Pablo's 2011 SoCal Balcony Grow


New Member
nice bud and i agree i think i would try to dry it whole as much as possible. Slower drying equals better end product and big buds dry slower than small ones.
so true we take months to grow it why rush the drying
and a proper cure makes good nugs that are tasty


Well-Known Member
Pabskies hows that drying going? Should be some smokable nugs by now I'd assume. Whats the report?
I hope things are good man.
Hey King, doing good, thanks for asking. About the recently harvested SCH: I might need to revise my opinion of it a bit. I just smoked some, about 3 hits, which is a fair amount for me. I really feel it in the head, and especially the eyes. The smoke is smooth and tastes good, and has that "chest feel" rather than a harsher "throat feel", which is something I'm all too familiar with when it comes to my Autos.

However, the effect on the eyes is annoying. My eyes feel so heavy the day after smoking it, and it looks like I pulled an all night bender. I'm not sure if this is normal for Sativas, or not. If so, I'm not a Sativa lover. Now that I think about, while currently under the influence of it, I'm not crazy about the type of high it delivers. Weird, I always thought I'd like pure Sativas. But, I liked the "hybrid" Kandy Kush from last year 10 times better. That was a 60/40, Indica/Sativa hybrid. Perfect high from that.

In any event, here's some pics from today. If I recall, it dried for 6 days. I put it into curing jars on August 29, so it's been curing for about 8 days.

I'm tempted to germinate another seed or two. I've got plenty.



Active Member
Nice dude. That's definitely a bummer that it leaves you looking wasted the next day. I'd say that has to do more with your particular strain, or the strains they crossed to make that one, rather than it being a general Sativa trait...though everyone reacts a bit differently with everything in my experience.
That said, I think the more you smoke this strain the more you'll become familiar with its effects and therefore it should end up being like any other "weed" high...maybe not, but that's typically what happens for me, but I smoke a LOT.

Thanks for the update buddy - and yeah you might as well throw a couple more plants outside while the season is still here!


Well-Known Member
Well, I unintentionally killed the Diesel Ryder. Let it go a bit too long before planting. The little root couldn't survive. But the Himalaya Blue Diesel popped up a couple of days ago. I don't feel like germinating another seed, so I'll just stick with the one plant.

I picked up some Purple Master kush at the dispensary yesterday. Good stuff. Made me a bit chatty and no couch-lock.



Active Member
Yeah Pablo that girl is staying really short. Perhaps a pH lock? wouldn't let the roots grow, therefore the plant would seem as though it's just growing really slowly since you cant actually see the roots...Other than that though she looks healthy.



Well-Known Member
Hey King, I don't think there's any pH problems. This strain is small, even for an autoflower. That, plus the cooler temps and rain. She's healthy, grew a bit since last update and the first pistils appeared today. Glad the forecast is calling for more sun and warm temps. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good brother! keep up the good work, how big are those pots?? lol
Thanks man. 3 gallon pot. I've used various sizes, just felt like going with a 3 gallon this time. I've never noticed any difference in plant size regardless of pot size.