PA thread


Well-Known Member
i dont even know the difference between commonwealths and whatever the opposite of those are... so i would also like to know

Dear Yahoo!: What is the difference between a state and a commonwealth? Bryan
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Dear Bryan: A search on "state difference commonwealth" turned up some useful results. At the Lawyers site, we learned that there are four commonwealths in the United States: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky. The difference between these commonwealths and the other 46 states is in name alone -- they elected to call themselves commonwealths, a term drawn from political theory. The lawyer assured us that, legally, there is no difference between a state and these four commonwealths.
There is, however, another form of commonwealth. The ever-helpful offers this alternate definition: a "self-governing, autonomous political unit voluntarily associated with the United States, namely, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands." The degree of that dependency varies from place to place, but let's consider Puerto Rico as an example.
There are a few major differences between Puerto Rico and a typical American state:

  • The Internal Revenue Code does not apply to Puerto Rico.
  • Puerto Rico has no voting representation in Congress.
  • Puerto Rican citizens are not allowed to vote in presidential elections.
Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens; they pay social security, can receive federal welfare, and can serve in the armed forces. But they don't pay federal taxes, and they don't vote in presidential elections. So far, they've voted to keep it that way. Consider it a limited partnership.
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Well-Known Member
ahhhhh... thanks for that.. so there is no real difference huh. just a stupid fuggin name. +rep. i feel smarter LOL


Well-Known Member
hey no problem:mrgreen: anything to help a state brotheren

i was curious my self anyways... i never even realized that we were the "commonwealth" of Pennsylvania... i mean id heard it called that but didn't put two and two together to realize that it was something else


Active Member
I live in Morgantown WV, soon to be Lexington KY. I used to live in the 'Burgh. I literally moved because of the accent. Ha. Not really, but it did play a big part, I can't stand the pittsburgh yinzers, and gumbands, and the way people say words like
"down town" or "out" (sounds like ot). I went great lengths not to have a distinct accent.


Well-Known Member
i live in the burgh now... but fortunately i grew up in orlando and dont have it that bad

i admit i do say "yinz" and pop... but i called it soda is florida...

but yah its bad, if you ever listen to a pittsburgh polish old dude talk hes like

red up cuz were going ot don tawn and watch da stillerz an' drink sum i-earn citees