Well-Known Member
Michigan is now the worst covid hot spot in the country.
got my 2nd Pfizer shot do you spell relief?
v a c c i n e
Never could figure out the swiss cheese position of Reps. Pro life (some even against abortion for rape pregnancies) but talk about baby machines,welfare,etc so let me conclude your against abortion and against virtually any assistance for struggling families w/children or single mothersw/multiple children. Isn't that a sado-masochist position that basically says your poor and pregnant and can't afford more children but you have to have the child and struggle evenmore cause life is precious but not so precious to be given more help, so have the child so we can mock and stereotype you even more for our amusement, is this it or is it me?ccgunsUnless they're in cellular form. Then of course they're dead set against it.
And don't forget those tulips we all need at EASTER time, probably should just jab more unvaccinated Dutch w/Pfizer as stats have now shown 1st shot at least 80% protection after 2-3 wks.ccgunsFrom record deaths to record vaccinations. Yet some people still can’t tell the difference between Trump and Biden.
Situation still bad in NL, though curve seems to go down a bit now 1/6th of the population is vaccinated. That’s only 2.7mil doses. We have almost a million more in stock... stupid, it’s mostly a reserve for the second shot. As if there won’t be any new vaccines delivered by the time people need that second shot. We’re also giving away nearly 200k doses ‘extra’ to some eastern europea countries cause they suck even more at handling covid. Out of “solidarity“. As if we’re not already paying for the vaccines and stimulus measures in the EU. I’m all for helping other countries but to me it’s like oxygen masks in a crashing airplane, always put on your own first. Still in dutch variant of lockdown (not sure they understand the meaning of the word....), still evening curfew (starts at 22:00 so meh). NL was one of the first to make deals with vaccine developers, handed over the contract to EU so they could divide it per country based on population, and now we’re giving away vaccines on top of that.Hey but if you’re ship gets stuck who you’re gonna call
EU was supposed to be merely a monetary and economic union but well, can’t blame the UK for leaving.
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Covid: Europe's vaccine rollout 'unacceptably slow' - WHO
The WHO says the situation in the wider Europe region is more worrying than it has been in several
My 2nd Pfizer is hrs. away ccgunsAnd don't forget those tulips we all need at EASTER time, probably should just jab more unvaccinated Dutch w/Pfizer as stats have now shown 1st shot at least 80% protection after 2-3 wks.ccguns
Who gives a fuck? They are a bunch of dumb hockey players who make millions of dollars running around chasing a puck .14 players for the Canucks have the Brazil variant and some of them are very ill.
We gotta double down on masks and distancing until vaccinated, here in Canada that's a long time coming so far. We will soon see how the vaccines do against the Brazil variant. It looks like ya can't buy yer way to a vaccine, cause they would have got one. I figure many wealthy and connected as well as the sleazoids have jumped the line in the states though.14 players for the Canucks have the Brazil variant and some of them are very ill.
Long covid has been my main concern since early on, the media seemed to ignore these reports for the most part until recently. The media seemed to go with the assumption that if it didn't kill you, you would recover and you would be immune to it after. Anyone that closely followed covid coverage from around the world from early on could see the flashing red lights and hear the sirens warning that this thing was not like the flu and that recovery and immunity was not a given. Seems like every time I saw a scientist sound a alarm early on they were marginalized as over reacting or fear mongering. I think many governments pressured scientists to not scare the public with their concerns unless they had absolute proof. This left the anti vaccine and hoax psychos with the loudest voices in the media and led to our current situation of denial among so many. At best this will be with us for years and vaccines and other treatments will lessen the death and chronic illness. At worse this thing will continue to mutate and become more deadly and infectious and immunity will be short lived. They need to get serious about travel and mandate serious quarantine for anyone crossing borders. Unless they come up with some huge breakthrough in treatment or prevention things are still going downhill.
Unless they're in cellular form. Then of course they're dead set against it.
Long covid has been my main concern since early on, the media seemed to ignore these reports for the most part until recently. The media seemed to go with the assumption that if it didn't kill you, you would recover and you would be immune to it after. Anyone that closely followed covid coverage from around the world from early on could see the flashing red lights and hear the sirens warning that this thing was not like the flu and that recovery and immunity was not a given. Seems like every time I saw a scientist sound a alarm early on they were marginalized as over reacting or fear mongering. I think many governments pressured scientists to not scare the public with their concerns unless they had absolute proof. This left the anti vaccine and hoax psychos with the loudest voices in the media and led to our current situation of denial among so many. At best this will be with us for years and vaccines and other treatments will lessen the death and chronic illness. At worse this thing will continue to mutate and become more deadly and infectious and immunity will be short lived. They need to get serious about travel and mandate serious quarantine for anyone crossing borders. Unless they come up with some huge breakthrough in treatment or prevention things are still going downhill.