Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Lamest response I’ve read today. Congratulations
Ya know, since you haven't had an active account for 13 years, only recently started posting and have no credit to speak of, perhaps @rollitup should have you re register and start over again. Not much to loose really, just 15 posts that started on April 14th 2021 and of course this gem, your 15th post and 1st one in politics. What was your password, rollitup, or marijuana, or grow123?
Dude, i’m straight (probably), four kids and 1 grand. You proved my point, population is dropping where gays are accepted, africa not so much, macho sourh america too. Wait and see if gays and transgenders don’t decrease population significantly within our generation. My godsons brother is now his sister and she definitely is not having kids, snip snip.
Your "theory" is unsupported by evidence and there are better explanations that fit the evidence. Do these countries kill large numbers of gay people? They still exist there, perhaps not as openly, but they nonetheless are still there.

Making abortion and contraception illegal will increase population too, but increasing our population is not a problem. We can import lot's of people from countries that have too many, so there is no real problem, just opportunity.
Maybe you've lived too long and can no longer adapt to the new reality. Old ideas don't die out, the people who hold them do. Too often a long life does not necessarily make a wise person, there are old fools too. Do you think people are naturally right or left handed? Is the choice learned? Should children be forced to use their right hand?

I'm 66 years old and have been around the block a few times myself.
I can adapt to things, but that doesn't mean I ADOPT those things. Whatever hand is dominant has no bearing on a kid's life. Allowing a kid to BELIEVE he is a girl when he is a boy (or visa-versa), WILL affect that kid's life. Of course, when the kid is older and is past puberty and is capable of making decisions based upon more life experience, then maybe their decisions will have more validity. Until then, they are all just like the little preacher kid -monkey see/monkey do.

And, speaking of monkeys... whoever commented that a kid can be put with chimpanzees and learn to act like chimpanzees...but won't ever become a chimpanzee is absolutely correct. No matter how one learns to act, won't change what they really are....Just like when a little boy learns to act like a little girl because he grows up around men who act like women...It still doesn't make him a little girl. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, not a natural evolution. Chromosomes decide gender, not society.

P.S. My pronouns are X and Y
Your "theory" is unsupported by evidence and there are better explanations that fit the evidence. Do these countries kill large numbers of gay people? They still exist there, perhaps not as openly, but they nonetheless are still there.

Making abortion and contraception illegal will increase population too, but increasing our population is not a problem. We can import lot's of people from countries that have too many, so there is no real problem, just opportunity.
Because scared, narcissistic ,selfish and uninformed people think they know better than everyone else and are willing to go Jan 6th to "prove" it.
That is common knowledge. How many were executed again? Has it affected the population growth? They believe in witchcraft there too ya know and probably burned more witches than executed gays. The republicans do wanna make America like Uganda however with the same values, social programs and economy. Uganda is a poor country though and America is the richest, but is filled with racist morons who fuck themselves. Who's smarter?
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I can adapt to things, but that doesn't mean I ADOPT those things. Whatever hand is dominant has no bearing on a kid's life. Allowing a kid to BELIEVE he is a girl when he is a boy (or visa-versa), WILL affect that kid's life. Of course, when the kid is older and is past puberty and is capable of making decisions based upon more life experience, then maybe their decisions will have more validity. Until then, they are all just like the little preacher kid -monkey see/monkey do.

And, speaking of monkeys... whoever commented that a kid can be put with chimpanzees and learn to act like chimpanzees...but won't ever become a chimpanzee is absolutely correct. No matter how one learns to act, won't change what they really are....Just like when a little boy learns to act like a little girl because he grows up around men who act like women...It still doesn't make him a little girl. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, not a natural evolution. Chromosomes decide gender, not society.

P.S. My pronouns are X and Y
So you figure you should spout your fruitcake theories and questionable morals on this particular thread? Looks like we need a new thread here to address sexual deviants such as yourself and the others who were triggered enough to show up and shit themselves.

Baldrick is doing just fine as a parent, probably much better than you.
So you figure you should spout your fruitcake theories and questionable morals on this particular thread? Looks like we need a new thread here to address sexual deviants such as yourself and the others who were triggered enough to show up and shit themselves.

Baldrick is doing just fine as a parent, probably much better than you.
First of all....Who are you referring to when you say "we"? Is this thread posted by a group of people or just one? It's a thread. It's implied that people can come and comment. You did. I did. So what?
First of all....Who are you referring to when you say "we"? Is this thread posted by a group of people or just one? It's a thread. It's implied that people can come and comment. You did. I did. So what?
You or I can comment, just be prepared to defend your contentions and make sure you are in a morally defensible position, which you are not. As for we, that includes me and I'd like to move discussions of this nature off Baldrick's thread and onto another one. I'll create that homophobe magnet in a moment
First of all....Who are you referring to when you say "we"? Is this thread posted by a group of people or just one? It's a thread. It's implied that people can come and comment. You did. I did. So what?
Hey Felicia,

You said you were leaving. Try to be consistent.
I can adapt to things, but that doesn't mean I ADOPT those things. Whatever hand is dominant has no bearing on a kid's life.
At one time it did. Because small minded people beloved that it made their kids evil. Kind of interesting how history repeats itself.

Allowing a kid to BELIEVE he is a girl when he is a boy (or visa-versa),
Do you think that you can 'allow' someone to believe something? Because that is not something that I think is really a thing here.
WILL affect that kid's life.
Sure, but that doesn't mean that it is a bad thing.

Of course, when the kid is older and is past puberty and is capable of making decisions based upon more life experience, then maybe their decisions will have more validity. Until then, they are all just like the little preacher kid -monkey see/monkey do.
So just because it makes some people feel bigoted the kid should not be able to feel the way they do?

And, speaking of monkeys... whoever commented that a kid can be put with chimpanzees and learn to act like chimpanzees...but won't ever become a chimpanzee is absolutely correct. No matter how one learns to act, won't change what they really are....Just like when a little boy learns to act like a little girl because he grows up around men who act like women...It still doesn't make him a little girl. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, not a natural evolution. Chromosomes decide gender, not society.
Im guessing you learned this stellar information by being around people with no clue what they are talking about.
Those laws are only put in place because American evangelicals churches travel to Africa and teach them to hate and push these beliefs.
To be fair, a good bit of Africa (although only about 15% of Uganda) is Muslim. They push that just as much if not more than Christians do.
That is common knowledge. How many were executed again? Has it affected the population growth? They believe in witchcraft there too ya know and probably burned more witches than executed gays. The republicans do wanna make America like Uganda however with the same values, social programs and economy. Uganda is a poor country though and America is the richest, but is filled with racist morons who fuck themselves. Who's smarter?
Sorry, i didn’t know you drank in the morning. Homosexuality is a crime in 32 subsahara countries, primarily because of evangelical xtians like andrew wommack opening “bible colleges” across the continent.
Those laws are only put in place because American evangelicals churches travel to Africa and teach them to hate and push these beliefs.
If we could keep Americans from leaving instead of focusing on keeping others out, the world would be a better place.
Sorry, i didn’t know you drank in the morning. Homosexuality is a crime in 32 subsahara countries, primarily because of evangelical xtians like andrew wommack

If we could keep Americans from leaving instead of focusing on keeping others out, the world would be a better place.
I don't drink at all Jack and the geographic distribution of homophobic laws used to be much larger than sub Saharan Africa. The most conservative protestant and catholic congregations are there and Muslims are pretty conservative too. The common thread is religion, it's like that in the American bible belt, but civilized folks out number the religious lunatics, or they would be burning people at the stake.
Ya know, since you haven't had an active account for 13 years, only recently started posting and have no credit to speak of, perhaps @rollitup should have you re register and start over again. Not much to loose really, just 15 posts that started on April 14th 2021 and of course this gem, your 15th post and 1st one in politics. What was your password, rollitup, or marijuana, or grow123?

yawn, you put a lot into that response. It’s kind of pitiful you spend so much time trying to school some rando dude on the internet. You actually sat there researching my account trying to find something to make a comeback with. Laughable. And to top it off, your response is my account doesn’t have enough activity. I’m embarrassed for you. You also seem to have this obsession with Trump. It’s weird. It’s your go to if you‘re losing an argument, I’m sure. It’ll definitely be in your response to this. You’re a joke. I look forward to a better stab at me. Fool. Clown