So your seriously cool with $600 dollar plus blank money orders in the mail? I have lost 3 over the years. Shit sucks. Its not Toby. Itll be the USPS when one of the employees catches on to the addy with money going to it.
I'll be on the table waiting for CC or Paypal then ill throw a couple G's his way. Until then I am lucky enough to know most of the breeders and or alternative places to scoop. Except bigworm

. I do miss out on the killer freebies OES gives though. I am mostly just mad I can't hang and post orders from here with you all. Lol
One last thing, i did read the email as money order to him with in 3 days. Still when you do more than grow weed for a living, it is hard to get a money order and to usps in 3 days. See i work 7am to 7pm. Hard to get to a 9-5 shipping facility and have a job. Just making a point.