Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Drop a turd? No I cared enough to provide enough assurance that this shouldn't be an issue for anyone. ..who cares? Point him out in other words. Relax man , have a shmoke and a pancake. A bong and a blitz.
I’m thinking your post was misunderstood and you right, who should care. The problem is many do care in a negative way that a certain lifestyle doesn’t fit into their misconstrued ideal of what’s right, and the sad part it ruins lives.
I’m thinking your post was misunderstood and you right, who should care. The problem is many do care in a negative way that a certain lifestyle doesn’t fit into their misconstrued ideal of what’s right, and the sad part it ruins lives.
He was not very clear about his intentions was he? Who cares about the rights or feelings of transgender people? He made no effort whatsoever to show support, just an ambiguous declarative that sounded callous to me. I mean electrons are cheap and "who cares", sounds like he doesn't care enough to make himself clear and I can't see how that's suppose to help or support. Why show up on this thread? To support? To offer assistance or resources? To advise? To judge? To inflict suffering?
Cause you're all goofs bud. The whole riu "mean girls" squad, everyone knows who you are. Any chance i get to cut you fags up I'm gonna take.
This thread is about a six year old transgender child, not a place to salve your sore asshole, whine and bitch. Just STFU and go away.
Birth. Yeah, so were we. This was not something we took lightly. Not at all. Far from it. She is a very intelligent child and was able to express her thoughts and feelings with a clarity, sincerity and consistency that forced us to take her seriously after about two years. The shit we heard would probably change anybody's mind if they went through it. It was pretty easy to see how it could turn to massive depression and suicidal thoughts as it does for so many transgender kids. She told us that her birth name, a male name, seemed like a stranger to her and began to exhibit some pretty startling depressive thoughts and some serious acting out. There's a lot more to the story. We lived it for a couple of years. We took the step of officially acknowledging it with a whole lot of trepidation knowing the shitstorm that she was wading into. Additionally, who the hell knows what a 4-5 year old is up to? Could it just be a phase? Oh hell yeah, but at a certain point, you have to assess the welfare of the kid and it was having very negative effects. I'll say this... the kid had absolutely no exposure to this issue. Everything was 100% organic from her own brain. This carried a lot of weight with us.

Just a little over a year ago, we sat down and talked it out. She chose a new name and we now treat her as a girl. Don't get me wrong, you change her clothes and ignore her name and you wouldn't know that she isn't a boy, or a girl - she's just a kid. Things have gotten better since then but there are continual problems with bullying and abuse by children and adults - literally all of them under the reasoning of their idea of christianity.

What does the future hold? Who knows? We'll be waiting to see. She's in a private school that respects her choice but it cannot protect her from the things that other kids parents are saying to them and it will have a lot more impact as she gets past kindergarten.

I am especially saddened that my own mother cannot cope with this and refuses to recognize it (ironically, my mom is a closeted self-loathing lesbian who has a long history of anti-gay behavior - if she were more intelligent it would tear her up. Instead she bathes herself clean daily with the word of the lord as expressed by her latest tv evangelist). She asks me all sorts of nonsensical questions that center on gender roles that just fail to make any sense to me. I find it really hard to understand that the woman that raised four children cannot understand that none of this matters to us. All that matters is that this is the very same child that I saw grow in my wife's belly, and that we have both loved more than anything since she was born.

Then I remember that she is a malignant narcissist that has destroyed every relationship she has ever had and thinks that Trump is a good man who god chose to usher us into the end times.
Wow, you seem to have a very mature and thoughtful young child with equally thoughtful parents. Kudos to you.
That’s awesome. You must be an expert on parenting or something.

I like to see credentials when someone is giving free advice. I’m a suspicious bastard.

Nah, not an expert -just lived a long time. ;)
And consider that this website is dedicated and focused on marijuana users and not family planning/social services....What credentials are you looking for in the politics subsection of a weed forum? Even so, what if I give you those credentials? What, then, would compel you to trust the credentials? Would you require some more credentials for those credentials? heh

Anyway, back to the subject....Kids don't know who they are because they haven't experienced enough stuff. I know a few adults who still don't know who they are! Kids can learn how to adapt to the environment they are in, yes. So, if you put them in a cage with monkeys, then they'll start trying to act like monkeys. That's about it. If I'm wrong, then that little kid preacher in the video I posted earlier is the real deal, right?
Nah, not an expert -just lived a long time. ;)
And consider that this website is dedicated and focused on marijuana users and not family planning/social services....What credentials are you looking for in the politics subsection of a weed forum? Even so, what if I give you those credentials? What, then, would compel you to trust the credentials? Would you require some more credentials for those credentials? heh

Anyway, back to the subject....Kids don't know who they are because they haven't experienced enough stuff. I know a few adults who still don't know who they are! Kids can learn how to adapt to the environment they are in, yes. So, if you put them in a cage with monkeys, then they'll start trying to act like monkeys. That's about it. If I'm wrong, then that little kid preacher in the video I posted earlier is the real deal, right?
They make "act" like monkeys, but that won't make them monkeys.
Nah, not an expert -just lived a long time. ;)
And consider that this website is dedicated and focused on marijuana users and not family planning/social services....What credentials are you looking for in the politics subsection of a weed forum? Even so, what if I give you those credentials? What, then, would compel you to trust the credentials? Would you require some more credentials for those credentials? heh

Anyway, back to the subject....Kids don't know who they are because they haven't experienced enough stuff. I know a few adults who still don't know who they are! Kids can learn how to adapt to the environment they are in, yes. So, if you put them in a cage with monkeys, then they'll start trying to act like monkeys. That's about it. If I'm wrong, then that little kid preacher in the video I posted earlier is the real deal, right?
Maybe you've lived too long and can no longer adapt to the new reality. Old ideas don't die out, the people who hold them do. Too often a long life does not necessarily make a wise person, there are old fools too. Do you think people are naturally right or left handed? Is the choice learned? Should children be forced to use their right hand?

I'm 66 years old and have been around the block a few times myself.
Just want to drop this here, it took a million years to reach 1 billion population, it took only 200 years to go from 1 to 7 billion. We’ve endured war, famine, disease and natural disasters but G*d is providing a different solution to slow population growth now...until a meteor comes and it begins again.
Nah, not an expert -just lived a long time. ;)
And consider that this website is dedicated and focused on marijuana users and not family planning/social services....What credentials are you looking for in the politics subsection of a weed forum? Even so, what if I give you those credentials? What, then, would compel you to trust the credentials? Would you require some more credentials for those credentials? heh

Anyway, back to the subject....Kids don't know who they are because they haven't experienced enough stuff. I know a few adults who still don't know who they are! Kids can learn how to adapt to the environment they are in, yes. So, if you put them in a cage with monkeys, then they'll start trying to act like monkeys. That's about it. If I'm wrong, then that little kid preacher in the video I posted earlier is the real deal, right?
That’s exactly what I thought. You’re just an ignorant fucker who thinks people give a shit about what an ignorant fucker thinks.
Nah, not an expert -just lived a long time. ;)
And consider that this website is dedicated and focused on marijuana users and not family planning/social services....What credentials are you looking for in the politics subsection of a weed forum? Even so, what if I give you those credentials? What, then, would compel you to trust the credentials? Would you require some more credentials for those credentials? heh

Anyway, back to the subject....Kids don't know who they are because they haven't experienced enough stuff. I know a few adults who still don't know who they are! Kids can learn how to adapt to the environment they are in, yes. So, if you put them in a cage with monkeys, then they'll start trying to act like monkeys. That's about it. If I'm wrong, then that little kid preacher in the video I posted earlier is the real deal, right?
Oh the voice of moral conscience LOL
AKA Bernie is a god
oh yes you can..you stop calling them..and i advise that. as you know kids are very perceptive and your child will feel her disgust and contempt..why would you want to expose your child to that? no thank you. my mom was a functioning alcoholic for forever and i refused to let my kids see it. she's passed on early death at 70, my children don't remember her. that part makes me sad. i made the decision that it was better for them to not know her than to know her in that manner..to know her the way i did.

i still stiffen when i hear the creak of a cabinet and the swirling of ice and a butter knife in liquid.

your family is you, your wife and child.
Thanks for sharing, that must of been hard :hug:. I feel your pain.

Little off topic, but stay strong.....family is all that matters.
Fukk the trolls. Be who they may. Yet please try to allow natures course. I see too much adult input on the children.
Cutting you losers up is to good tbh. I don't like you or the rest of your bitches you roll with so get used to it or leave. Go cry in the corner bitch.
Trigger the libs traitor? The only thing you're doing here is demonstrating that you are a loser and a fool. You are also being socially rejected by decent people, now just STFU and go away.
Just want to drop this here, it took a million years to reach 1 billion population, it took only 200 years to go from 1 to 7 billion. We’ve endured war, famine, disease and natural disasters but G*d is providing a different solution to slow population growth now...until a meteor comes and it begins again.
Are you talking about oral?

Just a guess, because we have lots of friends who are gay with kids.
Cause you're all goofs bud. The whole riu "mean girls" squad, everyone knows who you are. Any chance i get to cut you fags up I'm gonna take.

Estain the so called ladies man is filled with rage because he's never had a woman in real life, porn,incest,rape, and prostitutes are his only window into what a relationship with the female sex might be like. That sort of existence is what turned him into the piece of shit you see here.
Estain the so called ladies man is filled with rage because he's never had a woman in real life, porn,incest,rape, and prostitutes are his only window into what a relationship with the female sex might be like. That sort of existence is what turned him into the piece of shit you see here.
It sucks that he must have seen his dad/father figure abuse everyone around him to be so hatefully certain of his small prejudices.