Believe it or not, I am one of such people, as much as you may now believe the opposite, mostly due to what to my knowledge is gaslighting, trolling, or outright just hate speech flung at me by others in this thread, and the truth is that these qualities are nonpartisan. Both sides have their hands dirty in this regard. Your "liking" of some of such ignorant posts leads me to believe you buy into the hype. I would say it's sad, were it not so pathetically predictable as often those who laud themselves on SJW tenets ironically and hypocritically overlook other moticums of human decency as they are shortsighted and blinded by their own smugness.
But alas, the field in which I plant the fucks I give is barren. Besides I probably have a bigger cock anyway. Underendowment is the only conclusion I can come to with grown men who have little to do but belittle others on the internet to feel good. Same goes for rich men with piss poor human morality like Jeff Bezos. I am done with this thread, this site, and most likely social media and the internet for good after realizing how destructive it is for one's mental health. I don't need the internet to grow cannabis, and especially not to smoke it, if only to forget how much ignorance and hate still abounds in humanity. I wish you the best.
and there it is- i had to hunt for it.