Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Well-Known Member
I decided to set-up my SCROG on my second, bagseed plant because I was bored while my girlfriend cooked up some kick-ass banana bread. So here it is. It's extremely simple; just some duct tape and hemp cord criss-crossed into a 5x6 square grid. I'm hoping to be able to make this an experiment in LST. I want to try to make the plant spiral completely around the pot. Either way, here's a picture.

2010-10-17 19.10.52.jpg


Well-Known Member
Two weeks ago (One week old):
2010-09-30 16.50.34.jpg
One week ago (Two weeks old):
2010-10-08 18.49.30.jpg
Currently (Three weeks old):
2010-10-16 00.51.42.jpg

I'm hoping to be able to clone within the next four weeks. From there I think I am going to clone about 8-10 clones and then throw them veg for one to two weeks to root before they go into flower.


Well-Known Member
And finally, in my barrage of posts, I'm thinking the Blackberry plant is starting to show female pre-flowers. See pic below:

2010-10-16 16.29.59.jpg


Well-Known Member
yup its a girl congrats man your a father...

just stopped by to see the grow, looking good man gotta love them T5's..


Well-Known Member
Well, I wasn't quite ready to be a father yet at this age, but I guess I will make it work ;-)

Thanks for stopping in. I'm checking out your single cola journal now. Your mother's stems are fucking massive. Also, I had a quick question: I saw on your clones, as well as a lot of people around RIT, cut the leaves on their clones. Just wanted to know what this is all about. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
well the simple answer is it takes less to nourish half a leaf so more goes into rooting,, but works both ways all the same i have rooted up to 5 nodes befor with no cutting..


Well-Known Member

Everything is looking good. I watered these guys last night and tested the runoff PPM. It was coming out at around 275 PPM. From the tap my water is around 180-200, and then after de-chlorination it sits around 160-175. Meaning there was still around 115 PPM of nutrient solution and minerals left in the growing medium. I mixed up another batch of soil(less) medium tonight. 6 cups sphagnum, 2.5 cups perlite, 1 tablespoon dolomite lime, and 1 tablespoon blood meal. These ratios seem to be doing well for the smaller bagseed seedling, so I figured I'd keep it the same for this new batch.

The Blackberry plant is doing well, the cotyledons and first true set of leaves have withered up (I cut off the first true set of leaves as there were yellowed and crisp), and the bagseed plant is starting it's second set of true leaves. I'm going to give the Blackberry a feeding tomorrow or the following day (300 PPM of Grow It Green), and I'm still letting the seedlings grow on solely de-chlorinated tap water. I will switch them over to the 300 PPM nutrient solution at the beginning of week three.

2010-10-19 19.07.43.jpg

Time to transplant?


Well-Known Member
Yup, it's time to transplant. Done and done:

2010-10-20 00.04.03.jpg

Before I transplanted I mixed up some new soiless, then flushed the medium with a gallon of water. Then transplanted into bigger pots, and packed down the soil a bit. Now to watch them take off...


Well-Known Member
right on man, you should start to get some major new growth with the flush and transplant...
I'm hoping they speed up their growth a bit, as I feel like they are growing a bit slowly for nearly 4 weeks. Thanks for checking in though, for awhile I felt like I was talking to myself. :-)


Well-Known Member
so i was trying to read back and see what your ph is and i could not see...

usually ph isnt that big of a deal in dirt cause it acts as buffer.. but if its real high then that could be bad...
also are you letting your water set for 24hrs to evap all the chlorine?
are you over watering?
and how close is your light?
all these things could be a factor in why she is growing slow...


Well-Known Member
so i was trying to read back and see what your ph is and i could not see...

usually ph isnt that big of a deal in dirt cause it acts as buffer.. but if its real high then that could be bad...
also are you letting your water set for 24hrs to evap all the chlorine?
are you over watering?
and how close is your light?
all these things could be a factor in why she is growing slow...
I actually don't have a pH meter! Unfortunately. I am very broke right now and waiting to pick up a pH meter. I have been watching them for signs of pH stress though, and nothing so far.
My water usually sits out for over 48 hours before I give it to my babies.
I usually water every 3-4 days, depending on when the pot feels light again.
I keep my T5 about 2" from the plant. But I have been dropping it to 10" for a couple days at a time to promote stretching a bit.

Thanks for throwing out some ideas as to why she's going slow. I guess in the end, I have all the time in the world. I will veg these fuckers for 8 weeks, and flower for 16, if need be!

I plan on using the same type of single cola growing you're doing using Al B. Fuct's system as a guide.


Well-Known Member
Hrm. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. It's shooting out new leaves left and right, but they are fucking packed right atop one another. I'm thinking this could possibly be lowryder cross (Does this exist)? Or maybe even an autoflowering strain? Again, maybe I'm just high.


Well-Known Member
STILL waiting on those beans from Nirvana. It's been nearly 2 weeks since they re-shipped my package, hopefully this one shows up:

Oct 8, 2010 1:05:13 PM - Shipped
Oct 6, 2010 12:39:43 PM - Ready to be shipped
Oct 6, 2010 12:09:38 PM - Re-sent
Sep 15, 2010 5:05:38 PM - Shipped
Sep 13, 2010 4:19:41 PM - Ready to be shipped
Sep 13, 2010 4:19:40 PM - Complete
Sep 13, 2010 5:20:38 AM - Packaging department
Sep 12, 2010 5:20:32 AM - Paid
Sep 12, 2010 5:20:30 AM - Processing
Sep 12, 2010 5:20:30 AM - Waiting for payment (CC)
Sep 12, 2010 5:19:42 AM - Waiting for payment (CC)
Sep 12, 2010 5:19:40 AM - Waiting for payment (CC)


Well-Known Member
Here is a tentative schedule I am using. Any thoughts? PPM's too high nearing harvest? Think I should allow two weeks for flush?
Picture 5.jpg
Picture 4.jpg
Picture 3.jpg
Picture 1.jpg
Picture 2.jpg