

Well-Known Member
Is is possible for a plant to have too much direct sunlight? Can it get burned?

On another note, is it too late to start a small outdoor grow in the northeast United States?


Well-Known Member
the more sunlight it gets the more you are going to have to water. So if its getting all day direct sunlight you probably goign to have to water every day.

No its not to late, go for it = )

good luck mate <3


Well-Known Member
im north east USA and i just satrted another batch, they took so well because the nice couple days-week we've had! but as long as you dont over nute them you should be proud in a couple months :-D


Well-Known Member
some strains are weaker when it comes to direct sunlight. i had two that loved the sun and one that got sunburnt like a irish dude in a speedo. just watch em. you'll know who's who by the end a the first day.


Well-Known Member
yes there is NO such thing... just make sure she stays replenished.. cause at night they have to rebuild up.... :-D