Outdoor X4

the midnight has almost caught up to the pe height wise but not in sheer size yet but its getting close........is it too late to put the sage is the waterfarm???i think i may keep her in really do
did you post pics of your harvest???Like right bfore you choped???I wanna knw what they look like :) 10 more days and im choping baby YAA :)
yeah man go into the old thread n their there......should be on page 1 and 2 may e 3 by now but still u can see whut u sek in the old spot...have fun with it too...oh yeah giv me a day or so and i will post some more of harvest when i find them again....ima photo whore
what were the trichs looking like at ur harvest time?Did you harvest top half and let bottom inner nodes mature more? :)
no to be honest i was hasty the top started to look lesser then before so to speak so to answer ur question i had to cut it a week early...... and i was not able to wait as long as i would of liked house guest....father inlaw for 100 day....come to find out after showin him pix hes kool with it so im pissed i cut so soon....i had another week man...some clear some not most not at transparent
no to be honest i was hasty the top started to look lesser then before so to speak so to answer ur question i had to cut it a week early...... and i was not able to wait as long as i would of liked house guest....father inlaw for 100 day....come to find out after showin him pix hes kool with it so im pissed i cut so soon....i had another week man...some clear some not most not at transparent

ya they tend to look a little smaller due to the pistals receding :) I feel like my ak-1 is just getting smaller too lol smoked a bud on her today tho...and mmm..mmm good :)
yeah the pistols sucked in on almost every one and alot of the hair was orange the bud was blueish and fuely smell...
ya they tend to look a little smaller due to the pistals receding :) I feel like my ak-1 is just getting smaller too lol smoked a bud on her today tho...and mmm..mmm good :)
now i wanna knowwho the stinky bitch in my closet is cause FAWK IT IS STINKY IN THERE.....no lie fukin stinks..... i dont know who...im thinkin the pe but the mid is up there close ito the pe size and since i have not found n e one who has info on midnight im blaming her for the extreme stink.... oh lordy it is such a sweet stink.....
yeah the pistols sucked in on almost every one and alot of the hair was orange the bud was blueish and fuely smell... now i wanna knowwho the stinky bitch in my closet is cause FAWK IT IS STINKY IN THERE.....no lie fukin stinks..... i dont know who...im thinkin the pe but the mid is up there close ito the pe size and since i have not found n e one who has info on midnight im blaming her for the extreme stink.... oh lordy it is such a sweet stink.....

Most likely your pineapple that is smelling, mine has a very strong, sweet smell, even in veg
been gone all day and even stronger now being away all day....so i need to know how much to water 15 day old plant....can n e one say roughly or am i on my own........
learn your plant and you will know over time. what plant is it. stick your finger in the soil 1-3 in. if its dry go ahead and water. i water mine every 2-3 days
other signs to watch for, droopy leaves. thats the main sign. over time you will start to learn your plants and their needs just by looking at them. take a lil while.
haha sorry thought you mean starting em after these, for got these were going outide.....im super high....... with that said an 8 in round or square pot would work. shoot for half gallon if you can
is whut were usin good then 1/2 gallon isnt much...shit
haha sorry thought you mean starting em after these, for got these were going outide.....im super high....... with that said an 8 in round or square pot would work. shoot for half gallon if you can

pix toight??????gotta turn the light off for a few put the timr back in for the light change to 18/6 from 24/0.....pix or no???????little ones though