Overgrow corporate cannabis

Some results from my clients first runs in their new grow rooms.
1st harvest 2.25lbs per 1000w
1 part powder nutrient
No Co2
No supplements
Cost per gram $0.48.......

Beautiful plants there.

What 1 part powder are they using ? and could you give an idea of the cost of this powder that produces such nice looking plants ?
And you say no supplements, so no cal mag, no silica, nothing ?
That's super awesome that you can kill it like that @itsmehigh...fuck wish I could pull that.
Are you doing any seminars in Toronto any time soon? Your pics generate interest I'm sure in filling a hotel space.
You don't have to like or smile bud, but no need to shit on my parade. A wise lady once told me " if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" or your just another asshole. R.I.P mom.

I apologize. You are right. I actually like the set up.
Your absolutely right I shouldn't have said anything negetive.
My dog just got sprayed by skunk so I was a little pissed .
Again sorry for shitting on you because a skunk shit on my dog and house .
I'm sure whoever you set that up for is in heaven.
I'm probably just jealous lol. Sorry!
Not my forte to bash.
Your kidding right? I'm just a simple farmer, the only ones that listen to me are my plants.


Times they are a-changing my friend. Everyone will want to know your secret :) We need to get in on it a-s-a-p. People are killing plants, that is fucking drug abuse as some other more seasoned members might say. Anyways, trust me on this, show pics like that and people want to know your secret. Markets are made in the sidelines! Show people a proven system and they will pay you $$$ because it works 100% of the time.
I apologize. You are right. I actually like the set up.
Your absolutely right I shouldn't have said anything negetive.
My dog just got sprayed by skunk so I was a little pissed .
Again sorry for shitting on you because a skunk shit on my dog and house .
I'm sure whoever you set that up for is in heaven.
I'm probably just jealous lol. Sorry!
Not my forte to bash.

No worries mate. IMO smelling like skunk not such a bad thing......lol

Times they are a-changing my friend. Everyone will want to know your secret :) We need to get in on it a-s-a-p. People are killing plants, that is fucking drug abuse as some other more seasoned members might say. Anyways, trust me on this, show pics like that and people want to know your secret. Markets are made in the sidelines! Show people a proven system and they will pay you $$$ because it works 100% of the time.

My Secrets are that, Less is more, keep it simple and love what you do.


using 4' x 4' 100 gal res's,modified flood and drain inserts[holesdrilled in em ]
to drain from a home made top feed pex grid..[dry mixable ferts too]
4-9 plants..have switched to leds..
i don't sell herb..
**i like the 45 gal res's you have**.never seen them out east...re your substrate
cannot even get lava rock in ontario..
you guys got the stuff!

good job
Just curious are most these places your setting up on the mainland or the island? It truly boggles my mind that people are setting up shows this big with the price of weed so low right now. Can't see how it's even profitable unless your going direct to dispenceries or shipping. Keep em pics coming so I can keep dreaming lol