Pandemic 2020

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Local hospitalizations of the variants is running at 8%. And 25% of the hospitalized are in ICU. In other provinces younger people are getting it and hospital stays are longer. A third of the infections are now the new variant, they were barely on the radar before.

Vaccine age has dropped to 64. At the rate we are going it will be two weeks to make an appointment. I think I can hang out for another month. But it is getting hard.
Local hospitalizations of the variants is running at 8%. And 25% of the hospitalized are in ICU. In other provinces younger people are getting it and hospital stays are longer. A third of the infections are now the new variant, they were barely on the radar before.

Vaccine age has dropped to 64. At the rate we are going it will be two weeks to make an appointment. I think I can hang out for another month. But it is getting hard.
We need more vaccine supplies and are getting some, but I figure we need more ASAP and at the clip the Americans are going I think enough people will be covered to get some more. The Astra Zeneca vaccine has been discontinued for under 55, but there are plenty of people over that age who will want it. A single dose of the mRNA vaccines is 80% effective and I think we should go with that cause the supply situation is improving all the time and delayed second doses are even more effective according to research.
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From this data I'd say over 80% of American adults will get the vaccine by fall and the rest might get a new nasty variant of covid sooner than they think, covid gives immunity too. As the vaccine rolls out confidence grows, especially with the positive studies we've seen thus far. In a month or two vaccine supply should start outstripping demand in the US, with the addition of new vaccines and increased production of approved ones.

The hospitals filling with younger people with the new more virulent strains, might also make an impression on the younger and middle aged groups and increase the vaccination rate further.
Poll: 61% of Americans have been vaccinated or intend to be (

Poll: 61% of Americans have been vaccinated or intend to be

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Think the count is now at 6 of the inlaws having covid. The grandpa is in the hospital. Multiple people had to go over and make the grandma stay home as she was bound and determined to keep her weekly hair appointment. It's just so weird, they all work or worked in healthcare...but zero cognitive ability to follow basic reasonable health precautions.

And again...dammit, this really warrants an I told you so but well, not a dick and hope they get better.
Think the count is now at 6 of the inlaws having covid. The grandpa is in the hospital. Multiple people had to go over and make the grandma stay home as she was bound and determined to keep her weekly hair appointment. It's just so weird, they all work or worked in healthcare...but zero cognitive ability to follow basic reasonable health precautions.

And again...dammit, this really warrants an I told you so but well, not a dick and hope they get better.
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If they caught it early there's a good chance they might get antibody treatment, especially if they are older, they pulled one antibody, but there are a few others that are effective against variants and there is a good supply. Trump would be in Hell now if it weren't for antibodies, but ya gotta catch it in time, Trump just got in under the wire, but it took a round or two out of the fucker.
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Pfizer announced Wednesday that its COVID-19 vaccine is safe and strongly protective in kids as young as 12, a step toward possibly beginning shots in this age group before they head back to school in the fall.

Most COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out worldwide are for adults, who are at higher risk from the coronavirus. Pfizer’s vaccine is authorized for ages 16 and older. But vaccinating children of all ages will be critical to stopping the pandemic — and helping schools, at least the upper grades, start to look a little more normal after months of disruption.

In a study of 2,260 U.S. volunteers ages 12 to 15, preliminary data showed there were no cases of COVID-19 among fully vaccinated adolescents compared to 18 among those given dummy shots, Pfizer reported.

It’s a small study, that hasn’t yet been published, so another important piece of evidence is how well the shots revved up the kids’ immune systems. Researchers reported high levels of virus-fighting antibodies, somewhat higher than were seen in studies of young adults.

Kids had side effects similar to young adults, the company said. The main side effects are pain, fever, chills and fatigue, particularly after the second dose. The study will continue to track participants for two years for more information about long-term protection and safety.

Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech in the coming weeks plan to ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European regulators to allow emergency use of the shots starting at age 12.

“We share the urgency to expand the use of our vaccine,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement. He expressed “the hope of starting to vaccinate this age group before the start of the next school year” in the United States.

Pfizer isn’t the only company seeking to lower the age limit for its vaccine. Results also are expected soon from a U.S. study of Moderna’s vaccine in 12- to 17-year-olds.

But in a sign that the findings were promising, the FDA already allowed both companies to begin U.S. studies in children 11 and younger, working their way to as young as 6-month-old.

AstraZeneca last month began a study of its vaccine among 6- to 17-year-olds in Britain. Johnson & Johnson is planning its own pediatric studies. And in China, Sinovac recently announced it has submitted preliminary data to Chinese regulators showing its vaccine is safe in children as young as 3.

While most COVID-19 vaccines being used globally were first tested in tens of thousands of adults, pediatric studies won’t need to be nearly as large. Scientists have safety information from those studies and from subsequent vaccinations in millions more adults.

One key question is the dosage: Pfizer gave the 12-and-older participants the same dose adults receive, while testing different doses in younger children.

It’s not clear how quickly the FDA would act on Pfizer’s request to allow vaccination starting at age 12. Another question is when the country would have enough supply of shots — and people to get them into adolescents’ arms — to let kids start getting in line.

Supplies are set to steadily increase over the spring and summer, at the same time states are opening vaccinations to younger, healthier adults who until now haven’t had a turn.

Children represent about 13% of COVID-19 cases documented in the U.S. And while children are far less likely than adults to get seriously ill, at least 268 have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. alone and more than 13,500 have been hospitalized, according to a tally by the American Academy of Pediatrics. That’s more than die from the flu in an average year. Additionally, a small number have developed a serious inflammatory condition linked to the coronavirus.

Caleb Chung, who turns 13 later this week, agreed to volunteer after his father, a Duke University pediatrician, presented the option. He doesn’t know if he received the vaccine or a placebo.

“Usually I’m just at home doing online school and there’s not much I can really do to fight back against the virus,” Caleb said in a recent interview. The study “was really somewhere that I could actually help out.”

His father, Dr. Richard Chung, said he’s proud of his son and all the other children volunteering for the needle pricks, blood tests and other tasks a study entails.

“We need kids to do these trials so that kids can get protected. Adults can’t do that for them,” Chung said.
People here are doing pretty good so far, we would be much better but a lot of the increase is the new variant. It is time to get out the N-95's. I spent enough hours around ICU's that when this first started last year I beat the drum on protecting yourself and others.
Hear ya,my man from the great white north,wish you and other Canadians I've met here could export your common sense SOUTH, the fractured response to Covid by Cheeto Adm.,Rep Governors,and all unmaskers,and antivacc. people has made US look very vulnerable to the world IMO.Guess I shouldn't be suprised thar commom sense didn't prevail though as previous 31/2 anarchic yrs. laid a great foundation for a CLUSTERFK to occur.ccguns
Joe is expanding pharmacy's involvement in vaccination efforts significantly and soon America will be up to 5 or 10 million doses a day, 37% of the country has had one dose or more of vaccine and one dose is 80% effective after a couple of weeks. Soon you will be up against the reluctant and the anti vaccers, but the results of the vaccine studies are helping to drive this number down. African Americans and other minorities are coming around to vaccination too and of course the rate goes up as the age increases. When it's no longer killing black people or the Trumpers get that impression, many of them will be lining up to get vaccinated too. Since they can't use the virus as a weapon anymore and will get hit harder by more contagious and virulent strains that will take them down at younger ages. The effect of vaccines is evidenced by the lack of vaccinated old people in the hospitals or even getting seriously ill, this is making an impression on many. The efficacy of the vaccines, provided there are no serious issues with variants should see older and middle aged people driving the economy again by summer, people will have the confidence to go out more, even with a mask on, but studies are showing this might not be required.

I figure when Joe gets Americans covered and has a reserve supply, Canada might get more too!
Absolutely have to hook up our friends up north,the longest peaceful border in the world,also a nice National Anthem, can I also interest you in some F35 fighter jets WILL SELL AT COST LOLccguns
Top Trump adviser pursued his own COVID-19 medical supply deals, documents show
In a memo dated March 1, 2020, former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro warned Trump of the urgent need to “MOVE IN TRUMP TIME" to "STAY AHEAD OF VIRUS CURVE.”

According to the memo, Navarro said there was "not enough movement" on key actions and urged the administration to invest in drug ingredients, especially those that could not be manufactured in the U.S., as well as rapid, handheld coronavirus tests.

Navarro criticized the speed of the administration's response and noted that he had been focusing on ensuring sufficient personal protective equipment and procuring accurate diagnostics ever since the first news of a viral outbreak in China.

"There is NO downside risk to taking swift actions as an insurance policy against what may be a very serious public health emergency. If the covid-19 crisis quickly recedes, the only thing we will have been guilty of is prudence,” Navarro wrote.

Navarro was rebuffed by Trump, who publicly said the U.S. should not be in the business of acquiring and sending supplies to states.

"The federal government is not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping. You know, we’re not a shipping clerk," Trump said later that month.

But after being ignored, the documents from the committee show that Navarro and other White House officials pursued their own strategies, pushing federal agencies to issue noncompetitive contracts.

Navarro gave a $765 million loan to Eastman Kodak to produce ingredients for generic drugs, a $354 million contract for pharmaceutical ingredients to a new company called Phlow and a $96 million sole-source contract to the AirBoss Defense Group (ADG) for powered respirators and filters.
Guys............just fucking wow.

Does anyone think about the security or whoever the fuck they were. They could be married with kids. Maybe thinking the sick fuck had a gun and if they went running out there they could have been shot dead. Anyone think of that before spouting off and getting these guys SHAME fucked for the rest of their lives.

It's a quick choice, do I go out there or do I not go. He's already being a psycho and attacking this woman. He also reaches into his back near his waist. Not sure if he was fixing his shirt or making sure something there didn't fall out.

But man oh man if that happened in front of me I don't know what I would have done. It would have had to be a split moments decision because if I went out there he never gets a second kick off. If I stay IN the building then I'm SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER for someone to call the cops that a woman is getting attacked outside.

That's what I really see wrong here. He stood there and WATCHED and did NOTHING while she was kicked over and over again. Then some fuckhead comes over and closes the door. Total fucking bullshit worth 20 finger smileys. He did nothing at all. That was the real problem here. Not they they went and played hero, but they did absolutely nothing. Fuck them. They deserve the shame and loss of job IMO :finger:
They could have called 911 with no risk. If they are that scared, they need to get a new line of work. Them and the building management are shamed. It is something you do to yourself.
He was a big dude, for sure. At the minimum you could yell something about the police and see if that gets him scurrying off. To close the door, probably because she was yelling for help, that's just when you're dead inside.
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