over fertilized

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
i have a problem. trying to get my green finger back.. i just made a small problem.. i over fertilized my jellybean plant last night. i flushed it and now i dont know what 2 do.. should i re-pot it with new soil.?, and how much light should i give it after tonight cause my 12 hrs is up.. need advice fast im panicing
Tell us the following:
Age of plant
grow medium
type of ferts
light schedule

Can u take a pic and upload? Please do.

Dont re-pot. Youve put enough on the plant already.
let your grow medium dry significantly before doing anything.
When you think the grow medium is dry feed with water only.

If the plant is young then run 18/6 light schedule.
If it is large enough and you intend to flower, then run 12/12

Good luck

Spend time on the forums researching until you get your grow on track.
knowledge is power.


Active Member
It sounds like you might be getting worked up over nothing. As Gordo says, take a look and deal with the problem if there even is one.


Active Member
It doesn't look great but it's going to be fine. Just give it water for a few days until the leaves lighten up a little then ease back into nutes. It'll bounce back, just chill. You are likely to make it worse if you over mother it with quick fixes.
Yeah bubba, youve done all u can. Pic looks exactly as u described.
looks overfed and then overwatered.

The stem and upper growth look great though. Use the upper growth as an indication of how well ur flush did.

At this point completely relax. The plant will recover.

Like I said.. do nothing more. Wait for soil to dry ( a few days )
Then water with water only until your satisfied with the plants progress.

Good luck and dont worry. It'll be fine.


Imo i would not change the light schedule, you will just stress her more. She will heal better the less you mess with her. Listen to what she says to do.

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yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
CAM00383.jpg i think she's gonna be alright..she's a little lime green at the top and the in coming flowers are is still looking healthy.. ideas/sugestions

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
CAM00384.jpgjust a little curious.. what do u think.? she's 3 months old and on a 12/12 hr schedule..
i would like to put live worms inside the soil..!! would that be a great idea and if so what would be best worms to use.?


Active Member
Looking pretty good. I would recommend supplementing your light with some extra cfl lamps. They are cheap and you can put them on the sides to.

Never ever change you plants lighting cycle unless it absolutely necessary.

Plants are kind of like kids. Stressed out parents have stressed out kids. Relaxed parents have relaxed kids. Relax.


Well-Known Member
Don't chop anything.
Leave it, tell us what K your bulbs are, and what your temps are.
If anything, I'd say get your lights closer and add more, maybe feed a little depending what your PH is.
See the yellowing middle veins?