Palin 2012


Well-Known Member
uh........ the new deal did work.

this is the dumb fuck that ruined america, and the person that started the bailouts... invaded 2 countries. this dumb fuck had his finger on the ''nuclear football'' had innocent people incarcerated for 5-7 years...

YouTube - President Bush -- Fool me Once

if you google ''what has obama done so far'' you get 34,000,000 hits.

your right wing, romper stomper, neo-nazi, fascist, douche-bag rebuttal in fact, makes you look like a complete tool...:peace:
the new deal did work?

Pending actual submission of something more intelligent than the whiny cry of some one that is being confronted with a truth that must seem to them like what they went through when they learned that there is no tooth-fairy, Easter Bunny or Santa Claus I'm just going to ignore your ignorant ranting.

You probably don't even have the slightest idea how the economy works, and why the solutions being pushed by the Federal Reserve, Unions, Democrats and some Republicans (like Bush) are going to fail to have any lasting solution to the problems confronting the country.

You are probably ignorant of the fact that FDR as a Fascist big-corporation supporting asshole who campaigned on a non-economy interventionist platform and then backstabbed the public that voted for him.

You are probably ignorant of the fact that there was a recession in 1921 that at its peak was worse than the Great Depression, and the government didn't do anything other than lower taxes, and get out of the way and the economy recovered to give the nation eight-years of plenty.

I have to agree with Vi on this one. The only thing you might be good at is pounding sand, which I'd advise you to start doing as it seems like you are a closed minded illiterate who has had their views spoon-fed to them by the public education system, and now being confronted by reality cry out in fear at the thought of having to see the fairytales of your youth destroyed by it.


New Member
isn't illiteracy not being able to read?

you should really get that sand out of your vagina, there are all kinds of salts and dissolved substances that can cause vaginal dryness and throw off your womanly ph balance, which would not be good for your already PMS level ''whininess''

and thanks for the advice i will ignore your the ignorant rantings.


Well-Known Member
isn't illiteracy not being able to read?

you should really get that sand out of your vagina, there are all kinds of salts and dissolved substances that can cause vaginal dryness and throw off your womanly ph balance, which would not be good for your already PMS level ''whininess''

and thanks for the advice i will ignore your the ignorant rantings.
Offer constructive criticism and all that happens is I get insulted. Perhaps you are too self-centered to accept the fact that you don't know everything. There's books that can help you with that, and books that can help you with your ignorance, too.

Of course, they might challenge your ideas, and that clearly is something you wouldn't be able to stand being nothing more than a mushy-minded idealogue.


New Member
Bac to the wonder that is Presidential canidate Palin 2012!!! Running mate rush Limbaugh, Gelnn Beck, or my favorite.... Ann Coulter!!!


New Member
the whole thing is appalling, bush should have been impeached, they got clinton for a BJ.

oh and :finger:you:finger:you:finger:you, :hug:ur cool, i'm out:hump:


Active Member
If Palin is to have any chance she should start getting some serious stuff done in AK.
I mean all shes doing now is arguing with Letterman.

And btw what the hell has Biden done so far? ..I mean I read the news a good deal and the only time I hear mention of him is when hes giving a speech praising Obama.


New Member
If Palin is to have any chance she should start getting some serious stuff done in AK.
I mean all shes doing now is arguing with Letterman.

And btw what the hell has Biden done so far? ..I mean I read the news a good deal and the only time I hear mention of him is when hes giving a speech praising Obama.
Biden is in an undisclosed location, busy keeping quiet.


New Member
the vice presiedent is supposed to be a dumb douchebag that makes the president look better....i.e CHENEY....try another one fellas.:hump:


New Member
So what do you think the republican party will do with her? You know she is going to try to run for Pres... Will the party give her a vp role to shut her and her vocal supporters up?