Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

I lived with her(him) at the time. Born a girl tuened boy commited suicide because she disnt want to be a boy anymore.
this is a true story. I was even at the funeral. Over the casket, he said "if only doctors and scientists and psychologists had listened to me, an unemployable, uneducated hick from flyover country! He would still be alive"

Then everyone stood and applauded, including a world renowned doctor in attendance. That doctors name? Albert einstein
Lets let an immature child make a life decision at 6. Yea

I lived with her(him) at the time. Born a girl tuened boy commited suicide because she disnt want to be a boy anymore. Thats the story thats why i say what i say. Let the child mature before making these choice my god
Um, bullshit.

You are just a liar.

If my kid ever decided to reverse course and be a boy, it would be the easiest thing in the world.
What did your aunt/uncle do to that poor child?

This is a tough subject like that, so if you are triggered into the responses that you have made, it is likely for a very good reason (assuming again not just trolling).

Child abuse is very very real. And if you are equating a very fucked up upbringing with some kid that is not being forced into doing something and choosing to identify as a female, because they feel more comfortable in that, why can you not take a step back and look at how those situations can be very very different?

As long as it is not some long term way to gain credibility on a sock puppet account that you completely come off as not a troll, only to during election time to flip the switch, (or hopefully are not having everything you type here added to some digital file on you that uses everything you do online to develop a real time personality profile to use to better aim propaganda at you and everyone around you), I totally agree!
I have four kids, I don't have enough time to create any sort of fake or double life in person or online! I would be caught in the first day! Lol
this is a true story. I was even at the funeral. Over the casket, he said "if only doctors and scientists and psychologists had listened to me, an unemployable, uneducated hick from flyover country! He would still be alive"

Then everyone stood and applauded, including a world renowned doctor in attendance. That doctors name? Albert einstein
Trumpists are shameless liars.
Well. Whatever the fuck was said....I have this to say. That child is either a fucking boy or a fucking girl. That said child might be a little more ir less sensitive than a gendet calls for which would make some fucktards think that there child....Say if its a boy and is a little more sensitive to certain things like a girl would be....Some dumbass parents think. Oh! My child should be a girl. Let's make him a girl! Fuck that! Live in the real world! Where people are dumb and make wrong choices. Choices like these! Have common sense. Be on the internet! But make a good decision. Come on people! Quit letting the internet do your thinking for you
Hey genius you should stop thinking, it doesn’t suit you.
This thread really brings out the basement boomerangs. C’mon back after you’ve had a kid or four. Hope they are all right-handed.
Did i? You can't even write a proper sentence.

It will be laughed at because its a unatural joke. And when these kids grow up. If they even do that is theyll regret every second of it. Because of idiot ideaology of lets change genders because there's something wrong with me bullshit so i need to change my gender now. The kid was fuckin 6 years old. Did you make any life changing decisions at 6 years old? Dont think so. Get fucked. Bunch of losers should be castrated
I think you’re confusing the future for the past
Your cousin most likely committed suicide because of people like yourself, people that care waaaaaay too much about how someone else is living and felt the need to express their hate for it nonstop. But hey, freedom though, amirite?
Has nothing to do with "ppl like me" i could care less if your brown black gay straight boy girl a toaster... whatever. I dont haveanyhinf against being a trans either and was very close to my cousin. The point is the kid isnt mature enough to figure it out on their own and likely regret their decision in the future. And my uncle did the exact same thing op did in this post. Regrets ir everyday. And to say i could just change them back to a bot or a girl etc. Theres alot of emotional stress that comes with that. They couldve had a normal life
Has nothing to do with "ppl like me" i could care less if your brown black gay straight boy girl a toaster... whatever. The point is the kid isnt mature enough to figure it out on their own and likely regret their decision in the future.
That would be like saying a kid is to young to pick up dad's bad habits or swearing
I'm sure you can beat the gay out of yours
That would be like saying a kid is to young to pick up dad's bad habits or swearing
I'm sure you can beat the gay out of yours
Thats not even remotely close. You're pretty dull if you think so.

Your cat wants to identify as a dog today. Better go dress it up and put on a fake show ( i cant accept reality) lets change it
Has nothing to do with "ppl like me" i could care less if your brown black gay straight boy girl a toaster... whatever. The point is the kid isnt mature enough to figure it out on their own and likely regret their decision in the future.
Isn't that kind of the point to childhood?

For kids to be able to grow and learn with the support of a family and not have to worry about long term consequences as they figure out what they need to thrive in their adult life?

Thats not even remotely close. You're pretty dull if you think so.

Your cat wants to identify as a dog today. Better go dress it up and put on a fake show ( i cant accept reality) lets change it
Why all the hate?
I reckon there are some vocal folks on this thread who don't know what transgender even is and are simply triggered by by the combination of 'trans' and 'gender'. So lets recap.

TRANSGENDER; adjective, "denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex."

transgender is NOT:
-surgical reassignment
-related to sexual attraction

I just wanted clarity. If ya'll want to argue about how wrong OP is then understand you're arguing that an INDIVIDUAL (OPs child) is not sentient enough to have a SENSE of personal identity regarding their gender identity or how they view the world. Good luck, be kind.
If you had spoken to her, I am sure she would have told you what drove her to it.

I suspect you are not telling the truth, but if you are, you clearly had no idea what was happening in her life. Or maybe you did and are covering your deep regret with denial so you don't have to accept any of the blame.
I figure it’s a huge (immoral) lie, in a feeble attempt to promote a fucked up ideal of choice and freedom. This is my last post in this thread as it’s depressing listening to these dumb twats.
I figure it’s a huge (immoral) lie, in a feeble attempt to promote a fucked up ideal of choice and freedom. This is my last post in this thread as it’s depressing listening to these dumb twats.
One of the frequent tactics these clowns use (as instructed by the Internet Reseach Agency of Leningrad is to always adopt a minority identity. That's why these Trumpers usually claim to be black, native American, gay, etc.

It never works here.