Only thing about your back yard is these tend to get on the taller side. You maybe could start them later to give a shorter veg period.
I am doing an experiment this year by planting a seed every month to see how big the plants are by harvest, so that next year I will
know about when I need to plant to keep them more managable. Plants sticking up 15' or 16' in the air keep you on your tippy toes
and your nerves on edge lol..
Start them indoors for a month or so maybe a lil less up to you. Then you will need to harden them, or else the sun could burn 'em up.
So start by putting them out in the sun for a few hrs or in a shady area for a few days then gradually give more n more sun over next
cpl days.
Then find you a spot away from all human contact dig a whole a good bit bigger than your pot your plants in, break up the soil good in
the bottom of the hole and put her in the hole. I like to give her plenty of water at this point and kinda push n pull on the root mass
down in the mud to get all air outta the hole. Be gentle during this and everything will be cool.
Now leave and dont mess with her for a cpl days, maybe 3 or 4 days, when you do go back to check her out. All should be good.
If it gets really hot out check her about every 6 to 10 days and give her plenty of water and nutes when needed.
And TELL NO ONE what you are doing.