Pandemic 2020

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remember the pearl clutch with Delta and thinking that would be it. Thanks, MAGATS!:finger:
If cases are as bad as delta, the MAGATS will suffer in large numbers, of that you can rest assured, few will escape unscathed by spring. Being vaxxed and boosted helps with the severity of cases though and staying out of the hospital and having an easy ride are the best most of us can hope for. I figure we are all due for the Wu Flu sooner or later, it's endemic now, if you're vaxxed and boosted it will be the Wu Flu, if not, it might be a rough ride or a grave. It looks like God or Darwin cursed 40% of republicans who are unvaxxed, the vaxxed might get covid this time around, but the unvaxxed will get hammered and it appears most of them are republican or lean that way. Also with this highly contagious variant, masks are more important than ever to slow it's spread and they don't like masks either. We need to slow the spread to save the hospitals, a lot of cases at once will lead to disaster and increased mortality rates as hospitals and staff are overwhelmed, exposed and must isolate or are burned out.
:D :twisted:

I wish either one of these was a post reaction option. Some sort of evil grin for stories like that.
If cases are as bad as delta, the MAGATS will suffer in large numbers, of that you can rest assured, few will escape unscathed by spring. Being vaxxed and boosted helps with the severity of cases though and staying out of the hospital and having an easy ride are the best most of us can hope for. I figure we are all due for the Wu Flu sooner or later, it's endemic now, if you're vaxxed and boosted it will be the Wu Flu, if not, it might be a rough ride or a grave. It looks like God or Darwin cursed 40% of republicans who are unvaxxed, the vaxxed might get covid this time around, but the unvaxxed will get hammered and it appears most of them are republican or lean that way. Also with this highly contagious variant, masks are more important than ever to slow it's spread and they don't like masks either. We need to slow the spread to save the hospitals, a lot of cases at once will lead to disaster and increased mortality rates as hospitals and staff are overwhelmed, exposed and must isolate or are burned out.

the MAGATS will be all stuffed inside together and many within families will die if not whole families; it's kind of like someone/something gave us a poke to straighten our shit out with COVID19..MAGATS didn't change their way; then came Delta and they're still at it; resistance from the MAGATS everywhere brought on Omicron.

these variants are our doing- i've been working on a few antivaxxers but they're tough i've got one who was a no, now she's time i'm in her store i'll see where she's at and hopefully took my advice..they just don't listen though until it hits close to home and effect them personally.
someone just sent me a scam text that there is a pending transaction $791.09 for Amazon and if i haven't made this order it will be posted to my credit card if i don't call them..guess what i'm going to do? :fire:

for some reason i think it will involve money orders. 754 South own peeps..even better.
Had my work Xmas shindig. Everyone mocked the dude that caught it twice during all this. Guy didn't stay home. Nobody else had had it.

Still had to shake hands a bunch dammit. Ah well, i took some hand sanitizer with me.
Had my work Xmas shindig. Everyone mocked the dude that caught it twice during all this. Guy didn't stay home. Nobody else had had it.

Still had to shake hands a bunch dammit. Ah well, i took some hand sanitizer with me.
I took a pass on my work Xmas party, glad I did, when I got boosted along w/influenza shot about a month ago there were no lines or hype to get one, how fast things change, seemed everything had settled down, now three shots is considered fully vaxed w/a more transmittable variant on the scene, if there is one lesson to be learned in these last 20 months its that things change real fast, i came to that conclusion a long time ago. In Mass. I've noticed an alarming decrease in masking and hope Gov. Baker initiates mandantory masking indoors at public venues ASAP. It's pretty scary how non-chalant some people have become.ccguns
Federal appeals court reinstates Biden's vaccine mandate
A federal appeals court on Friday reinstated the Biden administration's vaccine-or-test mandate for businesses with at least 100 employees, a measure that impacts tens of millions of workers across the country.

The decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit comes after the Biden administration asked the Cincinnati-based court in late November to reinstate its workplace vaccine mandate that was blocked by a court order.

The appeals court said in its Friday ruling that “based on the wealth of information" in its 153-page preamble that explains why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an emergency temporary standard, “it is difficult to imagine what more OSHA could do or rely on to justify its finding that workers face a grave danger in the workplace.”

“It is not appropriate to second-guess that agency determination considering the substantial evidence, including many peer-reviewed scientific studies, on which it relied. Indeed, OSHA need not demonstrate scientific certainty,” the court continued.

The court said that it would be dissolving a stay issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in November as a result.

“OSHA has demonstrated the pervasive danger that COVID-19 poses to workers—unvaccinated workers in particular—in their workplaces,” the court said in its ruling.
Canada to reinstate testing requirement for returning travelers
Canada announced on Friday that it would be reinstating a testing requirement for returning travelers that have left the country in an effort to manage the spread of the omicron variant.

The country said that people returning to Canada after short-term international travel — in this case, less than 72 hours — would be required to show negative COVID-19 results from a PCR test.

U.S.'s northern neighbor noted that the pre-arrival test had to be taken before entering back into the country.

The Canadian government also announced that travel restrictions would be lifted on residents coming back from 10 African countries. The restrictions no longer be in place as of Saturday at 11:59 p.m.

The Canadian government noted that a requirement for Canadians who had traveled to any of the 10 countries would no longer need to show a negative COVID-19 test and quarantine while waiting for their results.

However, Canada urged its residents against non-essential travel, noting “now is not the time to travel.”
Hospitals Struggle as COVID Beds Fill: Hits 'Keep Coming'
Hospitals across the country are struggling to cope with burnout among doctors, nurses and other workers, already buffeted by a crush of patients from the ongoing surge of the COVID-19 delta variant and now bracing for the fallout of another highly transmissible mutation.

Ohio became the latest state to summon the National Guard to help overwhelmed medical facilities. Experts in Nebraska warned its hospitals soon might need to ration care. Medical officials in Kansas and Missouri are delaying surgeries, turning away transfers and desperately trying to hire traveling nurses, as cases double and triple in an eerie reminder of last year's holiday season.

"There is no medical school class that can prepare you for this level of death," said Dr. Jacqueline Pflaum-Carlson, an emergency medicine specialist at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. "The hits just keep coming."

The national seven-day average of COVID-19 hospital admissions was 60,000 by Wednesday, far off last winter's peak but 50% higher than in early November, the government reported. The situation is more acute in cold-weather regions, where people are increasingly gathering inside and new infections are piling up.

"We are in a situation where we are now facing a very important delta surge and we are looking over our shoulder at an oncoming omicron surge," Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, said of the two COVID-19 variants.

Experts attribute most of the rise in cases and hospitalizations to infections among people who have not been inoculated against the coronavirus. The government says 61% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated.

Ohio's National Guard deployment is one of the largest seen during the pandemic, with more than 1,000 members sent to beleaguered hospitals especially in the Akron, Canton and Cleveland areas.

Pflaum-Carlson, the doctor at Detroit's Henry Ford Health, made a public plea for people to get the shots both for their benefit and for those toiling on the frontlines of care. Eighty percent of the roughly 500 COVID-19 patients at the system's five hospitals were unvaccinated,

Fear fear fear for the common cold.

Ooh! Scary! Go ahead, go get in line to get your 17th booster. It’ll save you.

These are all blue states, hopefully they all die quickly before they move to red states to destroy them.

Midwest Todd
… said the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" continues to swamp the hospital and its workers.
Mildly shocked Newsmocks didn’t edit this out..
The decision was easy from a public health point of view but it wasn’t easy to disappoint my 86 year old parents who are getting worried they might not see us again.
Well if their like me, yes it’s a concern about seeing anyone again, but I also appreciate my kids concerns about infecting me and what they would be having to deal with if they did :(. My one daughter is doing a PCR 2 days prior and a quick test before they drive from Ottawa, the other won’t be coming, she’s in Bermuda and her husband is stuck in UK after a positive PCR just before their flight home, she got on, he didn’t. He won’t make it back till 27th. :(. I figure that’s a best as it can get without me able to get a booster, to see the one anyways. The quickest I could get an appointment is Jan. 20 and I tried 15 different locations before I said fuck it and took what I could get, before all hell breaks loose, re it opening to everyone for booster on Monday.
so do i that's why i love talking about it however you can't deny facts even if they are unexplained. the fact here is there is something happening around the world YTs of this really loud sound some say trumpet-like; can last for minutes to hours. nobody seems to know WTF it is so sound engineers have been trying to figure this out; they figured out it's 3 notes drawn out very long; if it's sped up it's recognizable to us.

well that was a cunt of an answer- thanks for the debate, friend.
Trumpets and sound engineers??? The telling of the future?? Do you have citation for this trumpet noise?? You seem to be heading into a bit of a crisis situation :o! I would suggest going out more but well that’s not good advice right now. Perhaps PM DIY for some meditative support! :o!
Trumpets and sound engineers??? The telling of the future?? Do you have citation for this trumpet noise?? You seem to be heading into a bit of a crisis situation :o! I would suggest going out more but well that’s not good advice right now. Perhaps PM DIY for some meditative support! :o!

The Foo Fighters was so loud, my chest hurt. May just have been my distance/location from the speakers but it was uncomfortable.

Although not produced by trumpets, there is this:

The most dangerous frequency is at the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain: 7 hz. This is also the resonant frequency of the body’s organs. At high volumes, infrasound can directly affect the human central nervous system, causing disorientation, anxiety, panic, bowel spasms, nausea, vomiting and eventually organ rupture or even death from prolonged exposure.

Last night on Washington Week in Review they were talking about the difference in vax rate between the parties. 61% of Republicans are vaxed compared to 91% of Democrats. I was shocked that it was not bigger. (or maybe I heard it on NPR yesterday)

There was a story on NPR about church going people believing their church leaders more than anyone else with Covid-19 information. Black churches have the highest vax rate of any churches in America. Polls among church goers show that the leaders in those churches urge their flock to take the vaccine. While white evangelical churches have the lowest vax rates and polls show they either don't urge their people to take it, or actively urge them not to.
The Foo Fighters was so loud, my chest hurt. May just have been my distance/location from the speakers but it was uncomfortable.

Although not produced by trumpets, there is this:

The most dangerous frequency is at the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain: 7 hz. This is also the resonant frequency of the body’s organs. At high volumes, infrasound can directly affect the human central nervous system, causing disorientation, anxiety, panic, bowel spasms, nausea, vomiting and eventually organ rupture or even death from prolonged exposure.

:o! Sounds painful!
Last night on Washington Week in Review they were talking about the difference in vax rate between the parties. 61% of Republicans are vaxed compared to 91% of Democrats. I was shocked that it was not bigger. (or maybe I heard it on NPR yesterday)

There was a story on NPR about church going people believing their church leaders more than anyone else with Covid-19 information. Black churches have the highest vax rate of any churches in America. Polls among church goers show that the leaders in those churches urge their flock to take the vaccine. While white evangelical churches have the lowest vax rates and polls show they either don't urge their people to take it, or actively urge them not to.
I would assume this new variant will affect those numbers ……. Na probably not :(.
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