Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Since the Republican twats want to pick on transgender people, I thought I would put it out there that my wife and I have a transgender six year old.

I'm ready for a fight with any piece of shit that has a problem with it.

Geez, I didn't mean this to be a think piece
They wanna pick on anybody who is a bit different, black, brown, Asian, handicapped, gay, trans, people who speak with funny accents, immigrants, Jews... Anybody who can be singled out and is a bit different, they have such low empathy scores just dressing differently can get you beat up.
Hats off to you. For recognizing and acknowledging it early. Good luck and strength with the difficulties and prejudices today’s society may present.
I never realized how much oprobrium we would receive as parents by "allowing" this. Lost most of my already strained family over it. My own sister has turned me into a Facebook story of liberal indulgence and excess to her semi-moron militia friends.

Republicans are assholes and bullies.
Since the Republican twats want to pick on transgender people, I thought I would put it out there that my wife and I have a transgender six year old.

I'm ready for a fight with any piece of shit that has a problem with it.

Geez, I didn't mean this to be a think piece
You been gaslit. Both political parties have you right where they want you.

"We've always been at war with Eurasia"

Nobody cares man.
You know, I am not just looking for a fight. If there are any people here going through a similar situation or just have honest questions, I am cool with that.

I am extraordinarily combative about the topic due to the reaction of most of the people we have encountered here.

Most of them think that my wife or I just wanted to be fashionable or preferred a girl to a boy and, I guess, were willing to subject our child to the world of shit she will be experiencing in her life. Uh huh. Yeah, that's it. Like windmills, trans children are just "expensive fashion accessories."
Since the Republican twats want to pick on transgender people, I thought I would put it out there that my wife and I have a transgender six year old.

I'm ready for a fight with any piece of shit that has a problem with it.

Geez, I didn't mean this to be a think piece

'but it's just not fair'.

do you think Bruce Jenner used any performance enhancing drugs during his Olympic days?
Is this your child by birth or adopted? I'm kinda surprised at the age but not really. Was this something that was brought to your attention by your child? Its hard to think about a 6 yr old having these kinds of thots but what do I know? I didn't grow up with the internet and a phone in my hand.
Funny thing about my neighbor. About three days later she had some problem that left her flat on the ground and crying for help. I was at work but my wife was here to see it. My wife is a lovely and kind women and feels just a tiny bit bad about the fact that she was too busy straightening out the couch cushions to lend her assistance. Just a tiny bit. (Don't judge her, it was an incredibly ugly incident - don't fuck with a protective mother) It all worked out in the end. An ambulance came and got her and their house is up for sale now.