Option A or B?


Active Member
Alright.. i have 2 plants growing in a small cabinet right now..they are only a little lesss than 2 weeks old, and i am leaving on a 5 day vacation. there is no one to tend to my plants for that time.. so i am wondering should i just water them and leave them outside.. or water them and leave the lights on or off?

Personally i think putting them outside is probably the better desicision.. but does anyone have any reasoning?



Well-Known Member
Yea i def say just give them a real good watering and place them outside if its safe meaning no people and no animals

or go to walmart they sell this thing cant remember the name off the top of my head but its like a huge needle just stick it in the dirt and its suppose to water the plant when it needs it. Buddy uses it says it does work i have no personal experience


Well-Known Member
water and leave inside , the sun outside will dry up your soil .. and prob kill the plant , Inside at least it wont die but may stunt it for a week or so ..


Well-Known Member
just water them reallllly good and put lights higher so they wouldnt burn by growing & the heat wouldnt dry up soil too quick.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice!

Ps. Artis is latin for skill or technique; character
I'm not sure if its thats a word in another language too or what you ment nemad..



Well-Known Member
Ps. Artis is latin for skill or technique; character
I'm not sure if its thats a word in another language too or what you ment nemad..
oh, ok, in my language its name for a person :)

what i wrote was "Arti, how do you do?" :)