Palin 2012


New Member
The weak debating skills being exhibited by the left wingers in this forum is simply appalling. I guess it has something to do with lack of substance, lack of education, or perhaps a very low testosterone level? :lol:



New Member
The weak debating skills being exhibited by the left wingers in this forum is simply appalling. I guess it has something to do with lack of substance, lack of education, or perhaps a very low testosterone level? :lol:


the fact that republicans cling to every minute detail in a meager, pathetic attempt to regain any sort of credibility, is in fact hilarious... :hump::peace:


New Member
Wait, social security has been fucked up for decades.. Are you seriously going to blame that on Obama? Fuck it, blame Obama because the sky is blue.. Its gotta be his fault. Accourding to you everything else is his fault...

Why do all of your posts sound like you got sand in your vagina?
Read my post Olosto. I said Obama AND HIS ILK. His Ilk would include any statist who has occupied the White House, the Congress and the Senate.

May I suggest that you start a reading program, Olosto? Here's a good start:



Well-Known Member
You, my friend are a fucking idiot. Do you honestly believe that anyone who is anti the fascist Obama is pro Bush? As a person in favor of Obama, you are in in actuality, a person in favor of the distruction of the American way. You are in favor of the distruction of individual liberty, free minds and free markets.

Obama hasn't run a god-damned thing before his introduction into his first executive job ... the president of the United States. He was nothing more than a ghetto street organizer ... and this is the guy you would put in charge of our futures and the futures of our grand children? This is the guy you would put in charge of our entire health care? This is the same guy ... and his ilk, who has completly destroyed our housing market. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Medicare. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Social Security. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has nationalized the auto industry, the banks, the lending industry ... and next, health care. This is a guy ... and his ilk who are now the laughing stock of political leaders around the world. This is the guy ... and his ilk, who have emboldened our enemies and those who would harm us, like N. Korea and the totalitarian leaders in Iran and Palistine.

Again ... you are a fucking idiot ... and even more. You are a dolt and an uneducated moron. In addition, you are an unwitting dupe who is promoting fascism.

Now go pound sand.

Tell us how you really feel Vi!

Why haven't you left this forum yet? Most people want to see you out of here, so please leave. You really are not welcome.


Well-Known Member
The weak debating skills being exhibited by the left wingers in this forum is simply appalling. I guess it has something to do with lack of substance, lack of education, or perhaps a very low testosterone level? :lol:

First of all, I'm not responding because I'm a 'left winger'. I'm responding because you're trying to establish your authority as a master debater (he he) when you simply insult people in an extremely vitriolic manner. You're a joke. You have no business lecturing to anyone. I'm so tired of hearing you viciously insult others. Why? Why do you do it? What is wrong with you? What childhood horror made you like this?


Well-Known Member
agree Vi. anyone who is pro socialism is an idiot. the bigger the government the bigger the problems.
Wow - such a strong blanket statement. The majority of Denmark - idiots. The majority of Sweden - idiots. The majority of France - idiots. The majority of England - idiots. The majority if Iceland - idiots.

It may be true that socialism will not succeed in America, but are those who believe that it might really all idiots?


New Member
First of all, I'm not responding because I'm a 'left winger'. I'm responding because you're trying to establish your authority as a master debater (he he) when you simply insult people in an extremely vitriolic manner. You're a joke. You have no business lecturing to anyone. I'm so tired of hearing you viciously insult others. Why? Why do you do it? What is wrong with you? What childhood horror made you like this?

oh my lord... thank you fellow hoosier. i hate right wing authoritative bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Wow - such a strong blanket statement. The majority of Denmark - idiots. The majority of Sweden - idiots. The majority of France - idiots. The majority of England - idiots. The majority if Iceland - idiots.

It may be true that socialism will not succeed in America, but are those who believe that it might really all idiots?
i stand corrected :cry:. In America.. pro-socialism supporters are idiots. thats not how we we're founded.

oh my lord... thank you fellow hoosier. i hate right wing authoritative bullshit.
pshhh kiss-ass lol


New Member
Tell us how you really feel Vi!

Why haven't you left this forum yet? Most people want to see you out of here, so please leave. You really are not welcome.
Why haven't I left? Because there is still too much work to be done. :lol:

And by the way, jrh, did someone nominate you as the forum's jack-booted thug? Are you really the chosen one that decides who stays and who goes? What poll have you run to determine that "most people want me out of the forum?" And for what reason would they want me out, other than I represent a threat to their sacred cows?



New Member
there goes the ''jack boot'' gestapo gibberish again.
How did an Italian become such a dupe?

Come on man ... remember your heritage! We Italians don't take shit from anyone ... nor do we allow ourselves to be enslaved. We are our own masters, remember? Not only that, but we make the most beautiful cars on the planet ... not to mention our women! :lol:

Oh yeah ... and our food rocks too!

Now, get your shit together.



New Member
Why haven't I left? Because there is still too much work to be done. :lol:

And by the way, jrh, did someone nominate you as the forum's jack-booted thug? Are you really the chosen one that decides who stays and who goes? What poll have you run to determine that "most people want me out of the forum?" And for what reason would they want me out, other than I represent a threat to their sacred cows?

No you should stay, every perspective is valuable. You should however turn the asshole knob down a few notches that would make you a little less abrasive. Being an asshole in your posts does not make your arguements appear anymore believable, in fact on the contrary!


New Member
How did an Italian become such a dupe?

Come on man ... remember your heritage! We Italians don't take shit from anyone ... nor do we allow ourselves to be enslaved. We are our own masters, remember? Not only that, but we make the most beautiful cars on the planet ... not to mention our women! :lol:

Oh yeah ... and our food rocks too!

Now, get your shit together.

how did an italian become such a republican extremist, fascist right-winger el duce should be an indicator that is not the way towards success. actually my fellow italian, it sickens me that we are included in even the slightest category, now go pound sand, and what does cars and women have to do with me not being an extreist nazi?kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
how did an italian become such a republican extremist, fascist right-winger el duce should be an indicator that is not the way towards success. actually my fellow italian, it sickens me that we are included in even the slightest category, now go pound sand, and what does cars and women have to do with me not being an extreist nazi?kiss-ass
Why call others hate mongerers when you are one yourself?


New Member
it was a sickening attempt to sway me to the dark side that almost made me vomit...:spew:... no sympathy. so your one of them...kiss-ass


New Member
No you should stay, every perspective is valuable. You should however turn the asshole knob down a few notches that would make you a little less abrasive. Being an asshole in your posts does not make your arguements appear anymore believable, in fact on the contrary!
Well, I think you are mistaking my passion for "asshole-ism." :lol:

But with that said, you DO make a good point. I'll try to tone it down a bit, but not for the reasons you may imagine, olosto. I'll tone it down so the dupes will read my posts beyond the name calling ... perhaps they will learn something beyond the K-12 indoctrination they suffered at the hands of our government schools.



New Member
Well, I think you are mistaking my passion for "asshole-ism." :lol:

But with that said, you DO make a good point. I'll try to tone it down a bit, but not for the reasons you may imagine, olosto. I'll tone it down so the dupes will read my posts beyond the name calling ... perhaps they will learn something beyond the K-12 indoctrination they suffered at the hands of our government schools.

Fair nuff. :peace: