Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Thanks and no problem, I'm looking forward to seeing how you do on this one! Get that job so you can have some extra cash and you will be straight!

I specifically remember reading the same thing about not having ph problems with soil.. Unfortunatley that is complete BS in my situation and a lot of others. I really think that part of my success on my first grow was from monitoring ph and nuting the right way.. Of course there's a bunch of other key components but you know what I mean..

I witnessed a few waterings with regular tap ph water @ 7.8-8 that affected the plants within hours! Right when I fixed the ph they bounced right back! I'm not saying you wont get a decent harvest without a ph tester, but it will go a hell of a lot smoother! Don't stress it though, your girls will be good for now just get them the proper ph'd water asap.. If you have to get distilled water..


Well-Known Member
anyone here know of vegging with a green light and flower with a red t5? it decreases yield but increases potency i heard


Well-Known Member
seems to make sense though maybe if you have a 4 lamp fixture put 2 greens and 2 6500k bulbs and same for the red i might have to try that


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about that MIMA. I didn't think plants could take in green light. Usually it's blue for veg, red for bloom. But I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
maybe it was blue i read this a while ago but it seems pretty interesting might have to give it a try


Well-Known Member

Alright, I'm on day 12 (from first sign of a root popping out from seed). Everything is looking pretty good so far, besides one minor issue. I'm pretty sure SmellyTreez has diagnosed it as pH imbalance. If you notice on the following two photos, all of the discoloring portion of the leaves, are on the oldest of growth. I want to add a topdressing of dolomite lime, but I don't know how much to use. Anyone have a recommendation of how much dolomite to topdress the soil for a small seedling size pot?
2010-10-08 18.50.14.jpg
2010-10-08 18.49.47.jpg
2010-10-08 18.49.02.jpg
2010-10-08 18.49.30.jpg

Also, I wanted the plant to stretch just a tad more so I can start LST'ing a bit possibly.

Still no beans from Nirvana...And I may have a job this time tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
that sucks bro, go with attitude's garanteed order next time! Thats why I was saying its worth the extra money for shipping because going what your going through sucks!!

Not sure about the dolo lime, I've never used it so maybe someone can come in and give you an experienced opinion.. Otherwise I would say just a pinch..


Well-Known Member
Over the past three days I germed three more beans. Two nice fat tiger-striped, mottled ones, and one small one that looked like shit. Surprisingly, the shitty one popped first and spat out a root so quick that it shed its shell in the paper towel. So I planted that one in my new soil mix...

I mixed up some new soil tonight: 60:40 - Spaghnum Moss to Perlite. I also added in one tablespoon of dolomite lime. I used 6 cups of spahgnum and about 4 cups perlite which made enough for two small seedling pots. I watered both pots thoroughly before planting anything in them. The water going into it was around 160 PPM, and when it came out was at around 275 PPM. Not too bad, only 115 PPM of lime minerals and MG nutes from the perlite.

I also mixed up a new gallon of BMO Grow It Green. PPM started around 160, and ended up around 475. ~300 PPM of nutrients. I'm hoping the lime will buffer my pH enough so I can do without a meter for a couple more weeks.


Well-Known Member
We have an issue: Spider Mites. I first noticed it on a palm plant I have inside (in a different room from the grow room, though), there were small webs at the tips of the plants. Upon closer inspection, there were fucking thousands of them. Webs across the space between leaves near the branch stem. You could see them crawling from leaf to leaf, sucking the life out of it. I had my fingers crossed that they wouldn't have gotten into the grow room, but sure enough, they did. The infestation was not nearly as bad as on the palm. There were a few (no more than 6-8) per leaf.

The palm tree I was concerned with it spreading more into the grow closet, so I took that fucker outside and sprayed it down with a 20% isopropyl alcohol solution. I've heard alcohol will kill them on impact, where as other solutions slowly kill them. I sprayed it down very well, then made my way into the grow closet. I took a very diluted solution of soap:water (2 squirts of soap from hand-soap dispenser to a full spray bottle of water) and sprayed down each leaf individually. After that I let it sit for 20 minutes, then sprayed again with just water solution. I then took an old cotton t-shirt and wiped down each leaf with a bit of pressure (you could see some of the bug guts on the t-shirt after I wiped each leaf). I'm hoping this took them out. I'm going to try to grab some Einstein Oil and spray them down, when I start working.

Which, by the way, got hired...Nice.


Active Member
congrats on the job man just got me a job monday lol o ya did you ever get ur beans from nirvana man? I got my replacement beans today It took them 11 days to get here. I wonder why you never received yours


Well-Known Member
congrats on the job man just got me a job monday lol o ya did you ever get ur beans from nirvana man? I got my replacement beans today It took them 11 days to get here. I wonder why you never received yours
My replacement beans came quick too!!

Congrats on the job brotha!!

Sucks about the mites..


Well-Known Member
Nope, replacements have still yet to get here. Thanks, hopefully I can sell the fuck out of some expensive glass and the shop owner will give me a bunch of hours.

These mites won't live long. I will make sure of that.


Well-Known Member

First, and least important, I re-potted the lavender that was in the milk quart jug. It's taking well to the new mix.
2010-10-16 00.52.22.jpg
This is a new bagseed that has been planted. If you recall my last update regarding germinating three seeds, this is the smallest of the three. The two bigger beans didn't make it.
2010-10-16 00.52.15.jpg
Here is an above shot of the one Blackberry plant. I have taken care of the spider mites for the most part by spraying them with the soap/water solution, waiting 20 minutes, then spraying again with water. After the water spray down, I wiped each leaf with minute pressure between a cotton t-shirt to ensure all the spider mites/eggs were gone or dead. You can see two leaves beginning to yellow as branching is starting to occur at that node. I believe this is fairly normal, yes?
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Here is beneath the canopy where the cotyledons and first branch set are dying off. You can also see new growth beginning at both nodes.
2010-10-16 00.51.57.jpg

All in all, things are going much smoother than I thought. I thought spider mites would decimate my shit much quicker than they did. Also, I thought they would be harder to take care of than they were (fingers crossed).

I haven't checked the dates in awhile, but my plants are somewhere around 3 weeks old. They should probably be bigger, but I've got all the time in the world for these babies.


Well-Known Member
have you started feeding?
Yes, indeed. I gave it about 300ppm of Grow It Green last watering. Or maybe I fed it Super Plant of the two. I've been alternating between feedings of SPT, GIT, and then plain ol' dechlorinated water (~160 ppm after de-chlorination). The new growth has consistently maintained a dark green hue, and so far I'm happy with the Blue Mountain Organics line. Then again, I'm only a few weeks into this thing. I've been giving the seedling only de-chlorinated water and SPT feedings (This is safe for seedlings, folks...and they love it). I'll check out your grow now, thanks for stopping in.


Well-Known Member
The SPT isn't really for nutrition is it? It's mostly soil microbes and food for them right? I really wanted to get that but i'm doing synthetic fertilizers.


Well-Known Member
Correct. Mostly beneficial bacteria and micro-organisms.

EDIT: I've still yet to get my beans, also.