Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Did you volunteer to get yourself fixed? Be part of the solution then and not part of the problem, if you are concerned. Do you think this is an appropriate thread for a discussion of eugenics?

Female emancipation and empowerment along with birth control will solve the problem. Where females are not thus educated and empowered, there are high birth rates, like in much of the Muslim world for instance. Even China is having trouble kick starting population growth after ending the one child policy. In many poor place children are old age security, like they used to be in the west. Populations in North America, Europe, China and in developed countries are shrinking and we have to import people to maintain population. Most of those people are brown and black these days because people from the UK and Sweden don't want to come here any more. The Japanese don't want immigration because of bigotry and are hoping robots will care for the rapidly aging population, to make sure all of their young people aren't employed changing adult diapers instead of infant ones.
Dude, i’m straight (probably), four kids and 1 grand. You proved my point, population is dropping where gays are accepted, africa not so much, macho sourh america too. Wait and see if gays and transgenders don’t decrease population significantly within our generation. My godsons brother is now his sister and she definitely is not having kids, snip snip.
Dude, i’m straight (probably), four kids and 1 grand. You proved my point, population is dropping where gays are accepted, africa not so much, macho sourh america too. Wait and see if gays and transgenders don’t decrease population significantly within our generation. My godsons brother is now his sister and she definitely is not having kids, snip snip.
Population growth shrinks as income goes up. There is no factor with greater correlation than that.

Oh, I forgot. You guys can just consider whatever you believe as a fact.

So what you are saying is that being gay is a choice and if society just shuns homosexuality, the otherwise gay people will just start to breed.

Hilarious AND adorable.
Lamest response I’ve read today. Congratulations
I could go into some detail but he's not worth the powder. You need to read more. Whose account did you pirate?
Must have been an easy password like grow or something. Started posting April 14th 2021, this is your first post in politics and you used up a sock doing it. So where have you been since 2008 and how many computers did you go through since then?
I think you are using a stolen account and guessed the password, but that is a matter @potroast to determine.

Active Member · From Las Vegas
Joined Jul 28, 2008
Last seen 20 minutes ago · Viewing thread Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.
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Dude, i’m straight (probably), four kids and 1 grand. You proved my point, population is dropping where gays are accepted, africa not so much, macho sourh america too. Wait and see if gays and transgenders don’t decrease population significantly within our generation. My godsons brother is now his sister and she definitely is not having kids, snip snip.
Don't humiliate yourself any further by posting on this thread, you obviously have sex issues.
Dude, i’m straight (probably), four kids and 1 grand. You proved my point, population is dropping where gays are accepted, africa not so much, macho sourh america too. Wait and see if gays and transgenders don’t decrease population significantly within our generation. My godsons brother is now his sister and she definitely is not having kids, snip snip.
I am straight. No kids. Which is too bad, would have been a good dad. But I did not accidentally knock up some girl (although for a month or more it seemed like it) and end up marying her and hating her in ten years.
Population growth shrinks as income goes up. There is no factor with greater correlation than that.

Oh, I forgot. You guys can just consider whatever you believe as a fact.

So what you are saying is that being gay is a choice and if society just shuns homosexuality, the otherwise gay people will just start to breed.

Hilarious AND adorable.
You lost me guy. You have a transgender or transvestite 6 year old correct? She didn’t choose being that way anymore than she chose being left or right handed. It’s nature not nurture.

I don't think you actually know any of my friends for you to like or dislike them.

I haven't bullied anyone since this one guy that just sucked at his job and made my life a pain in the ass. It was wrong, and was a bit shitty, but that was a long ass time ago and I really doubt you have any clue who he was.

So I believe that you are lying about watching me going around bullying people. And I am pretty sure I have never bullied anyone for any different opinions.

And I have never been in a circle jerk, I only went to a few frat parties back in my teens and never felt the need to conform enough to join one.

Do I understand that you are pretending that posting on here in a belligerent manner is somehow talking to people?

Yeah, but I also think that if you are a actual real person you are brainwashing into thinking that every account is actually someone, which is incredibly naive of you, and likely the reason that you have so much hate in you (if you actually believe this and are not just another troll).


Then why all the hate? It is especially shitty to call another human being 'it', it is dehumanizing. And a racist tactic.

You deserve a cup check for being naive.

That you are brainwashed into being a useful idiot at best? Yes.

All Caps and periods in between words.
Sure, totally not triggered.
You are seriously making me question you intelligence, like you come off as well spoken but then your can't comprehend shit. Is it intentional? Or is that just you?

Why all the hate? I told you, I don't like you or your "friends". Comprehension?!?

I wrote in caps with periods at the end to punctuate my statement you nicompoop. I've told you over and over again on here, the "why". The fact you still can't figure out out necessitated the need for me to lay it out like that for you. I was trying to accommodate your stupidity.

Read it slowerrrrrr and out loud.
Kids don't know what they want to be when they grow up. They will say and do all kinds of things along the way, though -based on what they see and hear around them -just like the little preacher kid. It must be confusing for kids to be given so many complex choices these days -as compared to a couple generations ago. Back then, the adults made most of the important choices for their kids and that allowed the kids to have fun and learn to do all the natural kid things without adding all the adult pressures of the world. Sure, there were kids that resented their parents for making them do something they didn't want....for awhile.

But now, parents want to include their kids in everything and there is no separation in the ranks. How can a kid learn respect when there's nobody around to respect? How can a kid look up to you when you put them at the same level as yourself? What ever happened to, "What should I do, Mom and Dad?" And instead of the answer being, "Whatever you want to do!", maybe the response should involve some insight and forethought from the more experienced and life-savvy adults. And if it makes the kid sad for a time, to not get their way, oh well....They can always wash dishes, rake leaves, mow lawns, shovel snow, etc., until they feel better.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
You are seriously making me question you intelligence,

like you come off as well spoken but then your can't comprehend shit. Is it intentional? Or is that just you?
I think it is more the form of communication. Because I actually think that you can't comprehend shit, is that intentional on your part?

Why all the hate?

, I don't like you or your "friends". Comprehension?!?
Nope, no comprehend. Which 'friends' do you think you know that I have?

I wrote in caps with periods at the end to punctuate my statement you nicompoop.
Yeah 'triggered'.

I've told you over and over again on here, the "why". The fact you still can't figure out out necessitated the need for me to lay it out like that for you. I was trying to accommodate your stupidity.
Awww shucks.
You aren't the brightest bulb in the pack are you pigeon?
It seems these issues can draw them out, even more than guns, they are ashamed by their support of Trump, so keep their distance and know there is no defending the indefensible. They appear to be more comfortable with this topic though and think their views on this matter have validity or even relevance.

Why ya even seemed to draw in a pirated account and they blew a hole in a quality fresh sock over this thread. ;) Either that or he were triggered, never said a peep from 2008 until three weeks ago in the grow section. Next, he made the mistake of taking a poke at me on your thread as his 15th message on the site and the first post in politics.