Pandemic 2020

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Wait till inflation really kicks in, then we’ll see who the idiot is
Trump gave out a lot of stimulus money, if he didn't Wall street would say the world was coming to the end and everybody would be running for the door causing the world to end. As it was the people that needed the money to survive spent it on necessities and the rest banked it because they got caught one and if they don't save it in case shit goes bad again it will not be shame on you but shame on me.

Now that things are looking up people are spending the cash they saved up. In turn the people selling the stuff are doing the classical supply and demand, people will pay more so they are trying to get the most amount of profit as they can to make up for the lost last year. But that also is not including the increased cost of stuff from the manufacturers. Because of the disruptions, even the ship in the Suez Canal getting stuck, the just in time supply system getting upset, people missing work from the virus, plants shut down to stop the spread of the virus, everything acts to increase costs. There is no slack in our world now. No warehouses full of stuff for when people need it. Wonderful when things run right, not so robust a system for disruptions though.

It was obvious inflation will come back last year no matter who was president. It is a world wide thing, not only in America.
So let’s pump out a 2k fourth stimulus check, it’s easy as printing money… consequences be dammed !
Kind of like, reduce taxes as in Trump's tax cuts with nothing to replace them.

The democrats want to reverse them. That part of there paying for their goodies. Trump was irresponsible poring gas on the fire when the economy was working on all cylinders.
Inflation troll is bullshit.

In late 2019 Trump was already screwing up the economy so that when the pandemic hit in 2020 the economy melted.

So it makes sense that this year prices would start to rebound making it look super high (based on the relatively low inflation for the last few decades) because

People pulling the 'inflation' troll maybe were distracted by all the protests over the summer, fires, insurrection, election, whatever it is, but the economy was crushed during the entire year of 2020 because of the lack of a federal response due to Trump/Republican leadership.

So it makes sense that this year those prices will increase (just like they do every year) but the percentage is going to be huge because it is increasing from a pandemic exacerbated recession from the year before.

How much has Obama err um I mean Biden raised the national debt so far ?
Nothing like what Trump and the Republicans had in 2020.
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What fox talking point have I used again ?
They are pushing the inflation troll right now, which lines up with your last few posts.

Their lame ass attempts to rewrite history for obvious trolls are stale. The Republicans jacked up the economy and dumped it off again on the Democrats and now the right wing media syndicate is acting like the very real impacts of this is somehow proof of whatever 'owning the lib' narrative they happen to be pushing.
Not even a full year in, we’ll see what the next 3 or even 7 bring the debt…anyone remember post WWII…and just because fox is talking about inflation dosent make it not true of inevitable, maybe they finally got something right ?
Not even a full year in, we’ll see what the next 3 or even 7 bring the debt…anyone remember post WWII…and just because fox is talking about inflation dosent make it not true of inevitable, maybe they finally got something right ?
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Post ww2, when all those white men got all those cheap ass loans from the government that were paid for by about 90%ish tax on income over $400k a year (pretty sure, might be worth double checking, but about these numbers). That helped build America's middle class.

But then the Wealthy Melanin-lite Heterosexual Human Male Only agenda whipped up a plan to cut off the cities with their highways to the burbs, gerrymander the districts to keep power out of those cities hands on the state level, and create hate radio which morphs into Fox News, and then everything online that is designed to look like news which ultimately spreads to every corner of the internet by paid propaganda trolls.

Anyways, what exactly are you worried about with inflation being high in 7 years?

I actually heard a really interesting point in that Fed hearing the other day about inflation with housing if a large supply was put on the market it would easily take care of any high inflation.

That made me think about all those houses that states have been snatching up. My guess is that the only reason the Republicans are Squealing about this is that they melted the economy too close to an election and the mega wealthy were not able to vacuums up all those distressed properties.
Canada to open border for vaccinated Americans starting Aug. 9
“As a first step, starting August 9, 2021, Canada plans to begin allowing entry to American citizens and permanent residents, who are currently residing in the United States, and have been fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to entering Canada for non-essential travel,” the Canadian government said in a statement on Monday.

The announcement comes ahead of Sept. 7, when the government said it plans on opening Canada’s borders to all fully vaccinated travelers, if the “domestic epidemiologic situation remains favourable.”

Dumb-ass Republicans can stay home (RINO's welcome).
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