Outdoor smell radius?


Well-Known Member
we all know that MJ has one of the most potent smells in the whole horticultural world. so I want to know how far I can expect the frangrance to travel with the 8 plants I'm doing outdoors. I'm doing 6 different strains and I know some smell more than others, but I was just hoping for a ballpark idea on how far away the smell could reach.



Well-Known Member
pretty far. depends on wind.

u know its crazy because millions of years ago when humans were just walking the earth why do you think mj stunk so bad? so we would smell it and be curious and......


Well-Known Member
pretty far. depends on wind. i'd say if its a good size yard you will be fine. if it was in an apartment i'd be more worried.

u know its crazy because millions of years ago when humans were just walking the earth why do you think mj stunk so bad? so we would smell it and be curious and......:joint::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Could possibly be much farther than that. I'd keep them at least fifty feet away from anywhere someone may be to catch a whiff. I know I've smelt mine before from that far away.
I think I'm all good then cuz I have about 1/4+ mile of buffer space. just want to make sure that by the time flowering comes around, my garden's not a peepshow to everyone who walks by on the road way up the hill.

thanks :bigjoint:


i was wondering the same thing. i am growing a plant outdoors i got the seed from a friend he told me it was northern skunk. since its just 1 plant, do you think the smell would be noticeable?


i was wondering the same thing. i am growing a plant outdoors i got the seed from a friend he told me it was northern skunk. since its just 1 plant, do you think the smell would be noticeable?
well man it depends if it sprouts into male or female ive heard that one plant doesnt smell so much although skunk ...well...its skunky.... when it rains it and after smells more potent.. just you know.. chekitout sometime... the smell will grow gradually and if you think its too much than... well.. byebyebye..lol

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
I was also wondering about this...I want to grow some diesel ryder outdoors (I try to stick to dwarfs) and I've heard that it was SMELLY....I've got a good 150 ft buffer but I am worried about a stiff wind carrying the scent...I've read/heard (please don't ask for citation) that a strong, skunky plant can carry scent over a mile depending on the wind.....guess there's only one way to know for sure....


Well-Known Member
guess it's just one of those things that you have to feel confident about. just gotta make sure it's far enough away from any houses that if someone did catch a whiff, that it wouldn't be so strong that they'd know a garden was close by or to go looking for it. let's all hope for a good summer without any nosy folk whatsoever :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yo 420average, I dont know if thts a joke or what but its a pretty good fix that will last and even detour some!!! Good shit man!!


Well-Known Member
Mj can be very,very, stinky at times! I would give more room for your "buffer zone" the bigger the plants are. More bud, more smell!! I know I have had some 10+ footers that could be smelled through the whole valley they were in and they were way deep in the woods, but up high on a hill and damn they stunk the skunk some good!!So long post short.....MORE BUD.....MORE SMELL!!!!LOL!!good luck!


I also have had similar questions. I guess from what people've said the answer is to have as much distance as possible and keep the number of plants low, maybe choose a strain that has as little smell as possible. Is there anyone here who's had direct experience with growing close to houses? I would probably be planning 1-2 plants about 200ft from some houses, though it's possible for people to be walking somewhat nearby on very rare off chances. And is there a particular time at which it's more smelly (e.g. flowering) as versus in veg?

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
I grow about 150 ft behind my house in a little clearing in the woods...I don't have any neighbors within a quarter mile or so but I do have some nosy ass family and in laws who aren't exactly cool....I've never had an issue with things before but then I've never grown Skunk or Diesel strains.....and I really want to because everyone loves smelly weed when it's time to smoke. That dead skunk plan is awesome, never even thought of that... Now I just gotta find a skunk to shoot.......LOL


I grow about 150 ft behind my house in a little clearing in the woods...I don't have any neighbors within a quarter mile or so but I do have some nosy ass family and in laws who aren't exactly cool....I've never had an issue with things before but then I've never grown Skunk or Diesel strains.....and I really want to because everyone loves smelly weed when it's time to smoke. That dead skunk plan is awesome, never even thought of that... Now I just gotta find a skunk to shoot.......LOL
heh yeah i go tthe same kinda thing going on. No neighbors for about that much, but the family can be a intrusive, if you know what I mean. Wat strains did you end up growing over there? I'm looking into stuff thats specifically said to be low odor, like the c99xA11 over at Hemp Despot by Joey Weed.


Well-Known Member
I would hope roadkill, especially smelly-ass roadkill, doesn't sit for 10 weeks undisturbed on the road in your area.

I think someone would get suspicious if you threw out a new skunk every time the old one got picked up.

(aimed at no one in particular)