Overgrow corporate cannabis

I'm debating white ceramic tile with a light green mid height border.
that way I can go with in floor heat for veg in cooler months.
each room will have fire rated steel doors. more for security than fire protection.
With the whole room ceramic there is basically nothing to burn anyways except equipment.

Appreciate all the photos. itsmehigh...
makes it easier to see what things can look like.

My thought was tile will clean up easily making it possible to sterilize the room if need be.
The current wall covering is blue board (mold mildew resistant and water resistant)
but I'm thinking cement board for the tile or possibly kerdi cloth as a water proof membrane.
I figured since its currently all new construction I might as well build it to suit my use.
So I'm working with 8'x8' by 7'-6" high for a veg /clone/mother room. Ceiling is dropped in,since 12' ceiling won't be required
and it will allow for large closet above.
For a flower room I have built... rough frame to 12'by 12' by 11'-10" high and hope to be able to raise/ lower the lights and venting/duct work and other services as required depending on the shape of the current crop.
Hopefully tall lanky sativas' will also be possible with this room envelope.
I have also allowed for a 2' deep by 10' long by 11-10" high closet/ drying room,which I envision with 1/4" square screen shelving for batch drying.
I have allowed for plenty of electrical service and will have an entire new panel brought into the room.
I am also thinking it might not be a bad idea to include some technology, ie computer and cams, for security and maybe sensors... possibly...for collection of environmental conditions or info.
Any thing you guys can think up,that might be missing or is a must....please feel free...
And sorry in advance itme...for the temporary hijacking...of your thread.
I think a number of free-market cannabis exchanges would work.
Small independent growers would be able to sell their weed there at a fair market price, taking into account there are more players in the chain, but this should be fractional.
The exchanges would test and grade supplied using a publicly visible set of scoring rules.

At the same time, pesticides and fungicides can be tested. Charges to be fair, but borne by the supplier who has the ultimate responsibility for proving his weed is grown cleanly.

Finally, these exchanges would be a point of sale from which dispensaries and patients can get what they need, and be easier to "police" as such for keeping with local regulations.
These exchanges should be in the form of cooperatives, not owned by big capital.
I know you've always been a growers....I believe you were a fan of the LP system at one time....

Just wanted to participate in a free market, I was under the impression the MMPR was going to be just that. I'm just a simple farmer wanting to share the fruits of my labor of love to the people who need and appreciate quality and fair prices. I admit that I was niaeve to think a little fish like me would get an opportunity to compete with the current monstrosities. My time will come, I'm not going anywhere, I'll never stop growing.

Commercial Grow would be one that is entirely for profit. I'm currently building rooms for licenced patients. I wouldn't classify them as commercial, except for the 12 room facility, it's strictly for profit. The others are operated by paitents for their own meds and overages to cover overhead. They are not in it for profit, free meds and quality is their priority not cash.

Commercial Grow would be one that is entirely for profit. I'm currently building rooms for licenced patients. I wouldn't classify them as commercial, except for the 12 room facility, it's strictly for profit. The others are operated by paitents for their own meds and overages to cover overhead. They are not in it for profit, free meds and quality is their priority not cash.


Do you find you get more heat with those attached ballasts? I always had liked keeping the ballast out of the room, and also air pumps to reduce the heat.

Also, would you use the recycled water from AC and normal dehumidifiers in a resurculating deep water system? I hear different opinions on that one.
Also, would you use the recycled water from AC and normal dehumidifiers in a resurculating deep water system? I hear different opinions on that one.
The water can be used but you should sterilze it. It can pick up bacteria from inside the AC/de huey.
I'm debating white ceramic tile with a light green mid height border.
that way I can go with in floor heat for veg in cooler months.
each room will have fire rated steel doors. more for security than fire protection.
With the whole room ceramic there is basically nothing to burn anyways except equipment.

Appreciate all the photos. itsmehigh...
makes it easier to see what things can look like.

My thought was tile will clean up easily making it possible to sterilize the room if need be.
The current wall covering is blue board (mold mildew resistant and water resistant)
but I'm thinking cement board for the tile or possibly kerdi cloth as a water proof membrane.
I figured since its currently all new construction I might as well build it to suit my use.
So I'm working with 8'x8' by 7'-6" high for a veg /clone/mother room. Ceiling is dropped in,since 12' ceiling won't be required
and it will allow for large closet above.
For a flower room I have built... rough frame to 12'by 12' by 11'-10" high and hope to be able to raise/ lower the lights and venting/duct work and other services as required depending on the shape of the current crop.
Hopefully tall lanky sativas' will also be possible with this room envelope.
I have also allowed for a 2' deep by 10' long by 11-10" high closet/ drying room,which I envision with 1/4" square screen shelving for batch drying.
I have allowed for plenty of electrical service and will have an entire new panel brought into the room.
I am also thinking it might not be a bad idea to include some technology, ie computer and cams, for security and maybe sensors... possibly...for collection of environmental conditions or info.
Any thing you guys can think up,that might be missing or is a must....please feel free...
And sorry in advance itme...for the temporary hijacking...of your thread.
Floor drains...if not there already make sure they're clear.
The water can be used but you should sterilze it. It can pick up bacteria from inside the AC/de huey.

It gets bleach or ends up with the bleach in the system. I think theres still something wrong though. Theres fine grained light brown particles in the reservoir. I'm still getting root rot even with the bleach sometimes, but it also seems to hit the Kush and kill it while the god is fine and just dosen't die. I wonder if the Kush cuttings have systemic pythium, or are just susceptable, or weak and cloned out? I've also been told that water going through copper pipes is bad to re use.