Oppps light leak


New Member
So when I was in the 3rd week of flowering i added a cfl light, stupid me never plugged it into the timer. It stayed that way untill today when i finally invesgated why i was getting stressed out leaves coming from the buds. So now its fixed but im afraid its to late, the damage is done .

This is my first time running a bubbler hydro system w/rockwool. GH nutrients, grow tent and 2 300 watt led grow lights. I'm also getting a little chemical burn on the tips of the leaves, I'm thinking thats from letting the water get a little low or maybe even the light leak. PH is 5.8-6.2 always and ppm is about 1000

Any advice would be a huge help. Im really afraid I screwed it up with leaving that one cfl light on for almost 2 weeks . I'm really good at no light leaks, thats why it was never checked .
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Nothing to do but buckle up for the ride. Time will tell what the light did or didn't do to your grow. I would expect the worst, but hope for the best; you never know.
So when I was in the 3rd week of flowering i added a cfl light, stupid me never plugged it into the timer. It stayed that way untill today when i finally invesgated why i was getting stressed out leaves coming from the buds. So now its fixed but im afraid its to late, the damage is done .

This is my first time running a bubbler hydro system w/rockwool. GH nutrients, grow tent and 2 300 watt led grow lights. I'm also getting a little chemical burn on the tips of the leaves, I'm thinking thats from letting the water get a little low or maybe even the light leak. PH is 5.8-6.2 always and ppm is about 1000

Any advice would be a huge help. Im really afraid I screwed it up with leaving that one cfl light on for almost 2 weeks . I'm really good at no light leaks, thats why it was never checked .
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Yup the damage is done better hope it doesnt hermie on you because of it.

I would get rid of the cfl light cuz its probably a veg light or has a veg spectrum in it.

Your buds do look airy for week 5 try to eliminate as much nitrogen as you can or you can try to add a little pk boost to make you nutes more of a flower formula if you havent already done this. 50-75 ppm of pk boost.

Lower your ppm's to about 650-700 and get some hydrogaurd in there to buff up the roots once a week for the rest of the grow.

Hot nutes on a stressed plant isnt a good thing, you want to bring it back down and let it recover

Your base of your plant does look pretty bitchin though gl.
So Its a little over a week now. The plant is defiantly acting a little different. The buds closest to the cfl light, look like they started to streach again. Getting new growth, new buds and bare spots. I actually thought about cutting the tops off, not sure if that would stress the plant even more .
Im also getting little balls all over. Can't tell if there male or female. They do got white hairs coming out of them, so i don't know if there pollen sacs or not.
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No banana looking site on the buds them self. Also some buds looks great. 20181004_134520.jpg I did lower the ppm down to about 750 that did take care of the nutrient burn at the tip of the leaves. All and all the grow is going good besides my mess up, roots are nice and white and looking good . 20181004_133319_HDR.jpg
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If anyone can tell if those ball are pollen sacs or not would be a help so i can harvest b4 it seeds, Or any other suggestions would be appreciated.
no balls to be seen. swollen calyx. it has 2 pistils coming out of it. if it didn't have the pistils it would be balls!
and that stretch will fill back out if you let it.
i caused stretch with too much p/k. it looked exactly like what you're dealing with...
it will definitely fill back out though. or at least it did in my situation. i cant really speak for others i guess.
710labs just had a problem like this. 1 HPS lamp was on and it caused the whole warehouse to go back into veg on week 5!!!
they were either going to scrap them and start new OR let it go and see what happens!!
they chose to just let it go and see what happens!

i bet money the yield might be a bit bigger but with a much longer flowering time.

Or what i hope doesn't happen.. is the flowers that had 4 weeks left will mature and ripen and need to be picked before the rest of the plant is done.
I'll try to keep ya updated for the rest of the grow. I didn't think that those were pollen sac but i keep second gussing my self. I am keepimg a good eye out for the bananas tho. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

Ohh the seeds are Somango XXL from nirvanashop really stinky stuff. Can't open my tent with out smelling up the whole basement. In a good way :lol: