Well-Known Member
My DJ's Shortbread arrived today!!! M.O. arrived Monday and beans in my mailbox by Friday, thank you OES 

Here they are ;?)
This is the only neg, imo, that it came with "OES" on the return. Yeah I'm paranoid cuz I live in a state that's not legal yet, so I'd prefer a fake addy/name (like Acme Unicorn Bait ;?).
HEY, look there's THIRTEEN beans, instead of 10!!! But sshhhhh, don't tell OES they can't count, lol.
Although it's hard to tell from the pic, these two runts are about half the size of the biggest bean of the bunch, not complaining, but glad they were extras or I might have been a little unhappy. But that doesn't mean they won't pop, we'll find out shortly. That and a free piece of SB blotter... ;?D
Got em soaking for 30 minutes in H2O2 for cleansing before I put em on paper towels to pop, I'll post back the numbers when they're done ;?)

This is the only neg, imo, that it came with "OES" on the return. Yeah I'm paranoid cuz I live in a state that's not legal yet, so I'd prefer a fake addy/name (like Acme Unicorn Bait ;?).

HEY, look there's THIRTEEN beans, instead of 10!!! But sshhhhh, don't tell OES they can't count, lol.

Although it's hard to tell from the pic, these two runts are about half the size of the biggest bean of the bunch, not complaining, but glad they were extras or I might have been a little unhappy. But that doesn't mean they won't pop, we'll find out shortly. That and a free piece of SB blotter... ;?D

Got em soaking for 30 minutes in H2O2 for cleansing before I put em on paper towels to pop, I'll post back the numbers when they're done ;?)