Outdoor Miracle Grow soil experiment.

What's up guys? I don't normally do outdoor grows but I just kinda wanted to play around with Miracle Grow soil. I do a lot of reading on here of people bashing it saying the buds smoke will be harsh and it'll pop and other things, and there is also usually a group of people who defend MG and use it all the time. so i just wanted to see for myself. I started with 12 plants. 4 in MG potting mix(time release and all that crap), and 8 in MG organic garden soil. 4 of the 8 in Organic garden soil have been fed with miracle plant food and the other 4 i just water, no food. only 2 of them have grown balls so far. so I'm down to 10 now. Here they are.

The Three on the left are in MG potting mix. the next 3 in are MG organic garden soil with miracle grow plant food. and the last 4 are in MG organic garden soil without any nutes, only watering.
i don't even know when i planted these things. lol i know i started them inside in solo cups for a couple few some weeks then moved them outside 6/10???? i think?
not really monitoring them that much i just wanna see what smokes better.

i have well water and i just run my garden hose out and spray them till water runs out the bottom holes daily. they get like 7 hours of direct sunlight a day.
the three on the left in MG potting mix are significantly bigger and bushier than the rest.

all the plants are bag seeds and i really dont know about the kinds they are. all i know is the 3rd and 4th plant are from the same bag. all others are different.

i know different strains yield different amounts so this test may not tell me what dirt will yield more but from he size of the plants id say MG potting mix is going to win. what im really looking for in this test is that actual quality of the burn. how harsh or smooth each hit is. organic vs. inorganic.

you may think my experiment is stupid and it may not work out like i planned but i like to have fun with things like this. and who cares if it dont work out like i planned. ill have a bunch of extra buds after im done.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Im giving one plant up to science myself but nowhere near the extent of yours. What strain are they? I'm assuming youve done indoors. What's your usual method? Or your previous method if you're not set on anything yet. Hope in not being too nosey, im just interested in what else these plants will compare to. Looking forward to smoke report so keep us updated!
Nice. Im giving one plant up to science myself but nowhere near the extent of yours. What strain are they? I'm assuming youve done indoors. What's your usual method? Or your previous method if you're not set on anything yet. Hope in not being too nosey, im just interested in what else these plants will compare to. Looking forward to smoke report so keep us updated!
i really have no idea of the strains. im pretty sure atleast one is lemon g, one may be violator, the two that are the same im pretty sure are sour diesel. i think i might be able to better determine what they are once they start budding up. i literally have probably 100 seeds i saved up from years of smoking.
im on my 3rd indoor grow and about to start building a grow cabinet and get on a regular cycle of cropping out 4 - 5 plants a month. i started a thread on my cabinet build also. right now i got SFV OG kush goin on inside 2.5 weeks into flowering under a 400 watt hps light. and 5 sfv clones in my aero cloner all white and bumpy with roots about to pop out. 1 mother plant and 4 others for my next cycle.
i like all the questions so keep the noise comin.


Well-Known Member
Nice dude. I like the way you think. And I like the way your plants look. You should have a great harvest.
I don't want to sound like a dick but using different seeds from unknown origins brings in way too many variables. I would recommend in the future to start with a known strain and make the soil the only variable. If you can lower the number of variables then it will be easier to see what effect the changes you make have on the plants.

Nice looking plants either way. I just had to move mine to a more secure location which cut out most of my sun so I wish I could get the 7 hours that you have.
I don't want to sound like a dick but using different seeds from unknown origins brings in way too many variables. I would recommend in the future to start with a known strain and make the soil the only variable. If you can lower the number of variables then it will be easier to see what effect the changes you make have on the plants.

Nice looking plants either way. I just had to move mine to a more secure location which cut out most of my sun so I wish I could get the 7 hours that you have.
I agree there are too many variables for thos to be a truely valid experiment but my main goal is to see if mg really gives you a harsher smoke or the buds pop and crackle like people say. And if all the plants in each group grow in the same way as the others in their group then i think thatll give some valid information on the yeild amounts in each soil. You can tell from the pics that the mg potting mix appears thay it will significantly increase my yield alone.

I also hear alot of talk about the salt content in mg and cannabis cant flush it out. I sweat eveyday ill flushget that shitthe out myself. Gatorade is loaded with salt and people drink that everyday.

So far im impressed by the mg potting mix. Drainage is a slight issue but i think that could be managed witg perlite. If these buds burn good and smooth, f**k it im using mg, idc what people say.


Well-Known Member
I have to say that, this year I used lots and lots of MG potting soil because we planted a fruit orchard and had lots of it around. I can't believe the size of these monsters. I'll be starting with MG every year.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time when people say that MG is so terrible is because they have other things that are going wrong and the MG only compounds the problem...like if you are using the Miracle Gro time release soil and then you add the MG Perlite with time release nutes, and then you overwater all that with nuted water, then yes your seedlings will wither up and die...but if you water properly I think any soil will work just about...Well you also have to water correctly for the specific soil..but once you know when to water and when not to it is easy to apply that info...

Are these the spots the plants are growing in? Because depending on where the sun passes over that spot that can affect which plants are larger as well...
Are these the spots the plants are growing in? Because depending on where the sun passes over that spot that can affect which plants are larger as well...
Yes this is where they grow. The sun comes up on the left and down pn the right. There sre trees on both sides you cant see in the pics. About 10-1030 a.m. is when the sun is high enouigh to clear the trees on the left and reach my plants then by noon itsvstraight overhead hitting them all then around 530-6 p.m. is when it drops below the tree line on the right. I would say most of the days sun comes from the right side .
I've been using mg for years as a starter soil. As long as you add it into a good topsoil when repotting or planting, mg potting mix is awesome. Neither myself nor anyone else who'se toked on my smoke has ever had any complaints about harshness or "popping" (whatever the hell that means anyway). I live in a very remote area and all these fancy potting soils cost a small fortune so its either mg or promix for me, but mg is definately my preferred choice for starting my plants.


Well-Known Member
I use FFOF it is more expensive, but totally worth that extra cost...The difference in health, appearance, yield and smell is ridiculous...then again I have only tried the MG organic stuff and you are getting lesser results with that...
I got a free sample of some MG coco and I liked it. It's called expand n gro
I want to try finishing a plant in it to see if it is comparable to using coco with Canna A+B...because if it is, I will switch...
I want to try FFOF but not only is ot expensive, i cant get it anywhere around here. The closest store that sells it according to fox farms website is almost 40 miles away and to get it shipped woild tac on an extra 10$ ontop of the price of the bag. I got a friend who lives in Michigan near a dispenserary is gonna bring me a bag pf it next tome he visits so i can try it.
Well a few of my plants turned to males tge other day and started poppin out seeds so i had to get rid of them. And one of them was my biggest plant, almost 7' (w the pot). Now im left with two plants in miracle grow potting mix and 4 in miracle grow organic mix with no nutes. The potting mix plants are about 5-6' tall and really bushy, and tge 4other in organic soil and no food are about 3-4' tall and really bushy. All 6the of these are showin pistels and the first signs of buds forming so i shouldnt lose anymore plants...