Outdoors in Michigan (How low can I go)

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I have several plants out =side in central Michigan.
I have been watching the temps and it is supposed to get down to 27*F wednesday night.
I dont want to chop early if I can help it.
How low can buds take?
Help please
Green Dave:confused:


Active Member
I have several plants out =side in central Michigan.
I have been watching the temps and it is supposed to get down to 27*F wednesday night.
I dont want to chop early if I can help it.
How low can buds take?
Help please
Green Dave:confused:
hey Dave what's up man good to see a fello MI grower but yeah I was asking myself that same question last week I'm towards southern mi but Hess temps were killin me too, I wouldn't reccommend leavin for that 27 degree bout but don't take my word on it I'm not the most expierenced but I just harvested Sunday, a little pre mature but it's Michigan you gotta take what you can get, best of luck to you man
I live in northern ontario and i had some plants til mid oct last year. The temp got down to low 40s (as the high of the day) and they were fine (mind you it was sunny). The problem im having now is that its going to be cloudy for the next week with highs in the 50s. Should i be worried? Would putting a vapour barrier (make shift green house) overtop of them keep the temps warmer and therefore help the plants out?


Active Member
I'm more worried about all the rain were getting than the cold. I just checked mine last night and I had to remove a moldy bud. I guess I'd rather harvest a little early than let it rot.


Well-Known Member
cover it like any other garden if you can, your plant should be able to take a frost or two


Active Member
ya im going to end up covering my baby Wednesday night too. what should i use to cover it. ya and the rain has been killing me. everyone pray for michigan.


Well-Known Member
im also in michigan yeah tuesday is supposed to get cold but only 36 here. ill keep them out in the 30s all day long but 20s is gettin sketchy. if i were you id keep um out and see what happens. worst thing that can happen is frost kills it and you harvest it. id rather wait to make sure i cant keep it out any longer other than harvest early when theres a good chance the plant would have made it

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
well heres the deal
Drove 3 hrs to check on the girl and found 1 with mold on every bud
Pulled 5 due to logging really close left 3 to fight off the cold and see what happens
Thanks for the input and hope every one has a good harvest this year
Happy Growing
Green Dave


Well-Known Member
I live in Minnesota. 27 is a hard freeze. They will be froze. They will not do shit after that. All the fan leaves will be shriveled up. I have experienced this first hand. Cover them if ya can. I have found that white rhino can take a good hit of frost.


Well-Known Member
I live in Minnesota. 27 is a hard freeze. They will be froze. They will not do shit after that. All the fan leaves will be shriveled up. I have experienced this first hand. Cover them if ya can. I have found that white rhino can take a good hit of frost.
If they r getting enough sun during the day..one night at 27 is not gonna freeze them..it's gonna be high 50's tomorrow in lower MI..be patient...


Well-Known Member
If they r getting enough sun during the day..one night at 27 is not gonna freeze them..it's gonna be high 50's tomorrow in lower MI..be patient...
If its 120 in the day and 27 at night they will freeze. The bottom line is they will freeze. Its called a frost advisory. Thats when people cover there plants outside.


Well-Known Member
I back the guy up saying a night of 27 WONT kill your plants. I live in upper michigan and we share the same temps practically as northern minnesota but with much more snow. And my plants HAVE endured nights of mid 20s. A "low" temp means thats how low it "might" get for an hour or 2. Right before sunrise is when the low temp is acheived. Meaning your plant is only going to be exposed to that temperature for 2, 3 hours tops. Not enough to kill it. Unless the temp is below 25 id bet my life the plant will survive. Unless like guy said its like 100+ in the day then drastically drops to freezing at night. That would be death by SHOCK...


Active Member
I was wondering this also

I ended up covering my plants with some spare clear vinyl. Made a box type deal so i can pick it up and put it back when needed easily

Suppose to get to 34 at a low tonight then peak at 60 tomorrow during the day.

Just trying to push my lil guy as far as it can go since its my first grow outside.


Well-Known Member
I live in Southern MI and plan to harvest on the 9th of oct. The first frost is supposed to be tonight but the low is called for 39 so I'm not to worried. There is rain coming friday and saturday so hopefully that beefs up the buds a little and then gives them 5 days to dry a little before I cut them. I'll start a thread and post some pics of the harvest. Good Luck to anyone in Michigan, these last weeks can make all the difference:mrgreen:

Nothings better than some fresh apple cider and bud in this great fall season.