Outdoor X4

ya are they??? ;) sorry been busy lately havent been able to give RIU my full attention...would love to see the girls tho :) tty soon G
nah im slackin..........lota rain ya know......mending soil tonight though........got 3- 40lb bags of good out door potting soil / gardening soil and one 40lb bag of cow crap and organic humus...blah blah blah.....if i have 120lbs of soil how much lime do i mix in to netural the mix...i have one cup of bat guano and would like to know whut else to get my hands on.........if im good i will just put em in tomorrow or at least one day for the next 4....auto widow is in the ground at my original site.....hoping for good luck........
Hey bud Check tis out! 2 x Cheeseberry Haze reg 2 x Blue Diesel reg ! x Northern Lights fem and 4 x Purple kush reg...
Hey my bad bro i have not been on for a couple days but i should let you know that i didnt get your shit off until wed evening so dont stress out its on the way..be kind of stretched thin the past few days helping out the fam after the passing so jsut wanted to touch bases...
sage is out....... tomorrow i will put out PE nd then mid then sour..........................massive.......................they r tall up to my neck at least......and prolly to my advantage......................................are huge tress bad???????????????????????
up to your neck?? WOW post pics please!! haha dude your gonna need a ladder to get up to the tops of your plants, thats awesome
when it stops raining and i find the camera again

oh yeah PE and Sage r out in the ground now..........so they will apprear shorter when infact they are not............i think they were root bound in the pots.... idk but the sage bushed her branches out and looks nice and happy.....wind as hell here and tons of rain......is there something i should be doin that i am not........i mended my soil bone blood meal bat guano and manure lil lime as well.......ph is nice 6.9 before the mix was added to the ground....and it was very wet when i was there today.......hope hope hope this wet weather doesnt kill they or hurt them but i think i wasnt feeding them enough as of late or they started to feed heavily cause alot of off colored leaves from a deff of some kind last week but now that they r out they are so happy.........2 more to go, one a day, wish i could mix up some nutes for them but damn is wet out there...............n e how i will pix update soon as the camera comes outta hiding......or i might just go get the big camera out when it..........ok getting the camera suns out...............rains gone for now and ima go buy a new mem card and be back at u.........................
peace homes
A big shout goin out to our brave vet's...............................thank you all for doing whut other could not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and would not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and............... R.I.P TO THOSE OF U WHO NEVER MADE IT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you
all r out and 2 in the ground and 2 not yet....i have another place to put them lots of bugs back there..................................... and im pissed something is eating holes in the fans whut is a good all around insectiside..............
neem oil is what I use and I'd also recommend it but you should try to find out which pest is attacking your plants, posting some pics could also help ;)
thanx i will soon too....................... the bugs are bad down there, in general and i gotta find a way to get rid of the or move the plants........................
made my own home made bug repelent,....... water dish soap and a lil iso..........................hope it works.....................its way windy here so i will do itin the earlie earlie am.............................but i hope this works still no camera sorry all, i know u wanna see they monsters of mine...................................