Oregon homeless camp bill

Some of those ghost cities sound hilarious, I love the themes. I would 100% move to one if it was a choice. Just ambling around empty mini Paris, drinking wine eating cheese.

That would be kind of a phase for anything like this though, the infrastructure has to be in place before people move there, so it will be empty while it fills in.

This is a proposal for what to do with the massive number of people that can't afford housing right now, so you have to keep in mind you are dealing with a huge group at once. One major advantage and use for it would be to build something like this quickly. Side bonus is lots of people priced out of housing have building skills. It is also a move in ready population to support all those businesses.

*the quick Google says about 600k homeless nationally, that seems low and I would say this is attractive for struggling people as well. Figure you have at least 100k-200k as that initial group.
On the sprawl aspect and having to develop land part, can't deny dense ass cities use less land, but these wouldn't be giant yards. Kind of like rowhouses with a tiny yard but then communal greenspaces and parks. They pack houses in with modern suburbs, I can mow with a weedwacker in like 15 minutes for instance. Uses more land, but its a bit higher quality of life than living on the 57th floor of a tower.
On the sprawl aspect and having to develop land part, can't deny dense ass cities use less land, but these wouldn't be giant yards. Kind of like rowhouses with a tiny yard but then communal greenspaces and parks. They pack houses in with modern suburbs, I can mow with a weedwacker in like 15 minutes for instance. Uses more land, but its a bit higher quality of life than living on the 57th floor of a tower.
Outdoor yards are a 19th-century conceit. Build tall with a garden level every fifth floor.

I think we basically disagree on what makes quality of life, shrug
Outdoor yards are a 19th-century conceit. Build tall with a garden level every fifth floor.

I think we basically disagree on what makes quality of life, shrug

If I got shoved into a box in the sky and it was my only place to live they'd be hosing me off the sidewalk before too long.

Saw a guy take a high dive off the top of a hotel on Georgia St. in Van about 50 years ago. We were stuck in traffic coming out of Stanley Park after an Easter Be-in I think. Ripped on acid with lots of pot and booze. We were going to Gastown to score more dope in my buddies '59 Chevy POS. I'm riding shotgun and see a guy way up about 20 stories and it looks like he's standing outside the railing and leaning out holding on to the railing with both hands behind him. Didn't see anybody else up there but would have as it was a bright day and the dude was backlit well. We were about 4 - 5 city blocks away and not moving.

I start freaking out and tell the other guys, 5 in the car, to look and they see it too so we're all looking and freaking out when the mofo lets go and does a perfect high dive straight down. Like there was a pool down there and he was in the Olympics or something. Was near an hour before we got up to the spot and there was a fire truck hosing down the sidewalk and a couple of cop cars. Ambulance had taken the corpse away by then thank Jah.

I only did that once but had a big rubber band tied to my ankles and there was a pool down there I touched with my fingers then right back up. At the PNE about '94. Got a VHS tape to prove it too! :)

My nearest neighbour is a half klik away and I feel hemmed in.

...they'd be hosing me off the sidewalk before too long.

Saw a guy take a high dive off the top of a hotel on Georgia St. in Van about 50 years ago.
Ripped on acid with lots of pot and booze.
But of COURSE u hadda be trippin'! I've had some of the weirdest times on LSD, heehee. Man, we could spin a few yarns. Wife says i should write a book. Well, i dunno about that, but you damn sure should. 20 floors up, good lord.
Ok, but like what are the particular importance of them both spiritually and financially.
they're just from places we have visited, lots of places have big piles of them, we just look for native ones, they sell a lot from the middle east and africa, which is cool, but that's not a memory...Those are all from Tn, Ky, and Va...

and the Japanese steel is a cheap imitation, but it looks nice...I use the wooden practice sword next to it a lot more, thats about the tenth one of those i've had in the past 6 or 8 years.