going to give them their first nutes today....i mean they had it in the soil but now its time to see whut their made hopping for trees... whut do u think??????? thy go out doors still veggin on the 15th and i leave them till they r done.......let mother nature take over light wise and rain wise......idk if the 15th willwork but im hoping it will cause the closet will be at max cap by then....holy shit their getting big..........i have to get an out door thermometer that records temps and the week or better and ill have 3 hunting cameras out there, cause ppl here r fawkin theives and i dont know who has been watchin me or even if they have been....the guru here got his plants robbed from inside his house...these kids have brass balls these day..i know who it was (goin to the guru when im done here) i will know who did it if i ever get robbed.......ppl spy on u up here and every one knows who u r and whut u one know about this but one person, at that same rate one turns into 3...3 ta 6...6 ta 12.....................................................................covering my ass.... trip wires nd animal traps will be set everywheres so if they get too close they will be tripped then trapped by a konda bear traps...i have 12......just ta cover my ass....too much??????????????????????????