I shuld'nt be too arsed about a couple young pricks givin ya shit, (not that I suppose you'll lose much sleep EH)?
Fuckin clowns start a thread about for fucks sake opiates, and then start givin some poeple shit for the KIND of opiates they use, never mind its a fuckin weed forum, supposedly about growing and learning to grow, most these fools can't even grow, and as for learning, not a chance, man in another thread, theres some kid "experimenting", growing with LEDs, but the kids so clueless, he's chucking undiluted miraclegrow straight on the plants and watering it in, like he's in the garden, and wondering why his Plant is looking sick from overfeeding, but best of all get this, he's gone out and spent $60 dollars on some daft fuckin fan thingy with an Ionizer on it, so his plant can "get more oxygen", would ya credit it, and even better, some guy wises him up about it being CO2, the kid ignores him, and posts another piccy of his leggy sparse as fuck plant, with the line, heres the proof, or summat of that order.
Thats seems mainly the mentality, T o be honest, if it wasn't for the few that really are interested in trying out new things, learning and debateing, I'd have left this forum for good.
Man the fuckin level.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the correction, yes I mean the Coca plant.

And no, not all drugs are "natural" in the sense I'm using the term. Weed, coffee, alcohol, Coca, opium... all of those drugs occur in nature and would occur even if man didn't exist. That is what I mean. I will only use drugs recreationally that occur in nature without the intervention of man with man-made chemicals. And even those drugs, I will never use every day.

As for God being a fairy tale, if that is what you believe, then so be it. I've never known 12 men to give up their lives and die horrible, painful deaths for what they knew to be "fairy tales" (the Disciples of Christ, historical fact is that they were martyred for their faith and proclamation of personally witnessing Christ's resurrection).

I've known individual men who died for their own faith. For instance, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism) died for his faith. He had placed his faith in the vision he supposedly had from God (with no witnesses, just himself). Or Muhammad (founder of Islam) died practicing his faith. He had placed his faith in the vision he supposedly had from God (with no witness, just himself). But then again, both those men had other likely motivations. For instance, both men used their religion to justify taking multiple wives (some very young), and both men profited by taking land and fighting other's for land.

Do a little reading of history and you'll find that the 12 disciples did not take multiple wives, they did not take land, they did not make a lot of money. These men had a passion for preaching the good news that Christ rose from the dead and that we can all have peace with God and eternal life. Period. That's it.

I've never known 12 men willing to die such horrible deaths for a known lie, especially when they had no sexual or financial motive. They weren't the only ones though. Hundreds were recorded as having witnessed the resurrection, and hundreds and thousands were martyred. On top of that, God has of course changed my life, given me peace, and spoken to my heart in ways that I can only describe as glorious. I'm so content in my faith that I've traveled to places where Christians are *still* killed (Iran and China) in order to share the gospel with people who's government wants them kept in darkness.

But to each his own... believe as you will. I suppose when you die you'll just fertilize the soil and become a cannabis plant or whatever. Maybe someone will chop your ass down and makes a hemb bible out of you. :mrgreen:

Hi All
Wow JSN9333, I was ravin, working through the thread, (almost speed readin), to get to the end and kick off, and the last post kicks me in the head and steals my point, ha ha , nice one.
But a cannabis "habit" is different from a drug "addiction", although in my oppinion, there really are only two really badly physically addictive dugs in my oppinion, Heroin and Alcohol, and some prescribed shit can be bad too.
I dont even rate Speed, (although I've never had meth amphet), coke or crack as being that physically addictive, more of a mentally addictive thing, want as opposed to need, anyone whoever found themselves NEEDing those first two would I'm sure aggree with me. And poeple dont ussually start taking alcohol or heroin intending to get addicted, not that I've ever met. also its all "natural" and God made none of the shit, he doesn't exist, fuckin fairy stories. and you only drink alcohol fron fruit thats gone rank and fermented naturally, but still smoke some opium, or chew some chocolate plant leaves HHHMMmmmm. BUT you'd take "unatural drugs" if someone else told you, I see.
Cocao is the chocolate plant, I think you meant Coca leaves.
And Assrabbi, I shuld'nt be too arsed about a couple young pricks givin ya shit, (not that I suppose you'll lose much sleep EH)?
Fuckin clowns start a thread about for fucks sake opiates, and then start givin some poeple shit for the KIND of opiates they use, never mind its a fuckin weed forum, supposedly about growing and learning to grow, most these fools can't even grow, and as for learning, not a chance, man in another thread, theres some kid "experimenting", growing with LEDs, but the kids so clueless, he's chucking undiluted miraclegrow straight on the plants and watering it in, like he's in the garden, and wondering why his Plant is looking sick from overfeeding, but best of all get this, he's gone out and spent $60 dollars on some daft fuckin fan thingy with an Ionizer on it, so his plant can "get more oxygen", would ya credit it, and even better, some guy wises him up about it being CO2, the kid ignores him, and posts another piccy of his leggy sparse as fuck plant, with the line, heres the proof, or summat of that order.
Thats seems mainly the mentality, T o be honest, if it wasn't for the few that really are interested in trying out new things, learning and debateing, I'd have left this forum for good.
Man the fuckin level.
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The Martian

Active Member
Hello Folks
Yes absolutely, thats whats gonna happen to us all, unless buried at sea, then you'll enrich that, and that will be it, over, so ya betta enjoy it now.
Yooou surely cannot believe that guff nowerdays, OK maybe even 40 or 50 years ago, but come on we just know better these days.
And about these 12 fella's, you knew em personally did you????
Of course not, and I dare say if the story was true then I'd guess that yes they probably believed it, but it still doesn't make it true.Its no coincidence that most people who belive in a religion have been indoctrinated from an early age, its something you've probably had forced down your throat from before you could even understand it, as probably did they before you, AND it all comes from books from so long ago, that without modern scientific methods we would'nt know the ages, that has gone through re write, and re translate so many times to give it any credence at all is just plain silly.
But for the fact that someone wants to belive it, it couldn't be done.
BTW do you belive in Ghost, or Fairies??
Everlasting life, INDEED!!!!!!!!!
I've read history, but what your talking about can't really be classed as History. But I'd suggest you read some science/physics/cosmology, actually with an open mind, and then come tell me where fantasy fits in, exept for entertainment.


Well-Known Member
well this is what i believe to be the goverments main argument some drugs can me detrimental to health and be kept out of reach of children right? but the goverment should not be allowed to control what people put in they're bodies right? well if that we're true then they should be allowed to sell poision to everyone too.
personally i don't demonize anyone for anything they decide to shove up their ass i just wouldn't do it personally (something about a group of guys squirting heroin into their ass just doesen't seem appealing to me, maybe i'm just wierd i don't know)
personally i believe that marijuana should be legalized because ion all truthfullness u never really hear of drug war's occuring of marijuana but if it were illeagal then that would stop any, however crack and heroin cause huge amounts of violence and have even caused housing projects to be locked up as one big cohesive unit (i've lived in one i know)
but if they legalize those kinds of "hard drugs" u can bet ur ass there would be alotta store robberies hospital hijackings and all kind's of crazy shit just so junkies can get their fix because u kno they wont be able to pay the taxed th hell outta prices
nut that's just me i say legalize marijuana and opium, so that junkies can move to something more relaxing instead of stealing t.v's to buy a pipe and a rock


Well-Known Member
We *can* sell poison to everyone. Go into any hardware or home goods store and you can buy a host of poisons, any one of which will kill you dead.

The only reason laws against heroin and cocaine, etc. cause violence is because the prohibition against them has artificially inflated their price. The same thing happened when alcohol was illegal in this country. That was one of the most lawless times this country has ever known, and the price jump in the black market gave rise to the likes of Al Capone.

Any prohibition against drugs (any drugs) is just stupid and causes much more problems then it solves. If they were legal then addicts would have MUCH easier access because the price would drop a TON. Heroin addicts could even grow and refine their own... it isn't that hard.

In truth, drug abuse rates would probably drop if this country legalized the drugs. They wouldn't have that "rebel" appeal they currently have. People would look at them for what they are... dangerous substances that must be respected (and many of which should be avoided).

well this is what i believe to be the goverments main argument some drugs can me detrimental to health and be kept out of reach of children right? but the goverment should not be allowed to control what people put in they're bodies right? well if that we're true then they should be allowed to sell poision to everyone too.
personally i don't demonize anyone for anything they decide to shove up their ass i just wouldn't do it personally (something about a group of guys squirting heroin into their ass just doesen't seem appealing to me, maybe i'm just wierd i don't know)
personally i believe that marijuana should be legalized because ion all truthfullness u never really hear of drug war's occuring of marijuana but if it were illeagal then that would stop any, however crack and heroin cause huge amounts of violence and have even caused housing projects to be locked up as one big cohesive unit (i've lived in one i know)
but if they legalize those kinds of "hard drugs" u can bet ur ass there would be alotta store robberies hospital hijackings and all kind's of crazy shit just so junkies can get their fix because u kno they wont be able to pay the taxed th hell outta prices
nut that's just me i say legalize marijuana and opium, so that junkies can move to something more relaxing instead of stealing t.v's to buy a pipe and a rock


Well-Known Member
so i came across this guy with over a pound of opium and he loves the shit like me, but around these parts opium doesnt sell for shit!!!! So after kicking it with dude i ended up scoring a qp of shit for 200bucks!!!! so now i have a a little over 3ounces of opium!!!!

so my question to the rollitup fam is how many ways can you think of taking your opium???

i have a vaporizer, one hitter, chillum, bong, nail and cardboard, paper clip it, eat it, suck on it like candy. my favorite way is in a blunt!
send an ounce over this way, ill give you $200